Looking for advice on a Scion Archer Assasin / Raider using CI.

Hi everyone. This is my first attempt at a build using what I've learned over the last month or so of playing. Many of the ideas come from Neversink's Tornado-shot guide, my thanks to the author.

I'm trying to build a crit-based physical bow user who switches fairly late-game to CI. Scion is being used as the start point so that I can take the Assassin and Raider ascendencies. The build is going to be solo self-found only, so I'm trying to avoid trading completely.

I'm looking for help / advice trimming the fat in the builds, as well as streamlining gem choices, and gem/passive interactions. Thanks in advance!

Leveling Build:

Final CI Build:

Skill combinations will be:
Ice Shot - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Chain - Physical to Lightning - Weapon Elemental Damage - Physical Projectile Attack Damage

Blast Rain - Concentrated Effect - Physical Projectile Attack Damage - Physical to Lightning - Weapon Elemental Damage - Faster Attacks

Hatred - Herald of Ice - Curse on Hit - Assassin's Mark

Blink Arrow - Cast when stunned - Blind - Ice Golem

Cast when damage takem - Immortal Call - Increased Duration
마지막 추천 2017. 2. 8. 오전 7:09:38
Turbosvk 님이 2017. 2. 8. 오전 7:09:57에 마지막으로 편집

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