[2.4] LA/Barrage Voltaxic Assasin/Raider Updated to AoW

why help alira merc? you don't seem to generate any power charges
edit: nevermind its the assassin asc.
endi 님이 2016. 7. 28. 오후 12:27:53에 마지막으로 편집

what is a good alternative to Kintsugi, when you don't have that ~18 Exalted in standard?

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Hey, started leveling scion. How do u support lighning arrow's mana cost?
Would you please include skilltree without 30ex uniques in mind :D.
feelmybicep 님이 2016. 7. 31. 오후 8:42:29에 마지막으로 편집
AkumaNoTsubasa 님이 작성:

what is a good alternative to Kintsugi, when you don't have that ~18 Exalted in standard?

Any rare chest with high evasion life and resistances

feelmybicep 님이 작성:
Hey, started leveling scion. How do u support lighning arrow's mana cost?
Would you please include skilltree without 30ex uniques in mind :D.

LA mana cost in a 6 link is 41

you leech 0.4% of attack damage as mana. from tree. which is enough.

you could even get by with the mana and life enchant on boots and save points on tree.

Ill try and include a budget version when i got time.
ty for the suggestion
Axug 님이 2016. 8. 12. 오후 12:45:53에 마지막으로 편집
Updated with explanation on gear choices.

Will add tree for the budget version later on
Will also add section on mapping and general gameplay later on.
Axug 님이 2016. 8. 1. 오후 8:21:19에 마지막으로 편집
If using Acuity, I'd probably make some slight changes to the passive tree:


You lose Aspect of the Eagle and Depth Perception, but you gain Nullification (life, evasion and resistances), some evasion nodes (useful while wearing Kintsugi), Master of the Arena (QoL on Blood Rage), Fangs of the Viper (movement speed), Sniper (good damage) and a jewel socket.
djnat 님이 작성:
If using Acuity, I'd probably make some slight changes to the passive tree:


You lose Aspect of the Eagle and Depth Perception, but you gain Nullification (life, evasion and resistances), some evasion nodes (useful while wearing Kintsugi), Master of the Arena (QoL on Blood Rage), Fangs of the Viper (movement speed), Sniper (good damage) and a jewel socket.

If you you're not running Acuity you have to run Vaal Pact.
If you're Running Vaal pact you're not running blood rage but pick the raider ascendency instead of deadeye to gain frenzy charges. (This also means the route you have to take is a bit different since you need to pick up the pierce chance passives on tree)

You specced out of the only jewel socket where its efficient to run Static Electricity
Master or the arena is useless.
Fangs of the viper, Sniper and Nullification are not worth picking up when you loose crit chance and accuracy.

not only is it less dps, your chance to hit falls off.

3 points to pick up a jewel socket is not efficient especially when the 2 points leading to the jewel socket are more or less useless. you have done so twice.

you lost one skill point by picking up ranger start.
Axug 님이 2016. 8. 2. 오전 5:59:55에 마지막으로 편집
Lol. I think you might have read a little bit wrong there. He didn't say if you don't have acuity, but rather rather changes to make if you do have acuity. In that context a lot of his points are pretty good.
For try, for see, and for know.

This is a buff
Etherfire 님이 작성:
Lol. I think you might have read a little bit wrong there. He didn't say if you don't have acuity, but rather rather changes to make if you do have acuity. In that context a lot of his points are pretty good.


I don't even use Static Electricity on my voltaxic archer. I have jewels that outclass it by a large degree.

It's a "cheap" solution for sure, but far from being the best one.
Etherfire 님이 작성:
Lol. I think you might have read a little bit wrong there. He didn't say if you don't have acuity, but rather rather changes to make if you do have acuity. In that context a lot of his points are pretty good.

You are absolutly right. I read it as he wasnt going to be using Acuity.
This doesnt change any of my comments regarding the respec.

djnat 님이 작성:
Etherfire 님이 작성:
Lol. I think you might have read a little bit wrong there. He didn't say if you don't have acuity, but rather rather changes to make if you do have acuity. In that context a lot of his points are pretty good.


I don't even use Static Electricity on my voltaxic archer. I have jewels that outclass it by a large degree.

It's a "cheap" solution for sure, but far from being the best one.

Static Electricity gives about the same dps as a 3 dps mod jewel.
For a rare jewel to be better it either has to have 4 dps mods or 3 dps mods and life.
Static Electricity might not be the best option but it is the efficient option.

With Acuity on you want to be as close to crit cap as possible. the more you crit, the more you leech so my argument stays the same.

You specced out of the only jewel socket where its efficient to run Static Electricity
Master or the arena is useless.
Fangs of the viper, Sniper and Nullification are not worth picking up when you loose crit chance and accuracy.

not only is it less dps, your chance to hit falls off.

3 points to pick up a jewel socket is not efficient especially when the 2 points leading to the jewel socket are more or less useless. you have done so twice.

you lost one skill point by picking up ranger start.


Although i have to say if your rings and amulet has crit chance on them (which mine don't) and you can get close to crit cap without as many crit chance nodes on the tree. sure picking up Sniper, Nullification and Fangs of the Viper are all good choices, but not at the expense of accuracy rating and a lesser chance to crit.

Axug 님이 2016. 8. 2. 오전 8:15:56에 마지막으로 편집

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