KayosLegion 님이 작성:
How are your spells doing so much damage? My Freezing Pulse deals about 3k and EK+Spark are both under 2k. I know I don't have endgame gear, but it maxed out my res and gave me 50% crit without charges (can get 5).
Im level 73, and have already gotten both Assassin/Berzerker ascendancies. Could you look at my set up and give me suggestions? Im also using (2) +2 mana gained on hit gems, with 2 Volley Fire gems.
I just can't see what else you are scaling your damage with...
you r doing fine, get keep level and take the increased damage + your gems will level, it will get high.
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112
글 작성자:rel4us#75492016. 4. 22. 오전 1:05:57알파 구성원
oktus 님이 작성:
is there anything too replace kaoms armor? what about hyrris ire? kaoms is kind of expensive for only 500hp and low armor;/
kaoms is the best for this build, if you don't have a 6L quill rain, use tabula rasa, and link your bow while you level
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112
글 작성자:rel4us#75492016. 4. 22. 오전 1:09:37알파 구성원
KayosLegion 님이 작성:
KayosLegion 님이 작성:
How are your spells doing so much damage? My Freezing Pulse deals about 3k and EK+Spark are both under 2k. I know I don't have endgame gear, but it maxed out my res and gave me 50% crit without charges (can get 5).
Im level 73, and have already gotten both Assassin/Berzerker ascendancies. Could you look at my set up and give me suggestions? Im also using (2) +2 mana gained on hit gems, with 2 Volley Fire gems.
I just can't see what else you are scaling your damage with...
Mmmm nvm... After leveling a few more times, I see that is slowly but surely going up and getting that next chunk of projectile damage in the duelist tree should help. Im sure you having 30% more base crit than me W/O charges helps as well lol.
I do have another question though. I have some Crit Multi, but I havent been focusing on it. How important is it in this build? Do the spells Crit also - or is it just your initial Barrage that crits?
I didn't have too much crit multi, and no spell crit at all
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112
글 작성자:rel4us#75492016. 4. 22. 오전 1:11:20알파 구성원
rel4us 님이 작성:
Primikon 님이 작성:
rel4us 님이 작성:
Hi guys, I tried projectile weakness, works alot better as aura then assassin's mark,
with the assassin ascendant you will have power charges,
and projectile weakness is alot more damage
If you do get to the point where you no longer need the Crit Chance and Power Charge production of Assassin's Mark, I imagine Projectile Weakness or Elemental Weakness would be a better choice. Elemental Weakness will give you more bang for your buck on tougher enemies and bosses that are not Curse Immune. Projectile Weakness would be for low resistance mobs. You could also look at Poacher's Mark for Frenzy Charge generation (in order to drop the Frenzy gem) or Enfeeble for survivability.
I partly agree with you, projectile weakness for 70% of the mobs is better (the pierce will work on close enemies so enemies who are farther away from you will get hit too)
There are a few issues with taking Projectile Weakness over Elemental Weakness. The first is, Freezing Pulse already pierces, and it's the hardest hitting spell in the CoC chain. This, coupled with the random nature of Spark, will efficiently and reliably clear your screen of mobs. Adding additional pierce through Projectile Weakness will only help Barrage (which does no damage anyways) and Ethereal Knives (which is a short range spell).
The second being, the hardest part of this game isn't the white or blue mobs. It is your Rares, Uniques and Bosses. Because this is the hardest part of the game, and because most of these have elemental resistances, I think you will get more use out of taking Elemental Weakness. According to the PoE Wiki, Elemental Weakness still increases elemental damage to targets with 0% resistances. This means that you're still getting a damage boost on weak, easy mobs, while also getting a huge damage increase on harder mobs and bosses.
Sorry for the long post :)
글 작성자:Primikon#52782016. 4. 22. 오전 3:45:52
does area efect gem works with curse as aura ? i was thinking too use armor with projectalie weakness + blasphemy + area effect gems (as many as posible) , to get in radius u need to be close with this boost it could affect enemies far away , in my opinion worth trying. what u think about it? may be critical IMO as massive -ressistance it can be better then pierce:P
i have 6link bow but i just dont like kaoms , i started using flame dash too get out of mob stacks , while blink arrow is on cd:) well i pick up kaoms and it gives me 800hp , belly gives me 500 +13ress more armor and evasion ;p
somehow i cant go over this kaoms armor
oktus#6294 님이 2016. 4. 22. 오후 12:59:11에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:oktus#62942016. 4. 22. 오전 6:38:53
Primikon 님이 작성:
There are a few issues with taking Projectile Weakness over Elemental Weakness. The first is, Freezing Pulse already pierces, and it's the hardest hitting spell in the CoC chain. This, coupled with the random nature of Spark, will efficiently and reliably clear your screen of mobs. Adding additional pierce through Projectile Weakness will only help Barrage (which does no damage anyways) and Ethereal Knives (which is a short range spell).
The second being, the hardest part of this game isn't the white or blue mobs. It is your Rares, Uniques and Bosses. Because this is the hardest part of the game, and because most of these have elemental resistances, I think you will get more use out of taking Elemental Weakness. According to the PoE Wiki, Elemental Weakness still increases elemental damage to targets with 0% resistances. This means that you're still getting a damage boost on weak, easy mobs, while also getting a huge damage increase on harder mobs and bosses.
