Scrapm3tal 님이 작성:
What to do against map mod, skills chain 2 times. this has been a problem for many a totem builds i know, but do you have a special trick to mitigate the damage? Maybe, hit and run tactics or perma basalt flask?
Nothing more you can do aside from putting away your golem and spreading out your totems, its easier for the non-hierophant builds since its 2 totems vs 4.
글 작성자:Lighty#26872016. 9. 10. 오후 7:13:20
vick666 님이 작성:
Thanks for your build! atm i'm level 85 and very strong build,nice job Lighty! 22k with gems level 19.
My gear:
Your shield is great, rest looks okay; keep it up
글 작성자:Lighty#26872016. 9. 10. 오후 7:17:10
ilizan 님이 작성:
If going hierophant we should always go from Templar or is Scion slayer+hierophant combo alright too? Because I saw the skill tree for hierophant starting from Templar and then I'm not sure what to do. I was following Scion Life skill tree and planned to go Slayer+Chieftain but Hierophant combo seems nice with the artificial 5l + 3 totems since Rime Gaze is really cheap (SC Essence). Thanks in advance and congratulations on this amazing build.
The rimegaze hiero from slayer works well to start but is replaced by a 6l, chieftan is the best if you want a lazy playstle but raider is better overall; just requires more activity.
글 작성자:Lighty#26872016. 9. 10. 오후 7:18:29
cyranorick 님이 작성:
Time to say "Thanks 4 the build" .. first time I am playing the same build for another season. :)
Welcome buddy, lmk if you got any questions
글 작성자:Lighty#26872016. 9. 10. 오후 7:18:51
Kuzuryou 님이 작성:
Hi. Since I'm going slayer+assassin I'm not very much convinced about it's survival on high tier maps compared to slayer+chieftain or slayer+hierophant and also the problem of the assassin one being so expensive to gear at beginning (using divinarius atm). Which one do you think could offer better results for atlas completion?
Slayer + Raider is the best if you cant afford double void battery, can complete the atlas without issue.
글 작성자:Lighty#26872016. 9. 10. 오후 7:20:10
dperls 님이 작성:
Im curious about heirohant vs chieftain also. It seems like having a third totem would have the ability to out DPS a chieftain with only two..but I'm not sure. Have you done any testing on that front?
Its better until you get a 6l, then the minor dps increase isn't worth losing a helmet or having to look after another totem.
글 작성자:Lighty#26872016. 9. 10. 오후 7:20:53
cyranorick 님이 작성:
Damn, I am really getting too old :)
I´m a little lost.. even though I also played this build last season.. I now came up wit the question where the endurance charges for Immortal Call come from, since it does not grant upfront immunity anymore since quite a while.
Dont have any endurance charge generation unless your manually casting enduring cry, immortal call still goes off if you dont have charges, just lasts roughly .5 seconds which is enough to mitigate burst phys damage.
글 작성자:Lighty#26872016. 9. 10. 오후 7:22:10
sunstr1kewh 님이 작성:
what you think about bow build with new essence + 1 totem quiver?
What bow build and new essence
글 작성자:Lighty#26872016. 9. 10. 오후 7:22:37
what you think about bow build with new essence + 1 totem quiver?

any bow + Skirmish
글 작성자:sunstr1kewh#72412016. 9. 10. 오후 8:50:45
sunstr1kewh 님이 작성:
what you think about bow build with new essence + 1 totem quiver?

any bow + Skirmish
This can actually open a few cool things up, blink arrow movement, quiver stat-stick or +1 totem unique. Id rather just use a tri-res life quiver personally, or rearguard. 6% movement bow base could be cool too. Its a solid idea.
글 작성자:Lighty#26872016. 9. 11. 오전 12:56:06