[2.6] TheBockwursts EA Pathfinder (7.7kHP/maxBlock/DoubleCurse/+200%MS/MassiveClearspeed/Videos)

look for a fast map clearer, is this still viable, updates? etc? seems like went pretty high up to witch passives why not go witch/ele?
Almost_Red 님이 작성:
look for a fast map clearer, is this still viable, updates? etc? seems like went pretty high up to witch passives why not go witch/ele?

Been running this exact same build for the last 3 big patches, no nerfs whatsoever. AoE nerf sucks a bit but with IncrAoe and Dying Sun we still achieve decent AoE coverage and massive clear speed. Did a superspeed Gorge run a couple of days ago, clocking in at 1m23s - so the clear speed is still the same. I updated the tree, just a few changes here and there, nothing major.

I prefer Pathfinder over anything else due to the fact that we can fully abuse those flasks. With just a legacy Rumis we acheive 75/45 block, rock 165%MS (+VHaste) with just a Quicksilver Flask thanks to Nature's Adrenaline and are fully immune to elemental status ailments thanks to Master Alchemist. No more rolling flasks for freeze, burn and other shit. Just bring a Staunching and you're good to go. Plus with all the Flask effect nodes Dying Sun not only gives 2 but 3 projectiles which is pretty damn sweet.

Hope this helps. If you have any further questions, just hit me up.
Abyssopelagic 님이 2017. 3. 12. 오전 1:21:55에 마지막으로 편집
Which HH better for this build? With life or corrupted with increased Area of Effect of Area Skills ?
Elizabet_Crown 님이 작성:
Which HH better for this build? With life or corrupted with increased Area of Effect of Area Skills ?

Those 4-6% are negligible, I wouldn't bother with that, just take an uncorrupted one. HH isn't mandatory anyway, it's just one of those 'nice to have' things. Not having one lets you equip a rare leather belt that gives us some headroom in regards to the resistances we need on other gear.
Finally updated the guide with a 2.6 video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7SGw8k4hOQ

More coming withing the next days...
ty for the build
what skill i should you for lvling?? EA is not good at all
ty for the build
what skill i should you for lvling?? EA is not good at all

Just level as anything, Flame Totem, Flame Trap, Flame Blast, whatever. Get a +1wand or Lifesprig to start off, switch to a +2sceptre/dagger at ~lv40 and just get your build to when you can start farming Dried Lake. From there it should be pretty smooth sailing.
Is it worth it to overcap resists for this build since Wise oak will almost always be up?
Yosemite02 님이 작성:
Is it worth it to overcap resists for this build since Wise oak will almost always be up?

I prefer being overcapped and not rely too much on Wise Oak to carry my resistances for me. Especially on longer boss fights or multistage bosses you might end up without flask charges and I imagine that this might be really scary w/o capped resistances.
Added another vid of a T15 Colosseum clear, nice and easy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSy-VsNHCGE
Abyssopelagic 님이 2017. 4. 21. 오전 1:55:15에 마지막으로 편집

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