How you have capped resistance on your chars? With Rats and Atziri's step you lose hell of ele resistance. I need 130 each ele res or 390 total (because of +5 all res from tree) to be capped. Atziri step are too good to skip them because of eva/speed/spell dodge but how to get those resists?
Jewels or stay uncapped doesnt matter, whatever one-shots you, will do it capped or uncapped.
That last part is irrelevant. I have similar gear and at 1.2mil Shaper dps doing 5 min runs.
League has nothing to do with it.
That's one opinion in a sea of many.Also is irrelevant if you do shaper or not, at what time or how many DPS.I don't understand how that helps with ele reflection or in general.Other's have trouble in t10 bosses standard.
You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
Spacecom#5362 님이 2017. 9. 11. 오후 1:06:09에 마지막으로 편집
How you have capped resistance on your chars? With Rats and Atziri's step you lose hell of ele resistance. I need 130 each ele res or 390 total (because of +5 all res from tree) to be capped. Atziri step are too good to skip them because of eva/speed/spell dodge but how to get those resists?
Jewels or stay uncapped doesnt matter, whatever one-shots you, will do it capped or uncapped.
That last part is irrelevant. I have similar gear and at 1.2mil Shaper dps doing 5 min runs.
League has nothing to do with it.
That's one opinion in a sea of many.Also is irrelevant if you do shaper or not.Other's have trouble in t10 bosses standard.
Stop trolling, its a fact.
T10 bosses will melt if you follow the build properly and gear it up.
Dont need 5 years on standard, people are doing it in a month, just aint cheap though...
Grassimo#1110 님이 2017. 9. 11. 오후 1:02:54에 마지막으로 편집
guess what dude ele reflect maps are not good idea to run with full ele build rofl
Hehe indeed, but OP stated the build as "ele reflect safe" and I beg to differ on that one :P
It's ele reflect safe - almost - all the time. It's just that the word "almost" is equal to instadeath :P
dunno what you are doing but i run ele weakness + ele reflect without vinktars
i guess you die without flasks but that shouldnt be a problem with 10s uptime
Spacecom 님이 작성:
boondoxsaints 님이 작성:
zhul0r 님이 작성:
guess what dude ele reflect maps are not good idea to run with full ele build rofl
Hehe indeed, but OP stated the build as "ele reflect safe" and I beg to differ on that one :P
It's ele reflect safe - almost - all the time. It's just that the word "almost" is equal to instadeath :P
Should have been here 2-3 weeks ago, and read back then, what other things were stated by OP.Now changed... (sad face)... (have screenshots happy face).Ah good times.Anyway, you are dying in ele reflect maps because you don't have enough life-leech nodes in tree.Propably you are following the "new tree" OP posted. While streching the tree over wand nodes even more as a lvl100 character (which propably you are not) to compesate for the eluding damage, he removed some leech-life nodes.
TL;DR:Get Life Leech nodes ["Mana and Life Leech" one left from the "Vitality Void" node] and more damage so you outleech the reflection.
Also, something not mentioned, and many dont seem to understand is that this wander-character has been around since 2.0 update or even earlier.That's like 4-5 years ago?Not sure you can correct me there.So you are looking at a lvl100, 5 year old character in Standard, with huge currency and market pool that disguises as a build to follow.
well its right there if you care to read:
Posted by Toma_Hawk
on Nov 5, 2016 10:54:36 PM
but then i guess its a bad thing to have a long time of experience with a build these days.
and... again... thats not mirror tier gear, i had
this gear
like 2 weeks into harbinger, thats 5,6k hp, 260% ms and nearly 1mil barrage right there
and i can show you some
lol standard mirror tier gear
and i had to relearn that char, because my wander felt better for some time after i left harbinger
Spacecom 님이 작성:
zaboleqqq 님이 작성:
How you have capped resistance on your chars? With Rats and Atziri's step you lose hell of ele resistance. I need 130 each ele res or 390 total (because of +5 all res from tree) to be capped. Atziri step are too good to skip them because of eva/speed/spell dodge but how to get those resists?
drop whatever uniques you cant cap resists with, i didnt care about the atziris steps so i had resists on boots which made capping quite easy.
Spacecom 님이 작성:
Jewels or stay uncapped doesnt matter, whatever one-shots you, will do it capped or uncapped.
if you are capped everything that will oneshot you is generally telegraped or avoidable (god i died so often to twinned alira :/ )
Spacecom 님이 작성:
Grassimo 님이 작성:
That last part is irrelevant. I have similar gear and at 1.2mil Shaper dps doing 5 min runs.
League has nothing to do with it.
That's one opinion in a sea of many.Also is irrelevant if you do shaper or not.Other's have trouble in t10 bosses standard.
its not irrelevant. if its possbile to do this by following the guide it proves it is viable. of course people have trouble doing t10 bosses if they cant read or play without a keyboard. that is the irrelevant part.
its not irrelevant. if its possbile to do this by following the guide it proves it is viable. of course people have trouble doing t10 bosses if they cant read or play without a keyboard. that is the irrelevant part.
I dont understand why you guys offend others like that?A guy asks for advice because he cant deal with elemental reflect and you accuse him of playing wihtout a keyboard or/and your advice is "I can do shaper in 5 minutes, you cant read obviously".Very constructive.
You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
Spacecom#5362 님이 2017. 9. 11. 오후 1:27:59에 마지막으로 편집
For all the ele reflect people another option is just run a topaz flask. It's not really the leech saving you but the reduced damage from over-capped lightning resist. A topaz flask is far easier to keep up than Vinktar, and for trash clear you really won't notice too much dps loss.
its not irrelevant. if its possbile to do this by following the guide it proves it is viable. of course people have trouble doing t10 bosses if they cant read or play without a keyboard. that is the irrelevant part.
I dont understand why you guys offend others like that?A guy asks for advice because he cant deal with elemental reflect and you accuse him of playing wihtout a keyboard or/and your advice is "I can do shaper in 5 minutes, you cant read obviously".Very constructive.
YOU said the build is 5 years old standard gear etc ... he said its irrelevant because he can do shaper 5min in league
YOU said it is irrelevant if he does, because people struggle with t10 bosses in standard
i think everyone deserves constructive feedback, but you just hate the build, because you struggle to make it work.