[2.4 VIDEO] #1 Pathfinder PHC - Blade Vortex flask build. Uber atziri video. Easy lvling

How expensive is this build when talking about higher tier maps with somewhat hard map mods? CoC Discharge was damn expensive but I'm facerolling everything that's not ele reflect. T14 ele weakness and -max % res? Gimme that.

Voll's prot was 10-13 ex for a 6L, had to spend 16 ex for a devotion, then there's like 5-10-18 ex for a good vagan dagger, a +1 endu charges corrupted belt, steppans, shield and all that stuff. The dps I have is good, atm at 43k discharge dmg, but I don't want to play that build in Prophecy.

I was thinking of playing a Blade Vortex build but I don't really feel like grinding 24/7 to get some ridiculous items for a min-max build like Skyforths AND a headhunter... so, how much do you expect to spend on average to do Uber?

Well since i did uber atziri i also tried with a rare 5L chest, and that was no problem as well. I really don't see it taking a lot of investment, but it depends on how well you play. Even with the gear i have a death can easily happen.
Bogok 님이 작성:
How expensive is this build when talking about higher tier maps with somewhat hard map mods? CoC Discharge was damn expensive but I'm facerolling everything that's not ele reflect. T14 ele weakness and -max % res? Gimme that.

Voll's prot was 10-13 ex for a 6L, had to spend 16 ex for a devotion, then there's like 5-10-18 ex for a good vagan dagger, a +1 endu charges corrupted belt, steppans, shield and all that stuff. The dps I have is good, atm at 43k discharge dmg, but I don't want to play that build in Prophecy.

I was thinking of playing a Blade Vortex build but I don't really feel like grinding 24/7 to get some ridiculous items for a min-max build like Skyforths AND a headhunter... so, how much do you expect to spend on average to do Uber?

Well since i did uber atziri i also tried with a rare 5L chest, and that was no problem as well. I really don't see it taking a lot of investment, but it depends on how well you play. Even with the gear i have a death can easily happen.

I don't care about deaths, I never play hardcore anyway. I find it a waste of my time. Reroll maps that are deadly, logout/alt+f4 whenever in danger, nah, screw that kind of gameplay. Many more fun to play builds in Softcore that you wouldn't really play in Hardcore.

Think Uber Atziri is doable within 5 ex using this build on Softcore?
drahtziehergc 님이 2016. 5. 22. 오후 4:55:36에 마지막으로 편집
I don't care about deaths, I never play hardcore anyway. I find it a waste of my time. Reroll maps that are deadly, logout/alt+f4 whenever in danger, nah, screw that kind of gameplay. Many more fun to play builds in Softcore that you wouldn't really play in Hardcore.

No one says you have te reroll deadly maps. Do you seriously think hardcore players keep rerolling maps until they don't have damage mods or something?

The top played builds on SC are the same as in HC btw, just FYI. Only in HC we actually care about building a well balanced character that at least has over 3K life and capped resists in endgame maps.
echelontee 님이 작성:
Hey, assuming nothing drastically changes, what do you think you will do with the +2 ascendency points?

Really thinking about dropping poison if the double dipping gets hosed. Status effect immunity = get to use quad uniques (Vinktar, Rumi, ToH, Atziri) and then basalt of warding.
IlyaK1986 님이 작성:
echelontee 님이 작성:
Hey, assuming nothing drastically changes, what do you think you will do with the +2 ascendency points?

Really thinking about dropping poison if the double dipping gets hosed. Status effect immunity = get to use quad uniques (Vinktar, Rumi, ToH, Atziri) and then basalt of warding.

I don't think poison will get nerfed though, it looks like they're just after the uniques like voltaxic etc. We'll see, but i'll definitely update the build guide with my opinions (:
Are you guys going Deadeye Ascendancy in the new expansion?
Bogok 님이 작성:
IlyaK1986 님이 작성:
echelontee 님이 작성:
Hey, assuming nothing drastically changes, what do you think you will do with the +2 ascendency points?

Really thinking about dropping poison if the double dipping gets hosed. Status effect immunity = get to use quad uniques (Vinktar, Rumi, ToH, Atziri) and then basalt of warding.

I don't think poison will get nerfed though, it looks like they're just after the uniques like voltaxic etc. We'll see, but i'll definitely update the build guide with my opinions (:

I hear double-dipping will be gone, which means that if you don't need the chaos resistance, then the poison might be really underwhelming compared to a conc-effected, atziri-flasked double dipped poison.
IlyaK1986 님이 2016. 5. 23. 오후 2:16:29에 마지막으로 편집
BTW Bogok , what is the reason for Added Fire over Increased crit strikes?

Tooltip from added fire is higher, but has to pass monsters resists first aswell.. While increased crit will make you hit much harder, not to mention increase flask charges gained.

BTW Bogok , what is the reason for Added Fire over Increased crit strikes?

Tooltip from added fire is higher, but has to pass monsters resists first aswell.. While increased crit will make you hit much harder, not to mention increase flask charges gained.


You have a very valid point, I just don't feel like crit gives us that much, and I don't feel like the flask charges are really needed, but it is definitely a plus with more charges! You can also say the dmg isn't really needed from added fire, so it's really up to whatever you prefer.
I think I'd still rock the added fire, specially now we get 8 points and can pick up "Master Fletcher"
Why are you calling it Fletcher? :p

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