[2.4] Rakels Eski-Bow-Mower (Nuro´s Harp/Reach of the Council/SC/high penetration)

I often wish Ice shot had the mechanics of Lightning arrow as that would make cold builds a bit better when focusing on strictly the cold element and also with the Higher Ice shot base i bet it would be very strong.
Im currently building a Caustic Arrow build and took a break to grab a Nuros harp before the League ends and of course came lurking around for info on yet another really cool bow,,,by all accounts prophecy has been terrific for Bow hoarders ( in denial myself :) )and ive enjoyed trying out the various fated upgrades more than anything else,Silverbough, Doomfletch Prism and Deaths Opus are all very good and even endgame viable, my current Doomfletch Prism build
is the strongest bow build ive ever played but your build really looks like alot of fun and I always end up using a call of the Brotherhood ring for some icy explosions no matter what skill build im using,,,this just might be the best Ice blast junkies best fix to date :)

Have you tried using Southbound gloves with it yet,,they lack the crit but have alot of added cold damage and a whopping 16% life and increased freeze duration for even more of a safety net in defense. Might be too much crit to lose but they do seem tailor made for this type of build, With respecs coming up very shortly I plan on using one of my scion bow builds for a run using your build,,,that seems better than the cost of respecing my current elementalist bow builds,,Prophecy has more witch bow builds than any previous leagues i suspect, conflux and the prolif along with more elemental focus overall has been alot of fun.

thx for posting your build.

Remember when high end gear was really high end !
Classic Audio all the way,olderthandirt and twice as
Grizzly :)
Made a little update with new dps screenshot using reach of the council...just to point out that this is still a nice build with sick clear speed. Single target is just not as much fun now, stick with the boring old blast rain seems most viable, but you can put up almost anything else or just make a strong ballista that you can use to kite bosses.

So yes, Build is still 2.4 viable, but i suggest to pick a single target now as the funky and nice la frost wall interaction (that was in the wiki...and worked for years and nobody cared) was now removed entirely from the game (as GGG now considers it "abuse" now, reading the patch notes) Well, so i figure its not "abuse" to have 1-2mio DPS with other builds. But for bower its not ok?
The history of nerfing bow builds is so long i am not sure if i am going to continue. Other builds are not really interesting to me, i´ve tried many and it´s just not the same fun. Bowers continue to be frustrating, in many ways, although this attemp i made got me a fun to play and strong char that can do most content. If you just don´t have such an easy times with the currently most important content in the game - i still consider it a half-fail. If you like bowers, go try this build, it is still very viable. But if your going to grind the uber lab only, maybe check out something else after this patch. Maybe i´ll just stop playing POE, make a reddit account, and scream for random nerfs there till the end of days. It seems to work so well for others for years.

For years it is the same that certain builds are **** in the **** with a potatoe. Every patch, and a page full of builds goes to the archives. Sure, there is new ones again, but i don´t see increasing variety with builds. Just old ones go, new ones comes. You end up with a pile of dead chars on std league that you can not even ever use again for the sake of the good old days. Basically, you can sell everything before the next patch and screw it. "mimimimi" jeah, the *** with you, loosing more and more interest with every new patch although there is a ton of new nice content.
Rakelholz 님이 2016. 9. 5. 오후 4:32:47에 마지막으로 편집
@Grizzledmoe: no actually i never attempted to use southbound - i thought they would not be able to compeat in any way witht the 90% crit multi from fb´s :-)
hello,i know made this build a while a go,but could you explain me how can i do that? i mean the jump in skills from one place to another? i'm new here and don't know if that's possible or how it works, please?
Could you explain your build progression to me starting out from the Scion area before you took the ascendency points for the ranger starting area? I am trying to come up with what you got but I am stumped.
Is this build still working on 2.6?

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