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Twinks 님이 2017. 3. 3. 오전 11:39:57에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2016. 11. 10. 오전 6:34:09
Interesting take on it. I use a very similar build as per another guide on here. But I wonder, is the endurance charges + immortal call really worth sacrificing for the extra utility in tempest shield/leap slam?

This is my current setup, with a skill tree basically the same as you, but with a few nodes of endurance charges, in exhcnage for a bit less radius and max health at lower skill levels:

I also use elemental equilibrium to boost damage, so I have some added cold and lightning in my accessories. Works when I am cycloning anyways.
aaOzymandias 님이 2016. 10. 17. 오전 4:16:45에 마지막으로 편집
A long time ago i also used vaal molten shell and the enduring cry / immortal call setup.

But both got nerfed/reworked so i exchanged it for once mobility with leap slam and on the other side normal molten shell and tempest shield.

With a decent RF Lifepool that setup is absolutely enough for every content and it´s all automated, nothing to cast manually what was the main reason for me to change it up, it´s just way more relaxing to play like that :)
That is fair enough :) I just want to explore ways to possibly improve my own setup :)
Cool build, thanks for this.

Followed up on it by doing a Atz run and recording it. Will do another vid showing the gear I've used later on.

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