[2.2.x] The rotten pizza build (chaos flameblast) Tons of damage, hc, lvl 100 - xD rip

tinx9 님이 2016. 1. 30. 오전 7:17:55에 마지막으로 편집
tinx9 님이 작성:

Yep, looks good to me, glad you're enjoying it :)
pvp loooooooool
Hi, would you be so kind as to share your levelling progression? such as 20/40/60 or even just which direction you went first? Thanks.
Hi, what flask are u using?
Hi, what flask are u using?

updated flasks
pvp loooooooool
ZombieDoll 님이 작성:
Hi, would you be so kind as to share your levelling progression? such as 20/40/60 or even just which direction you went first? Thanks.

I leveled as bladefall untill i could equip infernal mantle 5linked. By lvl 65 when u can equip all gear u want to have blood magic keystone, rest doesnt really matter. I went to templar first after that and then to the shadow.
pvp loooooooool
eMbbuZomg 님이 2016. 2. 1. 오전 7:00:00에 마지막으로 편집
Would it be worth it to run a lvl3-4 empower over added chaos in 6l?
zSneakyPetez 님이 작성:
Would it be worth it to run a lvl3-4 empower over added chaos in 6l?

Havent tested, i dont think it will be much better alteast unless you have +1 all gem mantle
pvp loooooooool
Could this build still be viable with only 201% increased life? Would the ability to reinvest into the Shadow chaos damage path be worth it?
demonman24 님이 작성:
Could this build still be viable with only 201% increased life? Would the ability to reinvest into the Shadow chaos damage path be worth it?

damage is high enough without, defence isnt
pvp loooooooool

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