[2.1/2.2 WIP]Belton's In Depth Hidden Potential Caustic Arrow Guide. 35k+ DPS Atziri/Ubers/HC Viable

Belton 님이 2016. 1. 8. 오후 7:06:50에 마지막으로 편집
i actually bought 2 3 mods jewels, a bit cheaper then 1 ex each, so its not that bad, 4 mod are unobtainable for sure(or for retarded prices)
I could use some better gear(if u are not overpricing like guys in trade channel huh).
How do i find u in game?
LostSinner666 님이 2016. 1. 9. 오전 1:29:15에 마지막으로 편집
LostSinner666 님이 작성:
i actually bought 2 3 mods jewels, a bit cheaper then 1 ex each, so its not that bad, 4 mod are unobtainable for sure(or for retarded prices)
I could use some better gear(if u are not overpricing like guys in trade channel huh).
How do i find u in game?

Can message me anytime, character names are BeltonX and BeltonXX. Although. I recently sold alot of my gear, I'm sure there are some pieces I could help you out with.

Hey mate, I've a question regarding drillneck. Is it still worth using? I've heard alot of people saying it no longer affects cloud damage, and it doesnt seem to affect the tooltip in any way.
ILuvCookie 님이 작성:
Hey mate, I've a question regarding drillneck. Is it still worth using? I've heard alot of people saying it no longer affects cloud damage, and it doesnt seem to affect the tooltip in any way.

I was wondering the same thing after i read that he is unable to use pierce gem, but when i remove drillneck clod dmg actually drops 2500+ so... afaik it still affects.
A build that only has might is not mighty.
ILuvCookie 님이 작성:
Hey mate, I've a question regarding drillneck. Is it still worth using? I've heard alot of people saying it no longer affects cloud damage, and it doesnt seem to affect the tooltip in any way.

Its going to be BiS dmg wise still, especially with the new pierce talisman if you can manage that.

Check the drillneck section in the guide it goes over the pros and cons pretty thoroughly.

Hey man, simply curious why you havent mention using a wither totem linked with increasd duration and faster casting.

Seems to work pretty well on single targets.

Let me know !

P.s : Could also be worth it to mention in your amulet choice under "gear" the piering talisman "horned" since it can have an implicit of +35% piercing chance at max roll. Quite legit with drillneck !

As always, thx for your guide man, so much quality information !
plasmaszap 님이 2016. 2. 10. 오후 1:34:17에 마지막으로 편집
Great work on the guide. I've messed around with the tree to find a slightly more optimized version. Maybe nobody cares anymore, but here it is:
Warranx 님이 작성:
Great work on the guide. I've messed around with the tree to find a slightly more optimized version. Maybe nobody cares anymore, but here it is:

nice! I've used that same tree when I swap out chest for kaoms. glad its working out for you.

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