[3.4] Fire Nova Mine - Perfect League Starter - Low Budget - FAST - HC Viable

kompaniet 님이 작성:
fire nova mine only has 30% damage effectiveness (lowest in game except ball lightning and flame totem) so flat added elemental damage are not very useful.

not sure exacly if that mod is affecting percentage based supports in any way. doesn't seem like it so stuff like %increased fire damage and elemental damage should be better.

If flat ele dmg to spells is not useful then please explain me why doryani's does way less dmg than this rare sceptre http://imgur.com/a/42eGG

Whenever I exchanged my rare weapon for one with a little more ele dmg to spells I gained massive dps.

Gardneramw 님이 작성:
Is blinding assault worth it?

It's not that spectacular to be honest. Just a nice little bonus but if you play HC and dont feel like doing uberlab because of the risk or you dont want to get carried - it's totally fine to neglect it.
Check out my Fire Nova Mine Guide (3.2) : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1774498
KikosLive 님이 2017. 3. 18. 오후 12:28:01에 마지막으로 편집
Cruel Bandits Passive better than 5% cast speed?
StrikeQ 님이 작성:
Cruel Bandits Passive better than 5% cast speed?

Yes pick the passive :)
Check out my Fire Nova Mine Guide (3.2) : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1774498

great build, but can you add a list where is shown what suffixes I should look for,
would be great and make it more solid on the choice of the right weapons. ^^

*Edit* I'm really lost at the choice of the shield xD
nikidino8 님이 2017. 3. 18. 오후 6:58:18에 마지막으로 편집
I'm really lost at the choice of the shield x

Lioneye's is pretty good. But any with high armor\life\res should work too
I'm using rathpith and it works great
KikosLive 님이 작성:
kompaniet 님이 작성:
fire nova mine only has 30% damage effectiveness (lowest in game except ball lightning and flame totem) so flat added elemental damage are not very useful.

not sure exacly if that mod is affecting percentage based supports in any way. doesn't seem like it so stuff like %increased fire damage and elemental damage should be better.

If flat ele dmg to spells is not useful then please explain me why doryani's does way less dmg than this rare sceptre http://imgur.com/a/42eGG

Whenever I exchanged my rare weapon for one with a little more ele dmg to spells I gained massive dps.

both sceptres have ~90% increased damage. the rare one has some ele dmg to spells that adds a little extra damage over doryani. also that is not dps it's average damage. i believe it is per hit but correct me if i'm wrong. wonder how a crit multi wand or dagger would perform?

for non crit i think singularity is hard to beat. 110% increased dmg, flat dmg to spells, good cast speed, reduced mana cost and hinder. hinder is perfect for this type of build.

currently lvl 66 in merciless act 2. i'm going hybrid. going very well so far. still undecided on if i wanna get an armour based shield or an es one like i have now. the new lioneye shield is really nice but i'd lose 300 base es. i'm gonna have to test both.

rathpit is also nice as ladyloriana says but it has pretty low es.

essence surge notable is something i will get next.

kompaniet 님이 2017. 3. 19. 오전 5:00:46에 마지막으로 편집
If you want to go to the full-crit configuration and you don't need so much res on shield, you can take a shield like this one:

This can make a huge boost on your Average Damage (for me the gain is near 1300 av. damage!).

I'm just hitting lvl 93 and I've reworked my jewel setup to go in the full crit multiplier way with them. (+1000 average damage)

I'm using Increased Critical Strike support now (the difference with Controlled Destruction is very thin) and with 474% of Crit Multiplier, the average damage is nuts!

- Unbuff : 53,7% crit chance / 7176 average damage
- Full buff : 67,5% crit chance / 8873 average damage

With a set of 11 mines, I can kill most of the bosses (if they don't have more life, etc.). Fight with steps like on Core or Colosseum is very simple since you just need to lay a set of mine, detonate and go to the next steps! XD

Now, I have to test it on Guardians!


edit : new sceptre => new average damage! ^^

Les_Larmes_du_Styx 님이 2017. 3. 19. 오전 10:22:24에 마지막으로 편집
I need serious help guys! Currently i am @ level 88 and i love this build. But i need to improve the gear. Atm im running t9-10 maps and it feels ez. But i feel like i need more dmg for +t10. Can you guys maybe help me with that? Give me some advice please!

NIJO1989 님이 2017. 3. 19. 오후 1:24:04에 마지막으로 편집
Merc bandits - power charge? or skill point

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