☆ [Outdated] Sarang's TS/LA/Barrage Archer | Pathfinder | Crit Bow | Videos | Budget Version ☆

I think from my impression, Phoenix seems to be the toughest so far, but could just be the map mods I'm doing them in (for example in the sample video Extra Fire and Minus Max are not a friendly combo). So far I think Phoenix > Chimera > Hydra > Minotaur at least for me.

You have awesome gear, I remember looking at your profile a long time ago, with Kaom setup you can easily crack 9K+ Life (maybe 10K? Would have to do some math) and that would be awesome. Sadly I was still in a fairly poor state when they removed Eternals, so unfortunately I probably won't be able to ever truly complete some of my gear. I do have plans to eventually meta-craft t1 Crit Chance on the bow, though, but that would be ~80 Exalt sink? Which I don't have at the moment until I sell a lot of the stuff I hoarded from Prophecy League.

I have 1 full set right now and some extra Minotaur/Phoenix Fragments, but I plan on trying (and recording my failure?) when I get to ~3 full sets. If I can only get the damn Chimera/Hydra maps to drop, though. Burning through T15's like crazy.

Phoenix is the most easy one for me, but probably being down to playing him by far the most. It's really an encounter where you just have to find your rhythm. Increased area of effect is really deadly on the map, cause you haven't got a lot of space to hide when he implodes anyway. For me it's probably chimera > hydra > minotaur > phoenix.

And thanks for your comment on my gear, if i remember correctly i was close to 10k life, when i checked it with a leg. kaoms of a friend. Your setup is pretty awesome as well and yes, well metacrafting can be really expensive. I had some success on quivers and chests, but those have very limited rolls, which is why it works fine. Weapons should be harder i guess.
Up for the guide.
Good that u updated.

10k is unbeatable(of corse if not being ridicolous)... My math is 9600-9700 with high end gear..
But i don't think it's needed. Stopped at 9100 myself. Facetanking anything exept double flameblastand shaper slam/yellow balls...With 9700 it will be the same.. so no point in this.

Guardians are all eyes closed exept for chimera...
That shity fog phase.. If she is very lucky and u are not u can get ripped.. As i understand u need to find the right fog where it is hiding)). I use whirling blades in my second hand dagger, so i can be a bit more fast in covering the fog areas..
Try it, it helped me..

Dunno why the phoenix problem.. With 9k u can tank him even the blast
, with dying sun on. 10-20sec and he is gone...
Dzz1rt 님이 2016. 9. 26. 오전 9:22:40에 마지막으로 편집
basta1982 님이 작성:
Phoenix is the most easy one for me, but probably being down to playing him by far the most. It's really an encounter where you just have to find your rhythm. Increased area of effect is really deadly on the map, cause you haven't got a lot of space to hide when he implodes anyway. For me it's probably chimera > hydra > minotaur > phoenix.

And thanks for your comment on my gear, if i remember correctly i was close to 10k life, when i checked it with a leg. kaoms of a friend. Your setup is pretty awesome as well and yes, well metacrafting can be really expensive. I had some success on quivers and chests, but those have very limited rolls, which is why it works fine. Weapons should be harder i guess.

Yeah, I think the first couple of times I encountered him I had either -Max, No Regen, or Extra Fire Damage, some combination there. If he does gap close and hit, it does put you in a bad place. I think the other ones, outside of the first encounter where I didn't have much control over the map mods, were pretty manageable afterwards.

Dzz1rt 님이 작성:
Up for the guide.
Good that u updated.

10k is unbeatable(of corse if not being ridicolous)... My math is 9600-9700 with high end gear..
But i don't think it's needed. Stopped at 9100 myself. Facetanking anything exept double flameblastand shaper slam/yellow balls...With 9700 it will be the same.. so no point in this.

Guardians are all eyes closed exept for chimera...
That shity fog phase.. If she is very lucky and u are not u can get ripped.. As i understand u need to find the right fog where it is hiding)). I use whirling blades in my second hand dagger, so i can be a bit more fast in covering the fog areas..
Try it, it helped me..

Dunno why the phoenix problem.. With 9k u can tank him even the blast
, with dying sun on. 10-20sec and he is gone...

Yeah, I'm getting better at Chimera, I think first time I didn't know about the smoke clouds so it was kind of rough. For readers, I did add a video as well, to go with the other 3 Guardian fight.

