[2.5] Block Gladiator build - need help v2 -

id replace your shield for the surrender
linked with riposte/vengeance -curse on hit- punishment/warlords/vulnerability
fortify doesnt seem to trigger on them for some reason(might be just me)

you might want to replace CWDT with cast when stunned (it also triggers on skills that would have stunned you if you hadnt blocked and seeing your passive tree there is no anti-stun)

rings perhaps 2 max resist, lots of attribute le heups

belt perhaps doryani's belt as rather cheap, leech, extra dmg source

just decent boots

might want to replace your axe with 1 weapon that will deal more damage linked shield charge/leap slam - faster attacks - fortify

BoR helmet links i would also suggest: bloodlust/melee dmg on full life - culling strike/faster attacks/increased AoE - knockback - cyclone
and replace HoA and Hatred with a ancestral warchief and something else like faster attacks/ arctic armor/clarity
lichdeath 님이 2017. 2. 2. 오후 2:53:10에 마지막으로 편집
lichdeath 님이 작성:
fortify doesnt seem to trigger on them for some reason(might be just me)
Fortify can't be triggered.

Surrender performs pretty well for me in Breach. Aegis is still better, but needs to be built-around. This build is using so many uniques that it is better to use a Rare.

I see that OP gave up on Poison but I can't view the tree to see his new DPS strategy.

my take on the skill tree after checking it again

Passive skill tree build

i also suggest to replace jack, the axe for soul taker(better ones cost like 10 ex...) for more dps since we dont need bleed on hit anymore we got 66% chance to bleed on hit and 25% to poison bleeding enemies for free too

also rings id say 2 times 20 attribute le heups

belt doryani's invitation is probably one of the cheepest decent belts around

boots id suggest atziri's step free dodge lots of hp and ms

also id suggest to remove the immortal call, CWDT, increased duration. they dont seem very usefull considering you' re blocking most things especially since they remove about 20% physical dmg reduction and 20% ele resists

i would just replace them with things that can be supported with your free knockbock support in emperor's grasp

ps: you might notice that i tend to mention uniques instead of good rares this is just me, your stuff doesn't need to be completely unique

lichdeath 님이 2017. 2. 4. 오후 6:19:56에 마지막으로 편집
lichdeath 님이 작성:
my take on the skill tree after checking it again

Passive skill tree build

i also suggest to replace jack, the axe for soul taker(better ones cost like 10 ex...) for more dps since we dont need bleed on hit anymore we got 66% chance to bleed on hit and 25% to poison bleeding enemies for free too

belt doryani's invitation is probably one of the cheepest decent belts around

also id suggest to remove the immortal call, CWDT, increased duration. they dont seem very usefull considering you' re blocking most things especially since they remove about 20% physical dmg reduction and 20% ele resists

i would just replace them with things that can be supported with your free knockbock support in emperor's grasp

Updated build based on your ideas.
-Switched Jack the axe to Soul Taker as maintaining mana became too big of a problem.
-Changed warlodrs curse on hit to Poachers -> Blood Rage dropped
-HoA dropped, added Haste and Hatred

New Passive Tree (0.7.)
Szeraf667 님이 2017. 2. 5. 오전 9:40:09에 마지막으로 편집

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