[3.4] The Mistress of Agony - Lowlife BlightDrain Ascendant / Occultist - ALL content viable!
" 3.0 will bring some significant changes to the passive tree. Essence drain will not scale with projectile damage, and double dipping will be no more. The build will still work I guess, but the projectile nodes like sniper, ballistic mastery or the ones at the ranger start will be replaced by the new announced poison damage / duration nodes if possible. Oh, and obviously support gems like slower projectiles / pierce will not be used anymore. djnat#4628 님이 2017. 5. 23. 오전 6:20:25에 마지막으로 편집
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My question can be considered a classic beginner question but since all of my other characters were summoners I need a little help: Is it advisable to go straight for the LowLife Passives and Ascendancy points? Or would you recommend a "life start" and a transition to LowLife? Sadly i just picked up Legacyleague so I have no currency or what so ever. I know that LL can be tricky thus i thought about playing with the ascendancy points and passives but not commiting to auras which decrease my health due to no chaos resistance or shavronnes. Or is it advisable to go with a life version and then spam orb of regrets in order to reset my passives and ascendancies? Though i have some worries about respeccing because orb of regrets arent for free either :/ |
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In the last two leagues (Breach and Legacy) I have used this strategy.
I started as lifebased, picking some extra life nodes while leveling to avoid being oneshotted in act4 normal / cruel which are by far the most difficult part of the leveling process. At level 53 you can equip Consuming Dark. That dagger is a HUGE upgrade to boss killing speed (free poison). Then I went CI using the Chayula body armour (skin of the loyal) and necklace (eye of chayula) and some decent ES items. The Chayula body armour has been pretty cheap in both leagues and its a very nice upgrade over tabula rasa. 5k ES is the magic number which I consider the "base" to start farming merciless dried lake and low tier maps. At that point, you can start farming and saving currencies for a 6L Shav, which is about 600-650c on poe trade. At level 69 you can equip the Shaper boots (voidwalker). When you go lowlife you can upgrade the Chayula necklace to the Breach version. At that point you can improve the rest of your gear with better ES ones and search for gg rings to apply the Elreon ES% mod on. The last upgrade should be the helmet; the BIS is a good hubris with the ED damage enchantment. This weapon is a very good choice for non-poison immune bosses, and until you can get a good delirium Sai. Keep in mind that you have a lot of FREE respec points from the PoE triple campaign. The ascendancy order should be Occultist - Trickster - Path of the Witch. You'll never need to change those. I have never used a single orb of regret to respec my character after leveling. djnat#4628 님이 2017. 6. 1. 오후 12:12:37에 마지막으로 편집
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Hey djnat,
just wanted to let you know that your answer wasn't in vain! :) Acutally just the opposite. Many thanks! I am looking forward to level this character up during the weekend. |
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" OK! Let me know how it feels, I am here if you need some help! :) |
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Looking at the beta changes, this build guide will change dramatically after Oriath launches.
1. Double dipping is no more. This probably kills the CWC lowlife interaction and forces to go back to the "classic" ED playstyle. 2. ED doesn't scale with projectile nodes / modifiers anymore. This makes some projectile-related passives (like Sniper or the ones at Ranger / Scion start) and items (like Winds of Change or Brinerot Whalers) completely worthless. 3. Energy shield nerf is pretty big (the max potential value on Hubris / Shav / FSG is being lowered, and 20% ES craft on rings is being removed) but lowlife will STILL be the way to go in the endgame because 9.5k+ ES will still be obtainable with good gear / jewels and some slight modifications to the passive tree, and because we still want all the auras / curses we currently use in the lowlife CwC version for quality of life (Haste, Clarity, Discipline, Temp Chains, Enfeeble). I'll constantly update this thread when the Oriath picture becomes more detailed. Stay tuned! The Mistress of Agony will not die. :) djnat#4628 님이 2017. 6. 10. 오후 2:29:19에 마지막으로 편집
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Hi ther.
What do u think about new support with spell chaos and chaos over? I'm hyped acctually how to creat new set of support to ed. |
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" Some of the new supports seem very promising. I have to actually test stuff to see what is best for ED. |
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Making some experiments with the new beta supports, it seems that the best way to do a decent ED damage while mantaining a good survivability in 3.0 will be going lowlife with this ED setup:
Essence Drain | Void Manipulation | Rapid Decay | Decay | Efficacy | Less Duration (or Controlled Destruction) No more interactions with poison, it just seems not to be worth the heavy passive / support investment, unless some new items which change the global picture of DoTs are revealed or some scaling coefficients are modified before Oriath. Wither will go back to a 4L spell totem setup. I'll keep the thread updated to get the build ready before 3.0 hits. Stay tuned! :) |
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Here's to hoping shav's would be cheaper next league as everyone would be going life. But yeah, looking forward to the changes! I intend to make this as my secondary character in 3.0 league actually. A purple themed scion.
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