I tried Shaper today and I think my mechanics are not so good atm with the fight, didn't have much issues dodging Laser/Slam, but with lower damage output with my gear, it results in having to manage way more Cold Degen balls, causing the floor to get too crowded, and as a result I could not finish.

But overall very good learning experience. Most mechanics survivable, but I need to balance focus on the ground effects. Will try again when I farm another 2 sets.

/e Actually friend encourage me to try out Barrage as better Single Target:

3rd try Deathless. It is much stronger but I think just due to lack of TS power on my gear overall. Video should be done uploading soon.
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
_Saranghaeyo_ 님이 2016. 9. 27. 오후 7:30:57에 마지막으로 편집
For Essence/2.4 which tree should I be following? I'm planning on either sticking to Voltaxic 5L LA/6L BR or doing 5L Voltaxic TS with Kaom's Heart, if I do go with Kaom's Heart should I stick with Voltaxic or get a rare bow?

hi, what is your bandit choices :) ?
_Saranghaeyo_ 님이 작성:

/e Actually friend encourage me to try out Barrage as better Single Target:

3rd try Deathless. It is much stronger but I think just due to lack of TS power on my gear overall. Video should be done uploading soon.

I did try it.
Well, there is a minor problem going with this. The Single target damage is a bit better if shotgunning
You will actually loose some dps cause u do not suport VoVT with ur PTL, using fire instead.
If u try just replacing the quiver to get more Dmg, leaving VoVT+PTL u will get 50fire+50LT
Wich is gonna get u fucked on ele reflect maps with 100% ele damage..
The only use for this as i see is pure PvP setup, barrage is realy better there( if that can be seriously needed really) or Just a second bow to swap on t16 guards or shaper or Uber...
For me it's not an issue cause i have enough of damage to melt everything quick...I don't need it a bit faster.. And i do have higer survivability, cause i have 2 flask to leech from, and with this setup only 1.. (VoVT not working if u do Hybrid of course phys/fire)

So if u are a perfectioinst, well it's great to have another rat+ 2 barrage shots(50ex)+ 1 more bow with other colors for barrage, that's real perfect setup... bit it's a luxury indeed.(if aiming for 2-nd mirror bow)

But the setup for buget is great, thought to recomend Council+Single fire for buget setup myself) PPl are demanding some cheaper version then mine..))

Dzz1rt 님이 2016. 9. 28. 오전 10:22:37에 마지막으로 편집
Niall 님이 작성:
For Essence/2.4 which tree should I be following? I'm planning on either sticking to Voltaxic 5L LA/6L BR or doing 5L Voltaxic TS with Kaom's Heart, if I do go with Kaom's Heart should I stick with Voltaxic or get a rare bow?


Voltaxic is just fine with TS and Kaom's Heart (one of the guy in my mapping group switched to that when he felt Rare Chest or Unique 6L Chest was too squishy).

I think you want something like this (credit to djnat for the Tree, I consider him a Voltaxic expert and if you are going specifically for this build I would choose this Tree):


Keep in mind we will be taking Master Herbalist so we can Poison with Voltaxic, so this is different than using Master Alchemist, so Flasks will have to be rolled accordingly, at least a Bleed Flask & Frezze/Chill Flask with Atziri's Promise and if you can afford Vessel of Vinktar. With low Crit Base bow you will also want to have access to a Diamond Flask so you can still reach Critical Strike Chance cap.

I will assemble a gear set together to give you an idea of what to look for when I am home today. It would not be much different from the Rares that are being used in the current Physical Setup, simply adjusted to things like Flat Lightning Damage instead of Flat Physical, etc. Tree provides 114 INT naturally, so Jewelry may need to be used to reach the 155 INT required for Wrath. I'll edit something in or make a new post.

If you do want to use a 6L Chest (preferably Belly of the Beast), you can link a Barrage setup in there for single target instead of Blast Rain. I am starting to like that skill quite a lot these days.

DBM92 님이 작성:
hi, what is your bandit choices :) ?

I take Oak, then Point, then Kraityn. Suggest Alira if you do not have good Crit Chance for Merciless.

Decisions are made based on the final Tree, but let's say you plan on never leveling past 95 or so, if you do and are 1) lacking 1 point to get to a Jewel Socket I would take Normal Point, or if you are 2) having one extra point you don't need, then you can do Cruel Kraityn for Attack Speed.

I will add this into the Tree section tonight.