Sorry for the long post :)
Im not disagreeing, but Projectile Weakness increases the damage all three spells (FP,EK,Spark - even barrage), while Ele Weakness would only benefit two. Also The extra knock back from Proj Weakness aids in defenses, and can hinder rares/bosses who aren't immune to knock back.
Ek is not really a short range spell, mine can reach at least 75% of the screen from where I stand. And besides, FP damage drops off as it travels further, so I tend to get close to enemies regardless.
The increase to all main sources of damage should also aid in Life Leech, at least to anything except the hardest bosses.
Freezing pulse does already pierce, but it still gains its bonus damage and extra chance to knock back.
And correct me if I'm wrong, but if a Barrage Projectile pierces through a mob and crits, doesn't the spells proc that many more times?
Anyways, after playing with both I think that Proj Weakness is better for just general mapping and such - But where I agree that Ele Weakness is better is against end game bosses like Malachi, Atziri, Labyrinth - where piercing and knock backs don't matter. I don't have any trouble with any rare or most bosses I come against, whether I'm running a damage aura or not (was running enfeeble + arctic armor until 70).
I stick with Projectile Weakness, because I feel like its more well-rounded for this build.
KayosLegion#0457 님이 2016. 4. 22. 오전 9:56:55에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:KayosLegion#04572016. 4. 22. 오전 9:50:59
KayosLegion 님이 작성:
Primikon 님이 작성:
There are a few issues with taking Projectile Weakness over Elemental Weakness. The first is, Freezing Pulse already pierces, and it's the hardest hitting spell in the CoC chain. This, coupled with the random nature of Spark, will efficiently and reliably clear your screen of mobs. Adding additional pierce through Projectile Weakness will only help Barrage (which does no damage anyways) and Ethereal Knives (which is a short range spell).
The second being, the hardest part of this game isn't the white or blue mobs. It is your Rares, Uniques and Bosses. Because this is the hardest part of the game, and because most of these have elemental resistances, I think you will get more use out of taking Elemental Weakness. According to the PoE Wiki, Elemental Weakness still increases elemental damage to targets with 0% resistances. This means that you're still getting a damage boost on weak, easy mobs, while also getting a huge damage increase on harder mobs and bosses.
Sorry for the long post :)
Im not disagreeing, but Projectile Weakness increases the damage all three spells (FP,EK,Spark - even barrage), while Ele Weakness would only benefit two. Also The extra knock back from Proj Weakness aids in defenses, and can hinder rares/bosses who aren't immune to knock back.
Ek is not really a short range spell, mine can reach at least 75% of the screen from where I stand. And besides, FP damage drops off as it travels further, so I tend to get close to enemies regardless.
The increase to all main sources of damage should also aid in Life Leech, at least to anything except the hardest bosses.
Freezing pulse does already pierce, but it still gains its bonus damage and extra chance to knock back.
And correct me if I'm wrong, but if a Barrage Projectile pierces through a mob and crits, doesn't the spells proc that many more times?
Anyways, after playing with both I think that Proj Weakness is better for just general mapping and such - But where I agree that Ele Weakness is better is against end game bosses like Malachi, Atziri, Labyrinth - where piercing and knock backs don't matter. I don't have any trouble with any rare or most bosses I come against, whether I'm running a damage aura or not (was running enfeeble + arctic armor until 70).
I stick with Projectile Weakness, because I feel like its more well-rounded for this build.
Glad to know you think like me :)
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112 rel4us#7549 님이 2016. 4. 23. 오전 9:45:00에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:rel4us#75492016. 4. 22. 오후 11:23:24알파 구성원
oktus 님이 작성:
does area efect gem works with curse as aura ? i was thinking too use armor with projectalie weakness + blasphemy + area effect gems (as many as posible) , to get in radius u need to be close with this boost it could affect enemies far away , in my opinion worth trying. what u think about it? may be critical IMO as massive -ressistance it can be better then pierce:P
i have 6link bow but i just dont like kaoms , i started using flame dash too get out of mob stacks , while blink arrow is on cd:) well i pick up kaoms and it gives me 800hp , belly gives me 500 +13ress more armor and evasion ;p
somehow i cant go over this kaoms armor
The increased AOE gem will make the curse aura to cost about 50%,
Also you don't need it, trust me.
About the Kaom's.... It gave me at lvl 95 about 1500 hp,
There is nothing better for this build
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112
글 작성자:rel4us#75492016. 4. 22. 오후 11:27:06알파 구성원
nvm. nice build indeed :) lots of fun leveling already
Fubnub1#2080 님이 2016. 4. 23. 오후 5:01:05에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:Fubnub1#20802016. 4. 23. 오후 3:46:25
Fubnub1 님이 작성:
nvm. nice build indeed :) lots of fun leveling already
TY for the feedback,
I'm realy glad it's fun to everyone as it was to me,
maybe when the build of the week return, it can be selected?
one can hope :D
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112
글 작성자:rel4us#75492016. 4. 24. 오전 12:10:21알파 구성원