thunderingice 님이 작성:
Does anyone have suggestions for a poison source if you go raider? I considered snakebite, but the 70% reduced frenzy charge duration seems bad (also poe builder hates it). This leaves me feeling like cospris will and a poison gem are my two best choices to get it. So I am having trouble evaluating which opportunity cost is worse: losing queen of the forest movement speed and evasion for the dreamfeathers's as increase or giving up a skill gem slot. Is there another option I am missing? Thoughts?
I did this build as blade flurry in Breach league, and used Snakebite. If you get a few extra frenzy charge duration nodes and use Snakebite, you'll get about 10 seconds of frenzy duration. IIRC, I had 8 frenzy charges in the build
The problem I had with it was that it sometimes would take forever to build back up to max frenzies against trash. You would get to max stacks against bosses and rares almost instantly. I imagine that problem would be lessened with spectral throw, since you hit way more often with it.
Also consider that if you go Cospri's instead, you can still whirling blades everywhere with your super high attack speed from having a million frenzy charges.
글 작성자:Mainiack11#47282017. 3. 1. 오후 10:26:10
This build is viable for 2.6 ?
글 작성자:Marco94320#70722017. 3. 2. 오후 1:30:15
i would also like to know if viable for 2.6?
글 작성자:Gaztik#05922017. 3. 3. 오전 11:57:40
Marco94320 님이 작성:
This build is viable for 2.6 ?
Sure. In 2.6 this build is more than viable, because:
- Dreamfeather: Added Physical Damage mod up to (30 to 50)-(65 to 80);
- All One-handed weapons have had their base damage increased.
"К сожалению, GGG путают неудобства со сложностью. Везде. Во всём."
글 작성자:SIGSEGV2252#57102017. 3. 3. 오후 12:09:59
Sure. In 2.6 this build is more than viable, because:
- Dreamfeather: Added Physical Damage mod up to (30 to 50)-(65 to 80);
- All One-handed weapons have had their base damage increased.
But this build is Chaos, i think Pdps it's not very important. Maybe a Phys version or Elemental (Phys to cold for example) can be better ?
글 작성자:Marco94320#70722017. 3. 3. 오후 12:33:10
Marco94320 님이 작성:
Sure. In 2.6 this build is more than viable, because:
- Dreamfeather: Added Physical Damage mod up to (30 to 50)-(65 to 80);
- All One-handed weapons have had their base damage increased.
But this build is Chaos, i think Pdps it's not very important. Maybe a Phys version or Elemental (Phys to cold for example) can be better ?
The whole point of this build is to convert your phys to chaos man.
글 작성자:Ishabooo#53862017. 3. 3. 오후 12:34:25
Ishabooo 님이 작성:
Marco94320 님이 작성:
Sure. In 2.6 this build is more than viable, because:
- Dreamfeather: Added Physical Damage mod up to (30 to 50)-(65 to 80);
- All One-handed weapons have had their base damage increased.
But this build is Chaos, i think Pdps it's not very important. Maybe a Phys version or Elemental (Phys to cold for example) can be better ?
The whole point of this build is to convert your phys to chaos man.
Which node or item convert Phys to Chaos ?
글 작성자:Marco94320#70722017. 3. 3. 오후 12:42:55
anyone got a 2.6 build as the one in the OP is 2.4?
글 작성자:Gaztik#05922017. 3. 3. 오후 12:45:11
Marco94320 님이 작성:
Ishabooo 님이 작성:
Marco94320 님이 작성:
But this build is Chaos, i think Pdps it's not very important. Maybe a Phys version or Elemental (Phys to cold for example) can be better ?
The whole point of this build is to convert your phys to chaos man.
Which node or item convert Phys to Chaos ?
The Dreamfeathers convert Evasion Rating into more Phys Damage which is then converted to chaos via the passives in your tree. I shouldn't have to point out all the DoT and Poison Nodes you pick up cause they're pretty obvious imo.
글 작성자:Ishabooo#53862017. 3. 3. 오후 12:52:56
Marco94320 님이 작성:
Which node or item convert Phys to Chaos ?
Atziri flask, ofc. Also poison damage scales from physical damage too.
"К сожалению, GGG путают неудобства со сложностью. Везде. Во всём."
글 작성자:SIGSEGV2252#57102017. 3. 3. 오후 12:54:05