2.4 Frostblades Pathfinder. (2.6 projection+raider option.)

nEgativezEro89 님이 작성:

You have to keep in mind the 30% (60% with DW) on ToA, as well as the chain for pack clearing. Looking at Path of Building, with the temp items I put in for a level 90, you'd need a REALLY good rare to beat out ToA.

The highest claw on Legacy as of the time of this post is only 333 pDPS. Strong, but almost identical in damage to a perfect ToA. (50 more DPS). You'd need to push into the 400 pDPS range to offer an upgrade worth losing the chaining for. The frenzy charges can't be overlooked either if you don't go Raider.

I was including the 30% cold.
The chain, I found to be of less then trivial value in the face of raw damage. it doesn't help with aoe clear, once FB is established, as FB's innate range and +projectiles does that in spades.

The VALUE question is 100% correct. ToA is cheap and readily available in comparison to the theoretical high dps foil or claw.
The same could be said about the threshold jewel, very high damage for its ease of attainment, in comparison to 1-4 theoretical 7% life/crit jewels.
The point is to largely, do not consider ToA to be the endgame. It is a nice early-mid map stepping stone. plan to transition out of it, as you precede.
The problem I face with ToA is that I don't freeze uniques/bosses very often anymore. It loses a good chunk of defense that way in my opinion.
I never built to rely on the freeze as a defensive factor.

One of the advantages of pathfinder is 20% chance to freeze(shock and ignite) on hit though.
ToA has 10% chance to freeze. Giving you 40% on hit regardless of crit to freeze if you dual wield it.
you COULD also get the new 5% nodes to primeval force for 50% chance on hit to freeze.
If anyone's interested, here is my current character just after I spec'd into CI:

Tree - www.poeurl.com/9is

Gear -
Also using 2x new Frostblades jewels slotted near Ranger start. All items, including 2x ToA, were purchased from 1c to 5c so very cheap. Except for the chest which cost me 20c 6S and I 5L in 2 fuses!

Stats - 5500 ES, 20.9K dps with Hatred and Ice Golem. I put in modest endgame ES gear into Path of Building and got near 9K ES dual wielding ToAs(300 helm, 700 chest, 15% jewellery, 100 belt, 200 gloves, 200 boots).
dang that is a nice ammy.
I've worked off this build as the Ranger Pathfinder TOA Claw build for 2.6, gear below. In town tooltip (lol) DPS is 43,399 and fully buffed with Ice/Ash+Golem+Flask is 106,851.

Chest is basically there solely for it's 6L and a Life Essence, I have 3 Exalts but I'm not sure where to go next in build items, any suggestions? Sadly neck supplies some Int that I need, will need to work on that.

Survivability is a bit rough w/ 4.3k HP, sometimes you explode and don't have the raw sustain to tank nor truly great single target. I haven't tried the FB Jewels yet, stuck with 7% life when possible thus far. Build clears maps quite well up to 11-12 though, no complaints there.
drovix 님이 2017. 3. 10. 오후 12:28:13에 마지막으로 편집
frost bomb aoe. haha nice?
Put frost bomb in your cwdt!

Simple basic.. mastercraft everything you can. resists or arm/eva on chest.resists on helm or the int you say you are missing. can put life on that ammy I think. ring/glove/boots look full.
small thing, but 20% quality your armors.
And, flasks.

fortify and enduring cry?
you can put fort in the ms for your dualstrike, if not running in in frostblades. end cry in hoA, or inc duration slot.

It would be much better (and clearer) if you would update the first post, instead of putting updates in the middle of topic...
"War's over, soldier. You just don't know it yet. Everybody lost."
pathofexile002 님이 작성:
If anyone's interested, here is my current character just after I spec'd into CI:

Tree - www.poeurl.com/9is

Gear -
Also using 2x new Frostblades jewels slotted near Ranger start. All items, including 2x ToA, were purchased from 1c to 5c so very cheap. Except for the chest which cost me 20c 6S and I 5L in 2 fuses!

Stats - 5500 ES, 20.9K dps with Hatred and Ice Golem. I put in modest endgame ES gear into Path of Building and got near 9K ES dual wielding ToAs(300 helm, 700 chest, 15% jewellery, 100 belt, 200 gloves, 200 boots).

What is your int?
have you considered HoWA?

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