2.2 HC & SC 50-70K DPS Bladefall - Max Block + EB + MoM + AA + GR

Bladefall had a bug that caused its damage per volley reduction to apply too early, reducing the damage of the first four stages. This has been fixed, which has raised its damage. To compensate, Bladefall's damage has been reduced by 25% at all levels. Bladefall now does 6% less damage per stage (up from 5%). Its damage effectiveness has been reduced from 120% to 90%.

still good enough ?
yeah im curious too, cant wait for the answer and edited build :D
PlayArcher 님이 작성:
yeah im curious too, cant wait for the answer and edited build :D

looks like something like this

davc1234567890 님이 2016. 3. 3. 오전 6:42:48에 마지막으로 편집
davc1234567890 님이 작성:
PlayArcher 님이 작성:
yeah im curious too, cant wait for the answer and edited build :D

looks like something like this


It is so hard with all the juicy block nodes.
gebashOrt 님이 2016. 3. 3. 오전 9:26:41에 마지막으로 편집
davc1234567890 님이 작성:
Bladefall had a bug that caused its damage per volley reduction to apply too early, reducing the damage of the first four stages. This has been fixed, which has raised its damage. To compensate, Bladefall's damage has been reduced by 25% at all levels. Bladefall now does 6% less damage per stage (up from 5%). Its damage effectiveness has been reduced from 120% to 90%.

still good enough ?

Yup with current setup I'd assume we would still gain +10K tooltip dps boost even after the nerfs. Will most likely post the new setup tomorrow morning/afternoon.
Updated for Ascendancy.
Vilpertti 님이 작성:
Updated for Ascendancy.


Rider looks only good if we have max frenzy ( bandit + all from passive)

can you link Berserker subclass i cant find?

davc1234567890 님이 2016. 3. 3. 오후 6:02:21에 마지막으로 편집
NeverSink said the gladiator variant would have garbage damage. That said, this build only gets like 26 or so additional block and like 137% life before jewels. That's like 50 block chance. How do you max it out?
IlyaK1986 님이 작성:
NeverSink said the gladiator variant would have garbage damage. That said, this build only gets like 26 or so additional block and like 137% life before jewels. That's like 50 block chance. How do you max it out?

Yea the gladiator one isint that good thats why we go scion asc and take raider + berserker. We get 25% block from the shield & 7-8% block chance from jewels.
Vilpertti 님이 작성:
IlyaK1986 님이 작성:
NeverSink said the gladiator variant would have garbage damage. That said, this build only gets like 26 or so additional block and like 137% life before jewels. That's like 50 block chance. How do you max it out?

Yea the gladiator one isint that good thats why we go scion asc and take raider + berserker. We get 25% block from the shield & 7-8% block chance from jewels.

I counted the 25% from shield. You're around 50% block, and then another 6% from jewels, another 3% from tempest shield, and you're up to 59% block. Is it just Rumi's the rest of the way?

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