(3.2) [Lighty] Bladefall Totem's - Better Every League Since 2.1

Unk_Particle 님이 작성:
hankinsohl 님이 작성:
I've been running an Iron Will-based version of this build. I tried incorporating Righteous Fire into the mix, but didn't like it.

Anyhow, I'm doing 35K dps per totem with really non-optimal gear (rings and jewels could use a lot of work).

Kinda nice verion :)

Can I ask how it going when you play solo? Which Maps you already done with such, a high armor?


I'm in scrubcore... er, softcore so I've focused on DPS to this point. I've got only 4.8K health but will end up with a bit over 6K eventually (I really need better rings and jewels and I'll be grabbing health nodes for all future levels).

If I were playing in hardcore I'd use this same setup but would take life first, saving the DPS nodes in the witch area for later levels.

Anyhow, mapping is a breeze at least thus far, though I've only run T11 to this point. However, I made this character with the goal of completing all the challenges and I fully expect that it'll be more than capable.

My armor is 47% mitigation with dual doons but I can swap in Lioneyes to boost it a bit (52%) though I've never had occasion to do so. I've just enough armor so that mobs like devourers or plummeting ursa are no problem.
hankinsohl#1231 님이 2016. 1. 11. 오후 6:57:32에 마지막으로 편집
Fantastic guide Lighty as usual, just wanted to give you a shout out - currently 90 on THC and loving it.

I had one question regarding Gems as I near the 'golden' 91 where everything dings Level 20. My question is what is the 'priority' to flipping? I currently have a 20/20 Bladefall (lucky purchase) and two Bladefalls in my offhand about to ding 20, so obviously flip those then aim for 21? With regards to support gems (which I don't have spares leveling of) what would you do personally?

Thanks again!
Am I missing something.............with Clarity/Hatred/HoA and the Sovreignty ring, there's not enough mana to cast totems...or if there is, barely any after that.
IGN: PurpleTrapperPuppet / Perandus
ElPuppet 님이 작성:
Am I missing something.............with Clarity/Hatred/HoA and the Sovreignty ring, there's not enough mana to cast totems...or if there is, barely any after that.

Whats the level of your char, what gear do you have ?
While leveling i used only 2 auras.
At a certain time u have enough mana + mana reg to sustain chain casting totems.
Now at lvl 88 i have 345 mana left with 195 mana reg. Thats enough even for halfreg maps.
Maggsi#0304 님이 2016. 1. 13. 오전 12:37:22에 마지막으로 편집
Hey guys,

what do you think is the better option for a 5L Chest - Added Fire or Concentrated Effect?

Thank you for this post! I am not the world's best PoE player, having died probably ten times between levels 40-52. Tonight for the first time ever I managed to hit 60. I like this quite a bit more than flame totem because it looks cooler and has huge AoE. I can only imagine how good this will be if I manage to get decent gear before dying.

Thanks again - probably nobody is at all impressed but I'm very happy to finally ding 60.
VeePow 님이 작성:
Thank you for this post! I am not the world's best PoE player, having died probably ten times between levels 40-52. Tonight for the first time ever I managed to hit 60. I like this quite a bit more than flame totem because it looks cooler and has huge AoE. I can only imagine how good this will be if I manage to get decent gear before dying.

Thanks again - probably nobody is at all impressed but I'm very happy to finally ding 60.

Everyone has their first time to ding 60, it's still a great accomplishment haha. Some people play a lot with friends, aura bots, or are naturally "good" per say at min-maxing or avoiding danger. Others who haven't played HC arpg's may take quite a while to learn, especially since it's a complex game. But it's definitely the cat's pajamas once you learn. Grats ^^
good build idea even due your skill tree is garbage and could be done million times better :(
Sad to see such builds being seen as "good".
Twitch: twitch.tv/gg_nore | Twitter: @Ler_GG
#3 Hardcore Duelist |
Maggsi 님이 작성:
ElPuppet 님이 작성:
Am I missing something.............with Clarity/Hatred/HoA and the Sovreignty ring, there's not enough mana to cast totems...or if there is, barely any after that.

Whats the level of your char, what gear do you have ?
While leveling i used only 2 auras.
At a certain time u have enough mana + mana reg to sustain chain casting totems.
Now at lvl 88 i have 345 mana left with 195 mana reg. Thats enough even for halfreg maps.

I have roughly 300 mana with 135 per totem cast its enough to map with without issue, even in -60% regen. I often carry a mana flask in harsh regen maps to help aswell.
Sensylis 님이 작성:
Hey guys,

what do you think is the better option for a 5L Chest - Added Fire or Concentrated Effect?

conc effect given the more multiplier and the aoe reduction doesn't seem to be much an issue given bladefalls cast pattern.

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