[2.5] Ascendant Chaos Flurry

Currently, updates for this build are on hold. 2.5 patch will not affect this build and imo is still very strong.

An adaptation of the assassin blade flurry builds with reduced assassin benefits but with some of the pathfinders benefits.


* Really to Super fast clear speeds
* Semi-Perm upkeep of flasks with minimal management (most t1-t15 bosses die within one rotation of flasks)
* Healthy life pool of around 5.5khp (can be increased to well above 6k with a few passive tree changes)
* Flexible last two ascendancy points to start anywhere on the map for either more damage or survivability
* Get to play scion again :)
* Not super expensive (Current gear including legacy voidheart >=30ex)
* Reflect proof


* semi-gear dependent (Semi-difficult league starter)
* Charges (flask, power, frenzy) during extended boss fights. Mostly Shaper.
* Must channel inner Mathil level mechanics sometimes to dodge big hits (Abyssus)


Coming Soon


Tried out bloodlust support in exchange for either inc/conc aoe or added chaos. Legacy voidheart always causes bleed so works well with bloodlust, however, I am not sure of the interactions with a non-legacy voidheart. Also, I use the Broken Faith shield for additional leech and the "gain % of physical as chaos damage" along with the ~30% "increased damage when you have no energy shield" increases the damage of blade flurry substantially.

I also tested out a corrupted rat's nest with "socketed gems are supported by cast on crit" to run WB>FA>Molten Shell>Curse or BM. This combo seems to work well, and will try again when I can get a corrupted abyssus version. This would allow me to drop blasphemy+curse and run arctic armour.


*For jewel-> %Chaos damage and %Life are the essentials.


*Re-Updated passive tree*
Turns out going into the left side gives us important flat +life which overall is better than %life and the AoE cluster is quite nice to have.
skuluta 님이 2016. 12. 8. 오후 12:06:12에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2017. 2. 12. 오후 5:26:35
Link to build is not working for me
Link to build is not working for me

Weird, just redid the link to the build and should be working now. Thanks for bringing it up :)
is Voidheart ring required or mandatory for this build?
uswh0le 님이 작성:
is Voidheart ring required or mandatory for this build?

Yes, but it doesn't have to be a legacy one. A decently rolled non-legacy one should work just fine.
biskevin 님이 작성:

Currently, oak, passive, passive.

However, I recommend grabbing pcharge from merciless.
tried out this build today - seems like a really strong char, but how are you dealing with mana? I have huge problems with my mana.
ententrainor 님이 작성:
tried out this build today - seems like a really strong char, but how are you dealing with mana? I have huge problems with my mana.

I grab one node from the right side where Essence Sap is.
Is it just me or is the skill tree separated from both scion and shadow starting nodes?

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