[2.6] Flash Freeze Ice Shot Ranger
Thanks thanks, needed some of that information, in fact it might be enough already, hyped as I am for a league start I went and started a ranger to see how leveling feels like, I had already set my sight on Shrapnel shot and oh boy it can be satisfying to line up zombies and pierce right through them, I can see myself already having some fun with a Ranger.
Thanks for the tip on chain especially! Today (Wednesday) they're supposed to release 2.6 patch notes so I'll make sure to lurk here and see what you all come up with! EDIT: Patch notes are out: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1839765 From my terrible knowledge of the tree's (game) mechanics I can only quote a few changes like these, I've only reported a few of those related to the ranger, not inherently affecting this build, as I wouldn't be able to say for certain, for example the flash freeze cluster which is currently ignored, if it'd get any love from this update. " torokfremen#1780 님이 2017. 3. 1. 오전 8:41:48에 마지막으로 편집
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Unfortunately, I have to wait for the tree to update so I can actually make a visible one. On top of that I cant test anything until the patch actually hits which kind of sucks for anyone who is going to day one the league.
However, I'm already 100% sure of two things. Blast Rain will lose a tiny bit of damage and Reach of the Council will be dropped from the guide as Death's Opus just became better than it. |
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Howdy. Recently came back to the game after a long absence (prior to the existence of Ascendancy classes) and was using this Ice Shot build on a new character I started. Everything was great, was cruising along without any problems. Was very happy with things and when I was mostly done with Act 3, at lvl 37 I tried the Labyrinth, and was pummeled by Izaro.
I have since watched a "how to" video on Izaro and certainly part of the problem was me not being aware of the strategy of the various mechanics of the encounter. I haven't tried a second time yet but I don't feel like I'm really ready, my question is what markers should I be looking at to determine this? From looking around the forum, I'm guessing there is no easy way to give a link which would show you my build and equipment. I've seen people linking equipment in a way that allows to even hover over the gems -- how do you do that? My Ice Shot only has Lesser Projectiles currently, and is current doing 310.5 dps, my Blast Rain is only level 3 and doing a wimpy 123 dps right now -- however I have Burning Arrow I have been building on the side which does 498.5 dps. Evasion is 50%, resists 89, 76, 46, 0. Life and Mana regens just over 11 per sec. 1175 health, 544 mana. 37 isn't too early is it? I'm guessing my equipment is just not up to snuff. Mr_Tact#0296 님이 2017. 3. 1. 오후 2:06:50에 마지막으로 편집
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" Each build will be different, I have played builds that could do it the moment they get to act 3 and some it was just better to wait until I get to act 3 in the next difficulty. With this build I have done it after act 4 before I go to cruel to make it more safe and one time I even waited until I was level 70 and did all 3 labs. Its one of those things you get comfortable with over time and learn the mechanics of and it becomes easier. " There are two ways to do this, you can go to your profile page and go into privacy settings and uncheck the hide characters box which will let anyone who go to your profile see all your characters, gear, and passive tree, (They cannot see your stash tabs). To link to a forum post you click your character icon at the top left while you are typing a post and it will open a special window that you can click on items from any character or your stash and when you hit the X button at the top right it will link those items in text format then as an item when you finish the post. Any gems in the sockets will also link with the items. The stats you posted below are usually enough for me because I've done this build so many times I can get a general idea about what you are wearing. I can also ask questions if something seems off or if you are having a certain problem with the build. " Blast Rain is one of those skills that needs special consideration when it comes to tooltips. The DPS it states is for only one blast of the four that drop because you can't guarantee that all four will hit the same target unless its a large target. You can easily multiply that by four when fighting bosses the size of Izaro or act bosses because 90% of the time they are big enough to get hit by all four. Ice Shot is another one that has a weird tooltip because it doesn't count any chain damage when you get chain support. Each time it chains the arrows go to the next target with its original damage. All your other stats are fantastic right now. Keep an eye on the forum though because the passive trees are going to change on Friday and I hope to have updated trees on the thread as soon as I can. |
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Okay. Well, I changed my privacy settings -- so if you desire you can check out my equipment.
I figured the DPS information was "conditional". Like I was guessing the Ice Shot was for each of the three arrows, is that correct? Still I have to say, hearing you say you think I have good/reasonable stats is almost disappointing, because I barely put a dent in Izaro. Mr_Tact#0296 님이 2017. 3. 1. 오후 3:44:02에 마지막으로 편집
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" Wouldn't even try attempting Izaro with the gear you have listed. Keep in mind he is a boss fight (not an easy one either), so I generally try to ascend after I get to Sarn on Merc. This is probably over kill, but I honestly hate the Labyrinth in general and would rather not waste my time ripping when I could have just waited. I've got probably 100 stash tabs filled with gear I don't need, so I sent you a friend request to help you out levelling, if ya need it. EDIT: Also make sure that you are hitting all the Skill Point quests. I noticed that you are level 36, but I only counted 40 allotted nodes on the passive tree (could be off). Refer to the wiki "Quest Rewards" if you are unsure what I am talking about. Farkies#3492 님이 2017. 3. 1. 오후 4:17:06에 마지막으로 편집
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" I suspected that was the case (that my gear was low quality). Do you really have 100 stash tabs? I was feeling pretty silly for having gotten the premium six pack when I originally started, and grabbing a currency tab and a quad tab recently. I appreciate the offer and will be glad to take some gear hand outs. |
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" A lot of them have carried over from other previous leagues. Nothing silly about buying the premium ones, you'll find yourself wanting more and more if you get invested in the game. But yea, I'll be on all night. Playing on "IceShotTesting" so just shoot me a PM in game whenever. Farkies#3492 님이 2017. 3. 1. 오후 4:36:43에 마지막으로 편집
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" I wouldn't say that, although I am basing this off what I use when leveling, which at best gets me 40% to all resists and next to no evasion rating and I don't generally change that much until merciless unless I get a nice ring or amulet to get a little bit more resists. |
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Habemus the updated tree for 2.6.0!
https://github.com/EmmittJ/PoESkillTree/releases/tag/2.6.0 |
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