[2.3 Video Guide] Dual Spark Crit Totems Ascendant/Inquisitor [HC/SC & Atziri Viable]

LiftingNerdBro 님이 작성:
MapleCake 님이 작성:
Hey Lifting, thanks once again for a very clear build guide and video.

LiftingNerdBro 님이 작성:
It can now be played as both the Scion (Deadeye/Occultist) and the Templar Inquisitor.

Do you personally have a favorite pick between the Scion and the Templar for this build ?

The Inquisitor looks perfect for an Elemental Crit build but I'm wondering if the Energy Shield bonuses from the Scion's Occultist node would increase tankiness in a way which would make it more desirable in a Hardcore league. The extra projectile from the Scion's Deadeye node is also nice. :o)

It is a really tough choice.

Inquisitor can probably get the highest damage output - and he will be much easier to level.

The Deadeye/Occultist is tankier, and the chain + projectile speed is amazing.

I honestly don't know which one I prefer the most, but I am pretty confident in saying that they are both strong choices. It comes down to which class you prefer the most I guess.

I am considering taking the Hierophant skill. I have never in my 3 years of playing this game gotten a 6 link (besides a tabula). I don't think that even a 5 link, which is one extra support gem would be more beneficial than having one extra totem out on a 4 link helm. What are you thoughts on this? Can you expand on your thoughts on both 5 and 6 links as opposed to just a 4 link helm using Hierophant? Thanks!
If I decide to use the Inquisitor Templar and go for the the big critical hits and crits ignore ele resists then would I still need the Lightning/Cold Penetration? I'm assuming I'm using that as my penetration damage before I start critting (and leading up to higher difficulties)?
Jakzca 님이 작성:
If I decide to use the Inquisitor Templar and go for the the big critical hits and crits ignore ele resists then would I still need the Lightning/Cold Penetration? I'm assuming I'm using that as my penetration damage before I start critting (and leading up to higher difficulties)?

I am pretty sure that even after you ignore their resistances (setting them to 0 I believe), then the penetration would still give them negative resists and increase damage. Either way I think penetration would always be good.
That makes sense. Thanks for the response spiritplx :)
Stone Golem + Zealoth's Oath would be worth a mention imo. Pretty decent to have that alltime up 100/s recharge, even when using vaaldisc. Especially when going for pc and hiero to spam totems to generate pc. But well, using orb for pcoc might be more worth it. Also maybe tryin to take the other duration cluster might be worth a look. And taking winds of change gloves if the other gear makes up for it. projspd and duration is insane with this build. When we go hard for pc we get n very easy affordable 70+ critchance. Might not be suited for hc then anymore tho ;)

Also with deadeye we free up the gemslot of pierce (tho its gettin a more multiplier afaik, havnt seen how much it is. if its reasonable then inquisitor is way better than [scion-]deadeye). We can use incduration/fasterproj/multi/whatever instead. Thats the big deal with deadeye imo, the additional projectile aint doing enough to be worth it. Also with some extra nodes or lioneyes chest we have 100 pierce, beside the fact that 65 should be also enough if we dont wanna commit 2 hard.

Its very hard to theorize about all the incduration/speed/pierce vs dmg multipliers.

The question here is, if we ignore enemy res on crit its basically 0. BUT if we use the penetration gem (that mechanically can reduce res past 0) its working like that too?
Two pos:
a) 50res mob --> crit --> 0res --> pen --> negative res
b) 50res mob --> crit --> 0res --> pen --> 20res mob which gets ignored and becomes 0

!!! https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1588367/page/2

So no, its not working. Penetration doesnt do anything, same goes to eleweakness curse and ee and whatever. Free gem slot it is + tons more dmg vs bosses, which is great since thrashmobs die in 1-2 hits anyways. Also the pierce gem has 10more projdmg at 1. So might be very wurf it then to not go Scion and just go for inquisitor. Since also the lvlin with templar goes way smoother thats a good thing.
bamelam 님이 2016. 3. 2. 오전 8:00:55에 마지막으로 편집
i am returning to the game since its initial release...
i have a generalized question, wouldnt just using Added Cold Damage give you freezing effects if you dont have the unique ring?

Freeze duration depends on the dmg done so converting 50% of ur lightning dmg obv has a way more useful effect than the very little colddmg from the gem, it would be absolutely not worth it. Especially cause u waste a gemslot which is very awful for a build like this that has so much way better options for support gems. In the end u r crippling your damage very hard for a hardly to notice effect.
bamelam 님이 2016. 3. 2. 오전 5:50:49에 마지막으로 편집
bamelam 님이 작성:
Stone Golem + Zealoth's Oath would be worth a mention imo. Pretty decent to have that alltime up 100/s recharge, even when using vaaldisc. Especially when going for pc and hiero to spam totems to generate pc. But well, using orb for pcoc might be more worth it. Also maybe tryin to take the other duration cluster might be worth a look. And taking winds of change gloves if the other gear makes up for it. projspd and duration is insane with this build. When we go hard for pc we get n very easy affordable 70+ critchance. Might not be suited for hc then anymore tho ;)

Also with deadeye we free up the gemslot of pierce (tho its gettin a more multiplier afaik, havnt seen how much it is. if its reasonable then inquisitor is way better than [scion-]deadeye). We can use incduration/fasterproj/multi/whatever instead. Thats the big deal with deadeye imo, the additional projectile aint doing enough to be worth it. Also with some extra nodes or lioneyes chest we have 100 pierce, beside the fact that 65 should be also enough if we dont wanna commit 2 hard.

Its very hard to theorize about all the incduration/speed/pierce vs dmg multipliers.

The question here is, if we ignore enemy res on crit its basically 0. BUT if we use the penetration gem (that mechanically can reduce res past 0) its working like that too?
Two pos:
a) 50res mob --> crit --> 0res --> pen --> negative res
b) 50res mob --> crit --> 0res --> pen --> 20res mob which gets ignored and becomes 0

!!! https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1588367/page/2

So no, its not working. Penetration doesnt do anything, same goes to eleweakness curse and ee and whatever. Free gem slot it is + tons more dmg vs bosses, which is great since thrashmobs die in 1-2 hits anyways. Also the pierce gem has 10more projdmg at 1. So might be very wurf it then to not go Scion and just go for inquisitor. Since also the lvlin with templar goes way smoother thats a good thing.

Very true. If playing as the Inquisitor, we can instead of cold/lightning pen use Controlled Destruction or Faster Projectiles.

Still, the scion remains a little more point efficient and the + chain is amazing.

That said I would probably still go Inquisitor! ;D
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LiftingNerdBro 님이 작성:

Very true. If playing as the Inquisitor, we can instead of cold/lightning pen use Controlled Destruction or Faster Projectiles.

Still, the scion remains a little more point efficient and the + chain is amazing.

That said I would probably still go Inquisitor! ;D

Oops, I had missed that post as well. So we basically get Controlled for open areas and Faster Projectiles for tight dungeons?
spiritplx 님이 2016. 3. 2. 오후 9:05:24에 마지막으로 편집
Why not Hierophant?

Do you think 3x 4 Linked Totems would do comparable dps to a 6L?

Hierophant / Deadeye seems good :)
uuhiteuuings 님이 2016. 3. 2. 오후 8:45:41에 마지막으로 편집

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