[2.4] Halfinder - Lowlife Blade Vortex - Stronger than Pathfinder

Hey Kraiwen I did what you said, I dropped HOT and i'm now using hatred on my life. I'm a lot stronger now ;p
Do you have any recommandations for a better gem setup for my harvest?
I'm using skyforth to gain power charge.


you really should get a vaal haste
I am a Mirror, I do not exist.

I have one :p It's in another item/socket.

Can you do HOG and Vaal Temple T16 easily ?
TF2_Vodka 님이 2016. 10. 24. 오후 11:19:06에 마지막으로 편집
I've done most of HoG but I've never full cleared it, this was back when I was actually making the build...

Vaal Temple T16 is super easy yeah, just bring a bleed flask, I can usually facetank in any order even with damage mods.
I am a Mirror, I do not exist.
Hey thanks for the build having a blast with it but i was wondering what jewels to use other than energy from within :s im capped on resist and why does BV on harvest only lvl 7 ?
SupaaaNova 님이 2016. 10. 26. 오후 8:25:48에 마지막으로 편집
SupaaaNova 님이 작성:
Hey thanks for the build having a blast with it but i was wondering what jewels to use other than energy from within :s im capped on resist and why does BV on harvest only lvl 7 ?

BV on the Harvest is there for boss fights I assume, to generate power charges.
You can skip it if you have Skyforth's.
as for jewels:
spell damage, phys damage, area damage, damage from the offensive mods

anone 님이 2016. 10. 27. 오전 4:53:27에 마지막으로 편집
Thanks and if there a way to increase BV Radius without removing Concentrated Effect cause my BV radius is very small
SupaaaNova 님이 작성:
Thanks and if there a way to increase BV Radius without removing Concentrated Effect cause my BV radius is very small

Inc aoe Witch nodes if you haven't taken them yet
Inc AoE Templar nodes but that's not on the main path anyway
Dying sun flask - expensive but it works

I would personally remove Conc effect in favor of Controlled destruction for generall mapping.
You're trading away 15% more dmage from conc.
Conc for tough bosses only.
anone 님이 2016. 10. 28. 오전 9:57:22에 마지막으로 편집
Hello. What you think about Skyforth boots for this build?
anone 님이 작성:
SupaaaNova 님이 작성:
Hey thanks for the build having a blast with it but i was wondering what jewels to use other than energy from within :s im capped on resist and why does BV on harvest only lvl 7 ?

BV on the Harvest is there for boss fights I assume, to generate power charges.
You can skip it if you have Skyforth's.
as for jewels:
spell damage, phys damage, area damage, damage from the offensive mods

do you think it's worth using skyforth, and subbing out kiaras for a dying sun for max fire res and subbing out power charge on crit/bv to cwdt/immortal call just to protect u from big hits

gm08872 님이 2016. 10. 30. 오후 8:59:04에 마지막으로 편집

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