[2.2.x] "Vortex" 1.5kk+ dps, Insane clear speed | Uber/high end content viable

Zma 님이 작성:
naimhairix51 님이 작성:
im currently at lvl 88 , tooltip is 29k with chrge up. am i missing something or it is because im not taking the other node like spell ?

First I want to say, its a lvl/Q of your gems (Echo,CD) and you dont need Inc, critical strikes gem in setup, change it for Inc.Critical Damage (or Emp4 if u have it).
Next. Only three useful stats on your amy, try to find with additional spell damage and crit chance/cast speed.
Also, I had not seen your jewels, huge part of the damage depends on the jewel stats.
Implicit on your belt, try to find same stats on rustic sash base.
And ofc its a character level, in this build is very important each additional Skill Point.
thanks man ! :) cheers
Zma 님이 작성:
Zma, how important is Vaal clarity + inc duration in this setup? Is flame golem + herald of ash more worth it?

Vaal clarity+Inc.Duration enable us to stack 50 blades without mana cost, is usually used only on boss fights.
If we compare Herald of Ice with Herald of Ash:
-HoA gives us more tooltip damage, but overkill burning damage practically does not work in this build.
-HoI in its turn adds to us lots of cold damage, which helps us shatter enemies, so our сlear speed increases.
So, changing HoI on HoA does not make sense.

Somehow he appears to be using both HoI and HoA, don't know how that's possible.
Ceuro 님이 작성:
Somehow he appears to be using both HoI and HoA, don't know how that's possible.

it is can't be real without using additional mana reserv. points.
Perhaps he changes them on boss fights/trash
Last build Display: thread/1707945
As I said in the previous page, I will re-edit it here.
Feel free to visit my original item showcase here where I put some screenshots to show my tooltip dps.

α| My gears.

β| Offenses & defensives stats.

✡ Running 6 auras (Clarity, Discipline, Haste, Hatred, Herald of Ice & Herald of Ash) with blasphemy (Assassin's Mark) as you can see on my gears & screenshots below.
✡ Sustaining 50 blades without Vaal Clarity. Screenshots here and here !

✡ Sitting at 9.2k energy shield.
✡ Resistances are capped.

If you have any question, feel free to ask me again.
Best regards,
|✡| Helfy & Helfy_Jr. #RoadTo100
_Helfy_ 님이 2016. 3. 19. 오후 12:03:09에 마지막으로 편집

what you do against single reflect physical mobs, there i always die.

I have 6700 ES

Spunsh 님이 작성:

what you do against single reflect physical mobs, there i always die.

I have 6700 ES


Hello, on single reflect enemies need to use
for additional % life leech.
Last build Display: thread/1707945
Zma 님이 작성:
Spunsh 님이 작성:

what you do against single reflect physical mobs, there i always die.

I have 6700 ES


Hello, on single reflect enemies need to use
for additional % life leech.

I've been using
and having good results. For Phys Resist maps, a friend suggested swapping a blue sockey for Phys->Lightning Gem, so may try that soon and see how it works.
without empower gem, what gems should i put into a 5-link shavs for best results?
and is it a bad idea to use Divinarius Imperial Skean for mainhand?
tjkraft 님이 2016. 3. 23. 오전 2:10:40에 마지막으로 편집
tjkraft 님이 작성:
without empower gem, what gems should i put into a 5-link shavs for best results?
and is it a bad idea to use Divinarius Imperial Skean for mainhand?

BV+Echo+CD+Inc.Area/Conc (on bosses)+inc. duration
for a start Divinarius is pretty nice weapon, but if can get something with additional crit multi and ele damage it would be better.
Last build Display: thread/1707945
What do you reccomend if your unable to afford enlighten level 4 i have shavs skyforth etc just unable to get the empower + enlightens

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