(3.12) Queenliness Wanderfinder | (∩^ᗜ ^)⊃━ - - -☆゚.* | All Content (Power Siphon Kinetic Blast)
" I've managed to grab some beautiful double corr. tombfists and a ring that allowed me to cap resists, now without changing tooltip dps I got +50 life (5755 total) and the intimidation dmg bonus, once I get life on all jewels I consider the build finished. I was looking for a wand that'd beat double corr. piscator but I couldn't find one even in the 20+ ex range. chaosn#7605 님이 2019. 4. 12. 오전 8:23:42에 마지막으로 편집
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Hello Toma_Hawk, awesome build! I love being able to go zoom zoom through out the whole map! I have an issue though, I am having trouble with T16 bosses, specifically elder burial chamber boss, is it because my level is too low or is there something wrong with my build? I know my helmet doesn't have the enchant for barrage (working on it) but I think I have some pretty decent items otherwise. Thanks.
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Your gear is alright, not sure how problematic the fight get's.
Maybe you feed her to many souls? The next level ups should be invested into jewel sockets in the passive tree to give you more damage and life. With that and the Helmet enchant you should be fine. Sometimes we kinda have to play the boss mechanics ;) |
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can u run this on shadow?
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hello and thanks for the build and time spent on explanation
i spent 60hours in synthesis on the build lvl 87 now, many ex spent and now i figured out that the vinktar vessel in the pob is legacy so it feals like i just wasted my time :-( or is there a way to play without the legacy item unless i missed it maybe indicate clearly that this build is not viable for leagues because of the item anyway i did have some fun playing it,is it useless to continue playing ? my gear if you think i am missing something in my gear Archon_Phoenix#2941 님이 2019. 4. 25. 오후 4:01:53에 마지막으로 편집
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" There's a lot of room for improvement, and no you don't need to be Legacy. -your belt must have % flask effect on you if you don't have Conq potency jewel (I'd go belt, jewel is meh) -Wand needs to be corrupted either with Damage Penetrates elemental resistances or power charge on crit. -Gloves could also be corrupted, Tombfist is better than thunderfist. You only need a 1 abyssal socket so they're cheap. Look for a corruption like Attack crit chance. The point of the thunderfist is to socket Kinetic Blast in there. Since your helm has your KB, you may as well swap to Tombfist. Make sure you socket the right jewel to get Intimidate. -Use an Atziri's Step with flat lightning enchant. until you can get a high life, res, 10%+ chance to dodge Spell hit evasion based boots with 30% movement speed. -Flask Quality! -Your shield doesn't need +melee gem levels. try to get one with atleast 110 life, 9% movement implicit, and as much res as possible. Attack speed or more Spell dodge is a bonus. The evasion of the shield should be anything above 300ev. -Most importantly your gems are not even level 20, let alone 20/20 or corrupted to beyond 20/20. Gem quality and level makes a world of difference. You can look at my character Quix_Wand btw to see what I'm running. I'm still trying to improve it in Synthesis League though. only hit 94 just now as I was wasting away xp trying to get my challenges done. I'm at the stage were I'm looking at double corruptions, onslaught boots, perfect t1 mod rings and belt to cover my res/life and start pushing dps there too. I can tell you this, we are not specifically an end-game boss build, not with all the nerfs we've gotten again and again. This build excels at clearing out mobs very quickly for quite cheap. I'm about 5 ex into the build counting the 4ex I payed for a 6link qotf. Our barrage at my lvl melts rares, beyond bosses, and even most red map bosses so long as I didn't roll % monster life on the map. Like Core Malachai and t15 Kitava burn through phases in under 2 seconds. Lvl 83 rewritten Synthete meanwhile takes 5 minutes and one shots me half the time. In party play those synthete bosses one shot almost everyone though, since with the limited mod pool of memories you get triple elemental dmg, ele pen, % monster life, % Monster Dmg, Unique Boss Dmg, Crit, and turbo almost every time. Atleast I do, then I share it and everyone dies except the Boss Killers that take 5 minutes to clear a t1 map, as is their role. That's not a build issue btw, that's PoE and I've experienced that exact thing without exception since Closed Beta. The only universal solution for non-boss killers is more dps. That is the battle ahead of you, min/maxing your dps while keeping your life above 5k and your resists capped. The more dmg you do, the shorter fights get, the safer they are. Your current gear btw is at about the t8-t11 map comfort range. | |
" thanks for taking the time to reply and explain the way i should upgrade next -i switched gloves -i am using the Conq potency jewel -i upgraded flasks for now i can't do something else since i will have resist issues if i change boots to atziri. yeah doesn't seem suited for end bosses, i have a witch CI that is fine for bosses Archon_Phoenix#2941 님이 2019. 4. 27. 오전 11:53:32에 마지막으로 편집
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" You will not have the same speed, though your damage potential is technically higher through better building of crit. Your clearing potential will be the same even if your herald crits. I don't recommend it. |
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" Try Jade flask with increase % of evasion instead of Stibnite. Maybe try Lycosidea shield. You can change your glove to 2 socket Tombfist or stick with Thunderfist with KB setup. 35% or 30%movement speed on boots. You run QOTForest to go fast. A CWDT, immortal call, duration setup somewhere. Helmet either Starkonja, rats nest or Devotos devotion (which is my favorite). Get enchants and corrupted ones if you plan to invest more into it. Check those numbers in POBuilding. Covetousrat#0265 님이 2019. 4. 28. 오전 4:47:12에 마지막으로 편집
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" The Jade flask is definitely my preference as well. I think Lycoside is overrated. I run around with 91% acc. There's no reason to use a 2 abyssal Socket Tombfist. They cost at the time of this post 3.5ex uncorrupted. 1 abyssal sockets go for 1c uncorrupted and about 50c+ for crit corrupt. corrupted 2 soc aren't even on the market in temp league btw. The efficient thing to do is get the corrupted 1 soc, and save the ex's for that +1 barrage Stark/Rat/Dev, getting corrupted piscators, and hunting down boots that meet all the essential criteria. |