[2.6] SignalShot™ CI Full Ele Conversion TS/Barrage / Shaper & Uber Deathless / with video!

Kuram 님이 작성:
What order would you pick up ascendancy nodes?

Nature's boon - Master Alchemist - Veteran Bowyer - Nature's adrenaline in that order
Solishaw#0089 님이 2017. 2. 26. 오후 5:07:42에 마지막으로 편집
How about tooltips for the budget version?
raider op
Hey guys, planning to play this build, what are the gem links for reach of the council? O.o
TheLegend910 님이 작성:
Hey guys, planning to play this build, what are the gem links for reach of the council? O.o

You can run either LA or TS as your main skill.. The gem links are in the guide.

For LA it is: WED- GMP- Elemental Focus- Phys Proj Atk Dmg- Chain- Lightning Arrow

If you want to do TS, that is there too. You'll also need a 6L setup for your barrage for single target damage. Keep in mind, this is not a cheap build.
Bloodzy 님이 작성:
TheLegend910 님이 작성:
Hey guys, planning to play this build, what are the gem links for reach of the council? O.o

You can run either LA or TS as your main skill.. The gem links are in the guide.

For LA it is: WED- GMP- Elemental Focus- Phys Proj Atk Dmg- Chain- Lightning Arrow

If you want to do TS, that is there too. You'll also need a 6L setup for your barrage for single target damage. Keep in mind, this is not a cheap build.

GMP with Reach of the council? O.o wouldnt you lose alot of damage with it?
Hey all, been reading over this thread the last few days and I'm going to challenge myself in 2.6 with making this build. I know, I know, it's not league starter friendly, but Breach was my first league (been playing 5 months now) and I found myself playing the economy fairly well and was able to do 3 builds to 90+, and obtain roughly 250-300ex in gear as of today.

I was thinking the initial setup would be less than 10ex, lioneyes glare, signal fire, midlevel 5L ES chest and un-enchanted helm should carry me through initial maps, from there I can acquire pieces. Is there an order you'd suggest picking up end game viable pieces? My initial thought is: bow --> chest --> helm with enchant --> skyforths --> optimized jewels/jewelry.
Im thinking about playing this build but as a Raider. Any doubts/Problems that would cause compared to playing Pathfinder?
Also any BIG Upsides to playing Pathfinder over Raider ?
TheLegend910 님이 작성:
Bloodzy 님이 작성:
TheLegend910 님이 작성:
Hey guys, planning to play this build, what are the gem links for reach of the council? O.o

You can run either LA or TS as your main skill.. The gem links are in the guide.

For LA it is: WED- GMP- Elemental Focus- Phys Proj Atk Dmg- Chain- Lightning Arrow

If you want to do TS, that is there too. You'll also need a 6L setup for your barrage for single target damage. Keep in mind, this is not a cheap build.

GMP with Reach of the council? O.o wouldnt you lose alot of damage with it?

You would, that's why I was asking the same question. The guy replying to you don't seem to get that.

My gut says inc crit since we lose the crit from a nice harbinger but I have no idea, would like op or someone more experienced to comment
seanxjohnson 님이 작성:
Hey all, been reading over this thread the last few days and I'm going to challenge myself in 2.6 with making this build. I know, I know, it's not league starter friendly, but Breach was my first league (been playing 5 months now) and I found myself playing the economy fairly well and was able to do 3 builds to 90+, and obtain roughly 250-300ex in gear as of today.

I was thinking the initial setup would be less than 10ex, lioneyes glare, signal fire, midlevel 5L ES chest and un-enchanted helm should carry me through initial maps, from there I can acquire pieces. Is there an order you'd suggest picking up end game viable pieces? My initial thought is: bow --> chest --> helm with enchant --> skyforths --> optimized jewels/jewelry.

Honestly, i think you will not be able to do this build as a league starter. Since Bow Builds struggle to accumulate sufficient ES due to the commitment in the passive tree and using a quiver adding up to insufficient supply of appropriate items at the start of the league i would not recommend going ES right from the get go (you mention Lioneye's Glare - that's like day 1-3 equipment status usually - depending on your time investment obviously)

Not to mention that you'll have to solve the Bane of CI being stuns (chayula? - well great - means a _huge_ loss of damage and/or defense) until you get your hands on Skyforth.

I've played bow builds basically in every single league i've participated in (unfortunately i didn't have time for breach) as a starter and i would recommend you going life-based, farming/searching/buying/crafting items you need for the end build to transition at some point while maintaining a progression in a life-based variant.

While some builds (casters f.e.) can easily go CI or Hybrid and transition to LL at some point you will struggle as a bow character to find a balance between damage and defense. Maybe i'm totally wrong here, but i feel like this build is either a full on destroyer or a full on failure in case you don't have the right (key) pieces to start with.
Damier#7054 님이 2017. 2. 27. 오전 7:59:21에 마지막으로 편집
Damier 님이 작성:

Honestly, i think you will not be able to do this build as a league starter. Since Bow Builds struggle to accumulate sufficient ES due to the commitment in the passive tree and using a quiver adding up to insufficient supply of appropriate items at the start of the league i would not recommend going ES right from the get go (you mention Lioneye's Glare - that's like day 1-3 equipment status usually - depending on your time investment obviously)

I disagree, I started to play a month ago and I play this build exclusively.

I play it because I like the way tornado shot works and it reminds me of the play style of the demon hunter in D3, it's not cheap but it's fun to play.

Now 1 Month after starting with this build, I'm able run t9/t10 with bosses and since I'm fairly new to the game I slowly start to grasp how the economy works and was able to accumulate and spent 4 ex-orbs within the last few days (I know its not much).

Sure the Elite Version is super expansive, but it's still easily possible to do it on a budget.

There is a thread on reddit, that shows it's possible to make decent amount of currency by only running t1 and t2 alched maps ;)


With all the experience of my first league I will try to play this build again in the next league, as long as they don't nerf anything.

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