Dzz1rt 님이 작성:
_Saranghaeyo_ 님이 작성:

/e Actually friend encourage me to try out Barrage as better Single Target:

3rd try Deathless. It is much stronger but I think just due to lack of TS power on my gear overall. Video should be done uploading soon.

I did try it.
Well, there is a minor problem going with this. The Single target damage is a bit better if shotgunning
You will actually loose some dps cause u do not suport VoVT with ur PTL, using fire instead.
If u try just replacing the quiver to get more Dmg, leaving VoVT+PTL u will get 50fire+50LT
Wich is gonna get u fucked on ele reflect maps with 100% ele damage..
The only use for this as i see is pure PvP setup, barrage is realy better there( if that can be seriously needed really) or Just a second bow to swap on t16 guards or shaper or Uber...
For me it's not an issue cause i have enough of damage to melt everything quick...I don't need it a bit faster.. And i do have higer survivability, cause i have 2 flask to leech from, and with this setup only 1.. (VoVT not working if u do Hybrid of course phys/fire)

So if u are a perfectioinst, well it's great to have another rat+ 2 barrage shots(50ex)+ 1 more bow with other colors for barrage, that's real perfect setup... bit it's a luxury indeed.(if aiming for 2-nd mirror bow)

But the setup for buget is great, thought to recomend Council+Single fire for buget setup myself) PPl are demanding some cheaper version then mine..))

I agree with the damage conversion issue and VoV. I actually plan on only using this setup for special instances like Uber Atziri or Shaper, otherwise I think all other content in the game (ie., Map Mods) for my gear level is doable with just TS. For me it felt like the TS damage was lacking, indicated by the amount of Degen Pools that spawned during the Shaper fight. With Barrage the damage is already really nice with Legacy Reach, so I plan on testing with a non-Legacy 6L as soon as I get it.

I did pick up:

As a temporary solution as I farm Lab to maybe get lucky.

I definitely think Council + Signal is a good budget option too, may help some users realize that you can still have great success without high-end gear.
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
_Saranghaeyo_ 님이 2016. 9. 28. 오전 11:38:50에 마지막으로 편집
can you tell me why i'm taking so big damage from monsters, and what's your dps? because i have trouble by killing rare monsters :/
DBM92 님이 2016. 9. 29. 오전 11:00:42에 마지막으로 편집
DBM92 님이 작성:
can you tell me why i'm taking so big damage from monsters, and what's your dps? because i have trouble by killing rare monsters :/

Hey mate.

I try not to show DPS screenshots if I can, it will depend heavily on your gear. But here they are if you are interested:



You can get 95% Crit Cap on TS pretty easily imo with the Increased Crit Strikes gem.

With Barrage I'm using Reach + Signal Fire. But the Tooltip is 1 Projectile, so with +1 Helm Enchant + Reach + Dying Sun + 4 Base Projectiles, I actually have 11x Projectiles total that are each coming out at that amount.

Any other question lmk. Keep in mind for TS damages Vinktar + PTL Gem allow us to facetank pretty much. Even with Barrage, just with full Flasks it is np to facetank T16 Guardians due to the sheer number of projectiles in each attack.
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
_Saranghaeyo_ 님이 2016. 9. 29. 오후 12:04:28에 마지막으로 편집
_Saranghaeyo_ 님이 작성:
basta1982 님이 작성:
Testing a lot of stuff atm as well (std) and preparing to buy a leg. kaoms as well. Setup already changed to get 191 str and still caping resistance, but lacking currency atm. to buy the chest. Walked into scion area for the wheel (and a lot of str-nodes) and it works just fine with around 6.5k life, but of course you need some really decent gear to maintain enough dps. Dunno if i'll stay with the current tree when i finally bought the chest.

Playing split arrow plus raider atm, - it's really decent and way undervalued for grinding maps. For endgame: Chimera can be tough, other guardians are np at all (with ts-raider-setup). Only tried shaper twice, and one time a portal was bugged so i had only 1 left for trying him. Still got him to the last phase. Second try i had all 6 portals, but lacking experience with the fight to get it done. But it's easily doable.

I think from my impression, Phoenix seems to be the toughest so far, but could just be the map mods I'm doing them in (for example in the sample video Extra Fire and Minus Max are not a friendly combo). So far I think Phoenix > Chimera > Hydra > Minotaur at least for me.

