[2.2] LL Voltaxic LA ONE HIT ATZIRI! Millions of DPS (WITH VIDEOS)

Greetings fellow Path of Exilers (bring it grammar nerds). This is the first draft of the guide. Let the one-shotting begin with 25k evasion (with flasks)!

Trio One-Shotted?
Two Birds With One Arrow
Atziri Deletion

How it works:
This mechanic has been around for a long time. I've come across this idea from several forum/reddit posts. So this build is not originally mine, I'm simply trying to make it better by min/maxing.

The main mechanic behind this build is the use of Lightning Arrow along with Frost Wall. The trick is to make the Lightning Arrow pierce the Frost Wall (100% pierce chance) and as the arrow(s) go through they will hit multiple Forst Wall segments/shards, this will cause the lightning arrow to proc a LOT of bolts of lightning around the target area. This means that the bosses (i.e. normal/uber Atziri) will get hit multiple times in a split second and they will die instantly.

On top of this, I use a poison gem which will stack a LOT of poison stacks on bosses.

Scion-DeadEye Level 100 Tree:
Passive Tree

I use a corrupted voltaxic bow with an additional arrow. However, you can use a quiver with an additional arrow. This will give you a total of 3 arrows (without using LMP/GMP) with the Scion-Deadeye ascendancy.

These are the jewels that I have. I focused on getting projectile damage/chaos damage (double dips with poison).


Catch me on my stream at Original Caturai.

If you have any questions, feel free to drop by and chat.
Twitch Stream:
unchainedlive 님이 2016. 5. 18. 오후 4:51:43에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2016. 9. 13. 오전 3:42:03
Nerf inc
Wyra 님이 작성:
Nerf inc

I know right? (:
Twitch Stream:
nice to see non crit voltaxic, im impressed :)
Oquen2nd 님이 작성:
nice to see non crit voltaxic, im impressed :)

Thanks! Crit seemed too much of a pain, when the non-crit version would do the same damage (if not more).
Twitch Stream:
unchainedlive 님이 2016. 5. 18. 오후 4:55:28에 마지막으로 편집
did u try uber with this xD ?
Nyurael 님이 작성:
did u try uber with this xD ?

Yes, uber dies just as fast. I don't have enough Mortal Hopes to make videos on it yet.
Twitch Stream:
Is 100% pierce chance even necessary? LA seems to pierce things without it, or at least it looks like it does.
forsajt 님이 2016. 5. 27. 오후 3:22:27에 마지막으로 편집
^^100% pierce is necessary for the frost wall interaction, la has a chain like effect build in.
Fhark 님이 작성:
^^100% pierce is necessary for the frost wall interaction, la has a chain like effect build in.

forsajt 님이 작성:
Is 100% pierce chance even necessary? LA seems to pierce things without it, or at least it looks like it does.

As Fhark has stated, yes, it is necessary. We want to make sure that the arrows pierce 100% of the time so that we are guaranteed damage every time by procing the secondary effect from LA via frost wall.
Twitch Stream:

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