[2.6] Explosive Arrow Pathfinder W/Videos -HC Endgame Mapping, Grandmasters, T16 Guardian Guides

Has anyone tried a legacy Silverbough for this build? Is it worth it over a Quill Rain?
sushibagel#7716 님이 2017. 3. 21. 오전 12:10:55에 마지막으로 편집
Andizlack 님이 작성:
subiedude8 님이 작성:
After looking at some of the gear on thread participants, I am beginning to wonder if this build requires accuracy? For example, the guy posting above me has no accuracy pieces, and I checked the "Gear in Essence" part of the OP, and he has one accuracy piece. I have 3 pieces with accuracy, and I believe I have around 88% hit.

I've played with a few setups ranging from ~80% to ~93% to hit. It starts to get a little annoying sometimes for clearing below about 85%, but really not bad by any means. If you do the decoy totem against a wall and spam your clear speed setup to kill bosses (I've been having a good time with decoy totem + increased aoe + increased duration), this becomes completely a non issue. If you can spare the mods on your gloves and maybe 1 ring, I'd say it's probably worth it, especially if you use the single target setup the OP describes, otherwise I wouldn't really worry about it.

Running 75% Accuracy atm, been doing just fine. Have no issues farming reds, it's barely noticeable, clear speed has been pretty much unaffected. In general I only worry about Acc whenever I play a crit-based build. Other than that, I couldn't care less.
I plan to play this build, I got a pretty good budget.

I've read earlier about using only one bow with Dying Sun and +1 Rearguard for both aoe clear and bosses.

Anyone got expierence with this setup? Do I swap conc effect with increased aoe for bosses and the other 5 links are EA-slow proj-firepen-less dura-chance to ignite?
What CWDT setups do you guys like? I have tried Vortex and Frost Wall with Immortal Call. Currently I am trying GMP Arctic Breath, but I think I am going to try CWDT-Immortal Call-Increased Duration-Vaal Haste (I know this does not proc from CWDT) . Not sure how good Vaal Haste would be with this build since you have to wait for the fuses to explode anyway no matter how fast you shoot.
subiedude8#6901 님이 2017. 3. 21. 오후 1:58:59에 마지막으로 편집
Why use Elemental Equilibrium?
SkankHuunt42 님이 작성:
Why use Elemental Equilibrium?

Huge damage boost, and it's very practical to use in this build due to the high attack speed, and the nature of EA as a skill, as in the arrow/fuse and the explosion are counted as two separate things which means for every shot of EA, you automatically apply EE (providing you have +cold/+light somewhere) and the explosion will get that EE boost without you having to do anything else (though you do need to reapply EE for the ignite).
I got the leech life/mana enchant on my boots, would it still be necessary to go for the leech life gem on the AoE Quill's Rain or could I swap that out for something else?
MMCShiNi 님이 작성:
I plan to play this build, I got a pretty good budget.

I've read earlier about using only one bow with Dying Sun and +1 Rearguard for both aoe clear and bosses.

Anyone got expierence with this setup? Do I swap conc effect with increased aoe for bosses and the other 5 links are EA-slow proj-firepen-less dura-chance to ignite?

I just recently got my Dying Sun & +1 Arrow Rearguard and you could definitely do AoE clears with just the Single Target 6L Bow since Dying Sun will give you +3 arrows instead of +2 as a Pathfinder. As for the gem swapping, I've just been using Conc Effect without any problems on either AoE or Bosses, everything dies fast except for Ignite Immune bosses. That said, I still use a 5L AoE Bow to clear trash with Dying Sun (especially for breaches) which gives me +8 arrows, and once I get a second +1 rearguard, I'll get +9 arrows. Once I can afford another 6L bow for my AoE setup, I'll most likely be doing EA-GMP-Slow Proj-Less Duration-Fire Pene-Inc AOE since I got the leech life enchant on my boots.
i had a question on EE does the damage need to be flat elemental damage added to attack or would a %dmg coverted to cold/lightning proc it as well?
Is there a tree for Grand spectrum build?

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