[2.4 VIDEO] #1 Pathfinder PHC - Blade Vortex flask build. Uber atziri video. Easy lvling

Bogok 님이 작성:

Why does it feel clunky?

Because flasks refill much slower, especially VS several enemies.

You must grab ALL flask nodes (in 2.4 players often skipped Arcane Chemistry) and belt with "reduced flask charges used" + "increased flask duration" mods.

You must use your flasks more carefully, because excess usage (long before duration runs out) will quickly deplete them.

You must use Overflowing Chalice (and use it properly!) against most hard bosses, if map doesnt have Temporal Chains mod.

You must use Diamond Flask and keep Power Charges up on boss, cause high crit chance means more flask charges.

New -flask charges gained map mod is nasty.

And you shouldnt use expensive/short-termed flasks (except Vinktar, but its roll should be very good). For example, dont use -33% duration & +25% effect mod. I recommend using my flask setup - Diamond Flask, QuickSilver Flask, Vessel of Vinktar, Taste of Hate, Dying Sun (the latter 2 could be replaced for Basalt, Rumi, Ruby & Sapphire flasks - whatever you like). And swap one of them for Overflowing Chalice for bosses.

I played my Pathfinder after nerf. She is still capable to maintain flasks 100% of the time, it just requires more skill to do so. Didnt noticed any other difference, actually.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Well i can still do anyboss without dying up to and T 16 maps so ( It still is great skill and build )

my ing is killwitches
this life build >>>> CI so much better wow
trump169 님이 작성:
this life build >>>> CI so much better wow

I'm glad you enjoy it (: Life is easier to play than CI atleast
Hey Bogok!
So far I started playing at the end of essence league, and I really liked blade vortex build when I saw it. I tried doing it in essence but not really successfully as I was kind of new to the game and didn't really know much about the game.

In breach so far I have had kind of success? on the build. I have completed every map till tier 16, until I got one-shot by Minotaur. :(

I don't know if this build is Guardians or Shaper worthy, since your videos of the build don't show any guardian/shaper kills. I would really like to be able to do them, since this build is amazing for clearing every single map under tier 16, and its such a shame to not be able to do tier 16...

Normally boss fights under tier 16 usually take about 4-5 seconds with conc on. Is my build perhaps the issue? I still have my tabula on..

normal shield My health is 4855, es:269, mana 1609
rathpith: hp:4760, es:625, mana: 1609.

My build is

Note that I'm missing ToH. I got to T16 maps without ToH. I bought ToH for 4ex to do T16 but still got one shot so I sold it since I got one shot with a 4 ex flask.. Sigh
Asgardd 님이 2016. 12. 15. 오후 6:15:57에 마지막으로 편집

So I thought why not see how good this build really is. Casually did tier 16. This build is still amazing. I guess I was wrong earlier. Please note this was on standard, so I have the legacy Rumi.

Can you please make a small paragraph about gameplay tips?

Like what's your usual flask and skill rotation.

What I'm most curious about is how many "Curse-Vortex" stacks should I have? Is 1 enough for keeping the charges on?

Edit: I answered my own question shortly after posting it. So nevermind.
Sindalar 님이 2016. 12. 24. 오전 10:04:42에 마지막으로 편집
Do you still think pathfinder is the way to go? I see you are playing an occultist now.

Hey Bogok, thanks for the build. Just got back into PoE and it's been a blast playing this one.

Level 88 on softcore and trying to figure out where to go with my passives tree for the next handful of levels. It looks like I have 4 choices and I'm not sure which is the best order to get them.

I'm leaning towards this order:
1. Put four points for Will of Blades and Fangs of the Viper to get +20% critical strike chance, +56% physical damage, +5% move speed, and +20% chaos damage.
This seems the strongest of my options due to +physical, +crit, and +movespeed. However, I'm not using Physical to Chaos (using Faster Casting instead), and so the +chaos would do nothing for me.

2. Put three points for Trickery and Assassination to get +70% critical strike chance, 20% elemental damage, and +45% critical strike multiplier.
The extra 70% critical strike chance seems good, as that turns into roughly 4% more critical hits, extra critical strike multiplier would also be a nice little bump in damage. However, the additional element damage seems a little underwhelming considering considering the +56% physical above.

3. Put four points near Constitution for +20% max life.
For increased life, I'm sitting at 5k life right now, and while I definitely need more, I don't find myself dying all that frequently (SC and all) and don't really feel bottlenecked on it.

4. Put two points for Arcane Chemistry to get 15% reduced flask charges used.
The +15% reduced flask charges would be good, as that would get an extra use out of my Surgeon's Basalt Flask of Grounding. While that would be nice, I also don't feel that it's holding me back.

Thoughts? If there is some interaction I'm missing with Arcane Chemistry, Trickery, or Assassination, I'd love to hear about it, as those seem to be the weaker options.
Also, would a Physical to Chaos along with that +20% chaos be enough of a boost to offset the increased attack speed from Faster Casting?
Yesterday i rerolled my Pathfinder and just want to say that this build is super cheap in BHC.
Divinarius- 1c (I buyed almost perfect rolled for 8c)
Carcass- 5c
Rathpith- 3c
Essence Worm- 4c
Rumi's- 18% block for 20c, 15%block- 15c

Rares for this build are also quite cheap and jewel with life and 2 dmg mods can be buyed for 10c.

Overall realy good build for this currency.

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