[2.4 VIDEO] #1 Pathfinder PHC - Blade Vortex flask build. Uber atziri video. Easy lvling

Here is my take on a life based, lvl90 tree.

Power charges, jewel slots and 5% life nodes would be the last things I pick up. The remaining points can be used to get Forced Shaper and Conduit. Using controlled destruction and ICS we're looking at a 50% crit chance without Divinarius on full Power Charges. That would give us 10 crits per seconds at 20 stacks while single targeting, or 1 flask charge per second on average. We probably need a Magnate to survive during tough boss fights. With the 40% increased flask charge gained on the tree and a Magnate, we can count on something like 20 charges every 10 seconds, which should be enough during tough boss fights.
Let me know if anything is wrong with what I just said, this is the first time I somewhat build my own spellcaster tree, and I'm usually a frantic flask masher when things get tense, so trying out BV pathfinder is a new experience to me.
Jambe 님이 2016. 9. 2. 오전 9:11:45에 마지막으로 편집
Blood Rage is a weird choice for this build. You won't really have any regen, and cast speed isn't needed at all. The minor damage boost isn't worth it, I think.
Glick 님이 작성:
Blood Rage is a weird choice for this build. You won't really have any regen, and cast speed isn't needed at all. The minor damage boost isn't worth it, I think.

I wonder is it worth it with tricksters and swift killer node?
I wrote a little spreadsheet (guide) for myself regarding BV Pathfinder life based. Thought I'd share it, as it seems that everyone is doing BV at this point.

Here's the link.

And here's the tree I'll be going for: http://poeurl.com/KS7

I plan to remain life based, as going CI/LL will be damn expensive, along with the flaks and uniques, which I won't probably use.
This is my CI version:

and leveling hybrid version:

I even thinking bout standart low life build later, if I can get Shavronne.
Buy still have no idia how 6-link setup should look like. I guess we need to figure it out during game.

looks okish, but go through Harrier, same points but u get attack speed (for WB), cast speed and ms.
Le_Sanzo 님이 작성:
Wow, lots of trees have been posted. They are all 98% same as each other though with some minor changes. Guess those minor changes will be put into effect only after level 75-80 or so. Initially I think all of our trees will be pretty much picking up the same nodes and levelling the same way.

Good luck guys! Hope you find a perfect Taste of hate on your first map.

fensuta 님이 작성:
I can't decide between Pathfinder and Assassin. Can someone give me some tips?

Pathfinder is going to be expensive. Judging from the amount of people who are going to be looking out for the unique flasks, its going to be super expensive. If you are ready for that, I'd say pathfinder is awesome.

Else, play assassin. You might have to link in a poison support gem but the playstyle feels very comfortable.

I spend several hours to finish my 2 curse ASS BV.

Start with life based:

Then switch to CI if I have ES gears:

Pathfinder looks very good. I choose assassin in the end because:
1 cheaper
2 less points so I can do 2 curse
3 higher damage potential without unique flask
4 poison

1 no perma flask (combined with lower boss damage makes it harder for boss)
2 slower

I really wanted to try a tri curse one with corpri's so this will be my first go.

---->this is my "failed" attempt to do life based 2 curse pathfinder bv :http://poeplanner.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

it maybe viable with CI 2 curse pathfinder BV?

This is the CI 2 curse pathfinder bv I tried to come up with:
need level 100: :)

Please comment/improve
Jianke 님이 2016. 9. 2. 오전 11:27:41에 마지막으로 편집
I don't think we need Speed Cast gem anymore for this build right ? If so which is the best 6th gem ? I'm considering Added Chaos Damage or Critical Damage or even Critical Strikes for more base crit, what you think ?
sirs 님이 작성:
I don't think we need Speed Cast gem anymore for this build right ? If so which is the best 6th gem ? I'm considering Added Chaos Damage or Critical Damage or even Critical Strikes for more base crit, what you think ?

BV-added fire-crit strike-crit chanse-aoe-spell echo. On standart at least it is really decent setup. For now, no one knows how this will work. It could be a banch of added damage gems or phys to lightning.
AlmostZer0 님이 2016. 9. 2. 오후 12:06:27에 마지막으로 편집
So the build was updated for 2.4 and looks like he still is going full mana pool/MoM?
sirs 님이 작성:
I don't think we need Speed Cast gem anymore for this build right ? If so which is the best 6th gem ? I'm considering Added Chaos Damage or Critical Damage or even Critical Strikes for more base crit, what you think ?

BV-added fire-crit strike-crit chanse-aoe-spell echo. On standart at least it is really decent setup. For now, no one knows how this will work. It could be a banch of added damage gems or phys to lightning.

Not sure if Crit dmg or chance is better than controlled destruction tho.

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