[2.6] SignalShot™ CI Full Ele Conversion TS/Barrage / Shaper & Uber Deathless / with video!

The added fire damage from physical is basically the same dps 1-40 lightning damage for a high legacy reach and 1.5% more dps with BT.

Don't understand the whoop.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Rupenus 님이 작성:
Nephalim 님이 작성:
Could someone help me find a profile of the most decked out gear possible for this build? Full on brood twine and mirrored jewelry.

i have such gear for life base but i'm not using bow anymore. all gear is in stash now. why?

I want to see the maximum possible barrage dps for this build and see how it compares to low life wander. One of these 2 will have the maximum possible single target for a not double dip skill.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Nephalim 님이 작성:
The added fire damage from physical is basically the same dps 1-40 lightning damage for a high legacy reach and 1.5% more dps with BT.

Don't understand the whoop.

It's more than 1.5% dps on BT. The affix adds an extra 10K dps, which is more than what any other damage affix could provide.

A 1-62 lightning damage affix provides an extra 3K dps on BT.

In any event, you can now compare a LL Wander to Signalshot with mirrored gear. I'm really curious what a LL Wander is capable of - I caught in another forum post that LL wanders top off at around 7 million barrage dps, but couldn't get any further info regarding how that was achieved or calculated.

For the comparison to be fair, it is also important to consider what dps boosts will actually be feasible vs T16 bosses. As I illustrated above it's entirely possible to inflate the actual dps to levels well over 20 million, but that's not a reasonable dps to achieve vs T16 bosses.
DicemanX 님이 작성:
Nephalim 님이 작성:
The added fire damage from physical is basically the same dps 1-40 lightning damage for a high legacy reach and 1.5% more dps with BT.

Don't understand the whoop.

It's more than 1.5% dps on BT. The affix adds an extra 10K dps, which is more than what any other damage affix could provide.

A 1-62 lightning damage affix provides an extra 3K dps on BT.

How did you get those metrics?

Is there a profile I can load to do this? I did this with my friend's version of the build and the damage gain was non minor basically un-noticeable.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Nephalim#2731 님이 2017. 4. 3. 오전 11:47:14에 마지막으로 편집
Nephalim 님이 작성:
DicemanX 님이 작성:
Nephalim 님이 작성:
The added fire damage from physical is basically the same dps 1-40 lightning damage for a high legacy reach and 1.5% more dps with BT.

Don't understand the whoop.

It's more than 1.5% dps on BT. The affix adds an extra 10K dps, which is more than what any other damage affix could provide.

A 1-62 lightning damage affix provides an extra 3K dps on BT.

How did you get those metrics?

By looking at the impact on the in-game tooltip. I freed up a jewel slot and looked at the tooltip before and after inserting a Static Electricity jewel.

To determine the impact of gaining fire damage from phys damage, I tested with HoA. When HoA was turned on I gained around 15K tooltip, which suggests that 10% fire gained as physical damage would give me 10K extra dps. This was also observed by swapping between the Hysteria Opal Ring and another ring that had similar affixes but without the Hysteria affix.

Why didnt you say you had such a pimped out ride. I will do tests on your character and let you know what I find.

-For your build. Going from 7-72 lighting to 10% fire added is a 1.9% dps gain with full expected buffs and vs a shaper target. So still really marginal.
-Your barrage dps is already miles above the highest barrage dps. I can't possibly see how LL could compete. 3.8 million with out vaal haste or boot enchant.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Nephalim#2731 님이 2017. 4. 3. 오후 12:02:49에 마지막으로 편집
Temp league update:

Further tweaks: some accessory tinkering, bought then crafted a new crystal belt, re-pathed the skill tree a little.

Selling my bow. Pm if interested

IGN: Forgers
Feel free to pm.
DicemanX 님이 작성:
Yuutindio 님이 작성:

edit* I forgot smt. You said steel rings are a bad coice. Let try to explain my thoughts on this. I've played this raider as a frost blader. Was fine to a certain point. For me as "noobish"-player i followed mathil building. Mathil went for opal rings and had dps issues in the late game. Shortly after mathil's build, Invalesco posted his "frost blader shaper kill" - the differnt between both is, mathil stacked/built around elemental dmg, where Invalesco stacked physical dmg.

As far is i understand this build here, is to get high physical and convert it into elemental dmg - like Invalescos frost blader. So i choosed steel rings and tryed to get more physical dmg.

It's actually not possible to compare Opal and Steel Rings this way, because the best choice is highly dependent on your gear and passives.

Every type of damage scaling in this game experiences diminishing returns, and as a general rule of thumb it is better to equalize each type of multiplier rather than inflate one multiplier at the expense of another. For instance, multiplying 100 damage by 1.5 and 1.5 is slightly better than multiplying 100 damage by 1.4 and 1.6, and significantly better than multiplying 100 damage by 1.1 and 1.9.

Steel Rings tend to be a *lot* better when your flat physical damage is relatively low, so they are very good ring bases to use for an Opus for instance, or a low pdps Harbinger. Once you transition to higher pdps Harbingers, the value of the Steel Ring implicit is reduced, and Opal Rings tend to get stronger.

In other words when you go through gear progression, keep checking the Opal, Steel, and even Diamond ring bases to see which one gives you the best dps boost. Just be wary of checking Diamond Rings, because the game doesn't seem to handle tooltip dps calculations very well when crit is involved, and crit is also tied up with mob evasion which complicates matters. If you're up for it, you can always do calculations by hand to determine how good a Diamond implicit is relative to the other ring implicits.

we tested with skalpo,

new opal gives +5k better dps than this ring,(200k base tooltip, so it was getting 205k with this new ring) - basically chimeric finger got dethroned by new opal.

diamond bases give better dps than steel rings in every test i did so far, opal's have better tooltip results, diamond bases have more general use.

just talking about tooltip dps.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Rupenus#5905 님이 2017. 4. 3. 오후 3:08:43에 마지막으로 편집
DicemanX is the only build so far I've seen where T1 flat phys > T1 flat lightning damage on rings because he scaled physical damage much higher than the average BT user.

Even with that said, Opal rings give much more dps than Steel rings on his build.
3.1% vs 1.9% with diamond rings giving 1.2%. There are very very few players with the gear level he has so it's hard for me to imagine any similar build where steel > opal or diamond > opal.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214

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