[2.4 VIDEO] #1 Pathfinder PHC - Blade Vortex flask build. Uber atziri video. Easy lvling

stevenc1988 님이 작성:
stevenc1988 님이 작성:
there are 25c ones but those are useless for this build, they either give lightning pen or lightning dmg to attacks

No I was talking about the convertion ones... I bought mine just 2 days ago and there were 6 for sale (5 from the same guy for 25c each).

literally 0 available atm, id happily pay 1ex for one

I bought mine early league ^^ It costed 4ex :/
My favorite build that I have played yet. I would probably still be alive if I would of over capped my resistance, but got too cocky and got one shot by a volatile on a ele weakness map.
Ahhh man the dilemma....

Buy a 6L carcass for 11 ex or try to 6link myself for 11 ex (~920 fusings).

I had 2 "accidental" 6links this league in ~20 fusings already... But I got traumatized by last league when I actually aimed for 6linking I spent 2300 fusings in total :/
Affinity 님이 2016. 4. 13. 오전 3:05:09에 마지막으로 편집
stevenc1988 님이 작성:
stevenc1988 님이 작성:
there are 25c ones but those are useless for this build, they either give lightning pen or lightning dmg to attacks

No I was talking about the convertion ones... I bought mine just 2 days ago and there were 6 for sale (5 from the same guy for 25c each).

literally 0 available atm, id happily pay 1ex for one

I just bought one on PHC. At time of writing there are still another 3 available http://poe.trade/search/erakiwahoyusio
IGN - Moisturiser
Shop - 697887
I'm follow your build but with a scion.
Can you make a passive tree for a scion pls?

I really like this build. In your opinion, what would yield the most DPS: CI, low life, or pure life?
I really like this build. In your opinion, what would yield the most DPS: CI, low life, or pure life?

i think ,is low life
lowlife is always more dmg..

it's pretty expensive tho (skyforth/6L shavs/insane jewelery)
I really like this build. In your opinion, what would yield the most DPS: CI, low life, or pure life?

Like the other guys said - lowlife gives most dps, but i really don't feel like it's needed, and i would say this is safer. Also definitely a lot cheaper
I leveled this up to 82 now, having quite a bit fun actually. How did you do at t14/15 and ubers bogok ? Also what changes would you do for softcore for more dps maybe

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