[3.4] The Mistress of Agony - Lowlife BlightDrain Ascendant / Occultist - ALL content viable!

Now that my character is in Standard league, I can finally wear this baby!

My gear for the CWC version is really enjoyable at this point. Still two days to go for the build update after Legacy's final passive tree is released. :)
djnat 님이 2017. 2. 28. 오전 1:50:40에 마지막으로 편집
djnat, one of the few keeping the hope for scions alive.
I chose this build for 2.6 well before legacy was announced, and I can't wait to see the updates.
From the patch notes, it seems that the CWC iteration of this build took just a minor nerf, which is to be found in Wither radius being probably lowered. This shouldn't be a great issue btw and doesn't change the gameplay.

No other nerfs or buffs, it seems. So this is more than viable in Legacy league.

Tomorrow the full passive tree will be announced, so I'll work on a quick update to get the build completed before the launch of the league.
Build updated in all its most important parts!

Happy 2.6 :)
djnat 님이 작성:
Build updated in all its most important parts!

Happy 2.6 :)

With passive updates and uniq updates published, would you say a buff, a nerf or neutral update for this build? :)
Thanks for your work!
EdvinPL 님이 2017. 3. 2. 오전 7:46:41에 마지막으로 편집
EdvinPL 님이 작성:
djnat 님이 작성:
Build updated in all its most important parts!

Happy 2.6 :)

With passive updates and uniq updates published, would you say a buff, a nerf or neutral update for this build? :)
Thanks for your work!

I'd say pretty neutral. The only "nerf" is that Wither area of effect should be slightly smaller, but apart from that the build is untouched.
Any video where we can see this build in action? I'm very interested in this build for legacy, but don't know exactly if it fits my playstyle.

And why does Trickster ascendancy trump over Deadeye? Does it have something to do with the CWC?
Thanks :)

EDIT: I just saw that the video thing was asked in the previous page, sorry! But it would be great if someone could upload a video of it.
Krayse 님이 2017. 3. 2. 오후 3:05:18에 마지막으로 편집
Krayse 님이 작성:
Any video where we can see this build in action? I'm very interested in this build for legacy, but don't know exactly if it fits my playstyle.

And why does Trickster ascendancy trump over Deadeye? Does it have something to do with the CWC?
Thanks :)

EDIT: I just saw that the video thing was asked in the previous page, sorry! But it would be great if someone could upload a video of it.

If you want to have an idea, the CWC playstyle is similar to the one in the video which you can see in the Build of the Week thread I linked in the first post.

The difference is that you don't use the wither totem anymore, so you have 1 less action to do at bosses / trashes.
Just to check - is the Cast While Channelling variant on Essence Drain only viable as Low Life, and if so, could you provide a quick explanation as to why? Been away from PoE for a while, so I'm a little rusty!
Haasts 님이 작성:
Just to check - is the Cast While Channelling variant on Essence Drain only viable as Low Life, and if so, could you provide a quick explanation as to why? Been away from PoE for a while, so I'm a little rusty!

In my opinion it's a lot better as low life.

The reasons:

1. We need Discipline (free ES) + Haste (QoL + cast speed + clearspeed via faster whirling blades) + Clarity (infinite spam) + 2 blasphemy curses (amazing defense). This is only possible as low life.

2. Pain Attunement (30% MORE spell damage) partially compensates the loss of 2 support gems for ED. Plus, spell damage double dips with poison thanks to ED's unique modifier. We are replacing Pierce, Rapid Decay and Empower because we have pierce from boots (so we use Slower projectiles instead), while Empower and Rapid Decay are removed in favour of CWC and Wither. We are interested not to support Wither with Empower or Rapid Decay because the first is a level increase with a huge mana multiplier which gives no benefits, the second is a debuff for Wither itself (reduced duration = less stacks). So I think that is the best 6L setup.

3. This setup doesn't require the wither totem, so at boss fights we can spam more constantly for greater single target output. We can take full advantage from phases which allow us to go full out (e.g. Shaper beam). Gameplay feels so smooth with Haste, even for the Contagion + ED (via Wither) combo and the resulting increased clear speed.

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