GhazzyTV - THE Spectre Summoner [LOW & HIGH BUDGET VERSIONS]

Quick question.

I loaded up on some +life , and "+Minion Dmg when Recently Used a Minion Skill" Ghazzy Jewels.

How long is "recently used"? I assume we are proccing this with Flesh Offering. Is it the duration of Flesh Offering?

Just trying to figure out how often I should be trying to refresh the "recently used" minion skill to keep the minion damage uptime going.
Recently refers to the past 4 seconds

I use my Offering skills every 4 seconds, so atm my minions incl. my new jewels deal about 75 % more minion dmg (+ minion cast speed and flat dmg)
Its just like a second terror claw, but better xD
AikerZ#0062 님이 2017. 12. 21. 오전 11:26:37에 마지막으로 편집
Doh. I guess I could have read that if I held alt. Sorry.

But yeah, I have 4 of them now. Belt, and 3 passive slots. So nice.

Speaking of the claw...

I am running t5-t8 pretty comfortably, and found my first Exalted.

I have been using Brightbeak forever. Besides Scourge, what other weapons could I consider? I am already res capped, so wasn't sure if I should look at Aurumvorax or not. I saw another spectre guide recommending ADvancing Fortress, but I wasn't sure why.

Just curious if I should be looking to replace Brightbeak in the future and what to aim for.

Still learning the game- there is just so much to take in!
Advancing Fortress gives you 15 % block, thats all, nothing to crazy.

Brightbeak is fine for farming up to T14, its all about the clear speed right.

If u need more dmg, get terror claw and shield charge in their faces, but dont forget u have to hit monsters every 4 secs for the 70 % dmg buff.


For me it seems like the increased minion dmg if u used a minion skill recently is a bit overkill if u farm below T15
It slows down ur clear speed by alot if u press ur offerings every 4 secs, so for farming just shield charge in their faces.

For shaper/guardians keep the increased minion dmg if u used a minion skill recently buff up !
AikerZ#0062 님이 2017. 12. 21. 오후 12:11:00에 마지막으로 편집
LastGrizzlycorn 님이 작성:
Quick question:
Does the gahstly jewels´ "minions taunt on hit" work with Solar Guards attacks?


lolyndasmu 님이 작성:
Ghazzy 님이 작성:

Small note:
Due to Unending Hunger it is better to go for Minion DMG > Cast Speed > Flats!

by flats you mean fire damage right?

also do you have particular gem links for TV?


I never liked using the TVs as I preferred to run with SGs even for bossing. However, there's a lot of discussion about what gems scales them or not which was odd but I'd link them like this:

Spectre - Minion DMG - Burning DMG - Elemental Focus - Swift Affliction - <insert w/e> (such as Minion Speed / Minion & Totem Elemental Resistance / Increased Duration / Chance to Ignite

cheelos 님이 작성:
Hi guys, I'm struggling with this build for mfing higher maps t14+ in terms of single target dps. Any tips? Check my gear out! Thanks, Lastly, I put desecrate as a offhand does that affect my spectres by any chance?



Well it does, it means you can't generate corpses on demand for Flesh Offering in the middle of a fight which is a HUGE loss of DPS.

Not using Bones of Ullr means you lose another spectre which is also a big drop in terms of DPS output.

Also, since you are wearing Sadima gloves make sure you never shield charge on the targets as that will screw up the EE.
Speaking of EE, any spells you hit with such as EE applying Ball Lightning and/or OoS will screw that up completely if you have jewels which you do that grants Fire damage!

Sting_o7 님이 작성:
Hey I'm still a beginner to PoE mechanics and such, so I have a question.

I have a ghastly eye jewel that adds flat chaos and lightning damage (and some life leech) for minions. Would this make the Solar Guards trigger their own Elemental Equilibrium? Or is it a waste and I should find something else?
I still use Ball Lightning on hard targets, but I'd still like to know. Thanks.

At the top of the guide is a link to a video called "Generic Summoner Mechanic Guide" I'd strongly recommend watching that!