You have awesome gear, I remember looking at your profile a long time ago, with Kaom setup you can easily crack 9K+ Life (maybe 10K? Would have to do some math) and that would be awesome. Sadly I was still in a fairly poor state when they removed Eternals, so unfortunately I probably won't be able to ever truly complete some of my gear. I do have plans to eventually meta-craft t1 Crit Chance on the bow, though, but that would be ~80 Exalt sink? Which I don't have at the moment until I sell a lot of the stuff I hoarded from Prophecy League.

I have 1 full set right now and some extra Minotaur/Phoenix Fragments, but I plan on trying (and recording my failure?) when I get to ~3 full sets. If I can only get the damn Chimera/Hydra maps to drop, though. Burning through T15's like crazy.

Casia 님이 작성:
oh, cool update.

Was kindof hoping passive tree would have some super secret thing I missed. but, just seems like standard build I do on 99% of my rangers already. haha. (except for hired killer)

Couple thoughts/questions.

How is your accuracy?
Whats the hp without kaoms? belly?
As fun as Wyrmsign is on my frostblades, op makes me realize she really needs Atziri's acuity.
Life, crit, armor, and int? yes please. that int would free up so much...

Quick look at :"2.3 level 100 reach/volx build."
would these small changes, have more life, crit, damage, attack speed, and accuracy.

No other guide has really discussed Essences, or new crafting bases. "bruiser build", I think this is appropriate.

Yeah, actually funny as it is, no super secret tech at the moment (although if I showed you my POE Skill Tree Program you'd wonder about what I do in my spare time), just pathing ideologies really that I want to use. Really it's about having the right amount of Crit support in the Tree while opening up to access the good Nodes and still leave open spaces for Jewel Sockets. That 2.3 Tree I had to run out to True Strike to push to Crit Cap with a Voltaxic, which was very much needed due to the base. The Tree I'm playing around with now has ~320% Crit as opposed to that one, which was over 400% Crit, at the cost of running out to Scion Life Wheel. I think that is okay. Your adjustments make it a very similar power level, atm just a little amount of Crit and Crit Multi less, for a small boost in life (roughly the value of ~1 Jewel Socket worth of Life, which is very valuable), but stronger for Physical Bow overall imo.

I have 91% Accuracy atm, and with Power Charges up I'm at Crit Cap, combined with Assassin's Mark the Crit Rate is pushed an additional 9%, so if the mechanics thread was correct, it would be in the neighborhood of ~95% effective Crit Chance factoring in Accuracy. Was able to get the 5th Jewel with 7% Maximum Life, so without Kaom's I have 5.7K Life, with non-Legacy Kaom's I have 7.3K Life, and with Legacy 8.8K Life. If some gear pieces were better, could crack the 9K threshold, but is expensive for me to even try. I will test with a 40% Belly of the Beast and see what I get.

Wyrmsign I used in temp league actually, because I was planning to put a Blast Rain in there (huehue). Acuity definitely BIS, but some sacrifices and Vaal Pact, which is not a good place to be for the new content in my opinion for Life Based, allow you to wear other options in that slot.

I don't think I will discuss Essences much here, as the post is already pretty long imo. Maybe some short notes about it. When I did something similar in 2.0, it was mostly ignored due to lack of interest. That said... I've only been mapping really in ESC so while I have a pile of Essences, been gambling those away on Vaal Regalias and Opal Rings. Really need to look at the Corrupt-Only ones to figure out if I want to do anything there. I do think Vanguard Belt is pretty nice, flat Armor and Evasion is actually pretty good, but need to have a comfortable Life Pool already before using it. The Flat bonuses are pretty good though on the implicit.

And for Two-Toned Boots, I don't think I would ever trade extra resistances for a Merciless/Uber Lab enchant. Some of the ones are very useful, and not worth the trade-off, in my opinion. For example the boots I'm using now have 80% Stun Immunity if I've killed recently, which combined with Heart of Oak is just plain Stun Immunity while mapping. I don't think I would ever trade those out for Two-Toned, unless I got my hands on a really strong piece of DPS Jewelry that required it. The upside though is that for Shaper/Guardian/Boss instance fights, most of the Enchantments outside of the "If you haven't killed recently" variety are not active anyways, so there is a corner case for them.

ty vm :), just to be sure, the damage is shown with power charges and flasked buffed right?, and what is PTL ?, and kan you tell me why i'm taking insane damage when i get hit :/

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