[2.5] The Infernal Queen - Burning Arrow Ascendant

well i tried your build idea and saw a few problumes 1 not enough life not enough res and unique dependant i managed to make a better more developed version if youd like to see it let me know via reply
Any vids of the build in action?
IGN shdowe
shdowe 님이 작성:
Any vids of the build in action?

I'd like to see it play.
This build is gonna get really crazy with the new threshold gem.
Legacy league is gonna be great before doubledipping gets fixed.

Edit: And a Dyadian Dawn buff! The drillneck nerf shouldnt hit us too badly, and we can probably get a bigger upgrade from The Signal Fire if we've got a good roll on Xoph's Nurture. Things are looking up for BA ascendant!
smoorfi 님이 2017. 3. 1. 오전 3:24:01에 마지막으로 편집

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