In short: Minions don't trigger EE.

isunktitanic 님이 작성:
I'm using a variant of a similar build in hc, working pretty well so far. I only run projectile weakness as a curse, and clarity for my aura. I get free rampage and onslaught from
and two Fragility jewels. My only issue is that bosses can sometimes take a while (only have 5 link, no scourge yet, losing two jewels also costs mindamage), do you guys think I can do up to guardians without having to switch to boring tukohamas? (when I get my 6 link and scourge, should have scourge soon but 6 link may take a while.) I would switch if I had to do uber atz or shaper or something, I'm not confident in those fights to draw them out (hc problems).

Guardians should be easy with SGs tbh. I never had issues with them at least.

Losing Vics charity means a drop of DPS output as well, keep that in mind :)

AikerZ 님이 작성:
Hi Ghazzy i want to thank you for this pretty nice build.
Got all my important stuff....

some OP new jewels

and facerolling all the content :-)


Edit: i switched to this shield for T16+

75/75 block/spell block cap plus 5% max hp on block



Looking damn solid to me!

Texans1231 님이 작성:
Quick question.

I loaded up on some +life , and "+Minion Dmg when Recently Used a Minion Skill" Ghazzy Jewels.

How long is "recently used"? I assume we are proccing this with Flesh Offering. Is it the duration of Flesh Offering?

Just trying to figure out how often I should be trying to refresh the "recently used" minion skill to keep the minion damage uptime going.

As @AikerZ is pointing out: 4 seconds.

And yes, flesh offering is there to proc it!

Texans1231 님이 작성:
Doh. I guess I could have read that if I held alt. Sorry.

But yeah, I have 4 of them now. Belt, and 3 passive slots. So nice.

Speaking of the claw...

I am running t5-t8 pretty comfortably, and found my first Exalted.

I have been using Brightbeak forever. Besides Scourge, what other weapons could I consider? I am already res capped, so wasn't sure if I should look at Aurumvorax or not. I saw another spectre guide recommending ADvancing Fortress, but I wasn't sure why.

Just curious if I should be looking to replace Brightbeak in the future and what to aim for.

Still learning the game- there is just so much to take in!

Brightbeak is love <3

Other options as described in the guide is to use any of the Essence of Fear on a dagger or claw which will provide some minion damage.

Texans1231 님이 작성:
Doh. I guess I could have read that if I held alt. Sorry.

But yeah, I have 4 of them now. Belt, and 3 passive slots. So nice.

Speaking of the claw...

I am running t5-t8 pretty comfortably, and found my first Exalted.

I have been using Brightbeak forever. Besides Scourge, what other weapons could I consider? I am already res capped, so wasn't sure if I should look at Aurumvorax or not. I saw another spectre guide recommending ADvancing Fortress, but I wasn't sure why.

Just curious if I should be looking to replace Brightbeak in the future and what to aim for.

Still learning the game- there is just so much to take in!

Bones of Ullr are slow as shit. Shield charge scales from both movement speed and attack speed.

Switch out the brightbeak for Prismatic Eclipse with 3 green sockets and switch from shield charge to whirling blades. Whirling blades doesn't scale with movement speed (only attack speed), so you should move much faster--even moreso if you're using flesh offering, and then even faster if you're still using Victario's Charity and have frenzy charges.

Prismatic Eclipse has the added benefit of being cheap as hell.
MasterWilhelm#6362 님이 2017. 12. 21. 오후 12:21:00에 마지막으로 편집
A bit of a newbie question again here. Which gems are important to get to 20/20? And are there any worth gambling to 21?
Sting_o7 님이 작성:
A bit of a newbie question again here. Which gems are important to get to 20/20? And are there any worth gambling to 21?

All of your spectre support gems to 20/20. Raise Spectre 20 is a must, but 20% is only a QoL buff (1% movement speed per point). Gamble any of the support gems to 21 that you can afford to.
First off, fantastic build. I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Regarding the taunt Ghastly jewels, are you sure they work with SG? The wording is "Taunt on hit with attacks" as opposed to, for example, the hinder ones which is "on hit with spells". Aren't SG casters? Or do those count as attacks as well for the purposes of the gems?
Look up these "baby brightbeak" stat sticks that free up a slot for our socket-starved selves.

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