[2.5] Explosive Gladiator - Blade Flurry / Max Block - One shot T15 bosses!

Icaros 님이 작성:
korynx 님이 작성:
Hi. I wanted to try a max block character and decided to roll with this one. I'm new to this game so don't mind some noob questions. Three things:

1. It's difficult to survive with less life(since we are using Cospri's). Can I use another armor like "Belly of the Beast" ? Or "Lightning Coil" ?

2. How can I truly make this build immortal? Like we have adequete defense against small hits from trash mob packs. But what can I do to tank large hits? I'm guessing something like "Formless Inferno" + "Lightning Coil" + arctic armor ?

3. Pack clear speed is very good, but I'm lacking single target dps. How does varunastra scale in late game?


You can use another chest, but the second curse, free poison and bypass hexproof are much more valuable than a small bump in HP.
Nearly all one shot mechanics can be avoided, so practicing manual dodging is important. This build is very tanky, but only CI/vaal pact builds can facetank everything.

You shouldn't really struggle with survivability until Guardians. If you're hitting a wall, you could run Enfeeble in place of temp chains.

There is no "truly immortal" life build. You could try to stack armor, endurance charges and arctic armor but then you'd be playing a different build. Offense is defense. The best way to stay alive is to kill things faster.

you're lacking DPS because you need:
gem levels and quality
Atziri's Promise
damage jewels (see jewels in first post)
rustic sash as belt
Ancestral Warchief
Blood Rage
Flat phys and/or chaos damage on jewelry once you get all those in place
Also, make sure you're swapping in Concentrated Effect on bosses.

Elemental damage doesn't contribute to bleed or poison, so using hatred and herald of ash with this build is counter intuitive.
Bleed, poison, vulnerability and temp chains don't show in your tooltip, but together they do somewhere in the range of 5x more damage than your DPS without them.

Thanks! That answers everything!
Now would legacy black heart be godly for this build?
Please reply to your whispers for items... Even if you are mapping, in a rotation, in uber lab, or if its sold. Thank you. :D
mattislouie 님이 작성:
Now would legacy black heart be godly for this build?

I'm not the expert on this build, but IMO I think you would be better off with a good rare ring. It might be good during leveling until you get Ascendancy points and a Cospri's. The main bonus of the legacy Voidheart is the 100% bleed/poison. However, you get 100% poison from Cospri's, and 25% bleed chance from Gratuitous Violence passive. Voidheart would give you 100% bleed, but at the cost of the flexibility of a rare ring. A good rare ring could give you much more physical damage, a high life roll, str/dex/int, and most importantly, elemental resists. Using another Unique would make it really difficult to get capped resists.
wde97 님이 작성:
mattislouie 님이 작성:
Now would legacy black heart be godly for this build?

I'm not the expert on this build, but IMO I think you would be better off with a good rare ring. It might be good during leveling until you get Ascendancy points and a Cospri's. The main bonus of the legacy Voidheart is the 100% bleed/poison. However, you get 100% poison from Cospri's, and 25% bleed chance from Gratuitous Violence passive. Voidheart would give you 100% bleed, but at the cost of the flexibility of a rare ring. A good rare ring could give you much more physical damage, a high life roll, str/dex/int, and most importantly, elemental resists. Using another Unique would make it really difficult to get capped resists.

Basically this. We have a lot of unique slots with no life or resists already.

Could be interesting to try legacy voidheart, drop the cospri's and use doedre ring or +1 curse ammy.
Not sure if it's worth the investment though. You want both Vuln and Temp Chains, and having them bypass hexproof is really nice when rolling maps.
changed from slayer eq to this and never looked back it is so fun and tanky thank you for the guide!
I successfully solo'd three of the guardians (Chimera being the easiest, no deaths there at all).
I actually had fun with this build fighting the those three. I just need to fight Minotaur now. :)

I also swapped Vaal Cyclone and Vaal Breach out as well, and I put Culling Strike inside of my gloves, that way Tempest Shield kills. And I made a new higher level Cwdt setup for Flame Golem and Blood Rage.
Please reply to your whispers for items... Even if you are mapping, in a rotation, in uber lab, or if its sold. Thank you. :D
mattislouie 님이 2017. 1. 21. 오후 1:01:30에 마지막으로 편집
Icaros 님이 작성:
Bandits: Oak, Oak, Oak or Kraityn
Can you please explain the rationale on the third bandit choice?
tainium 님이 2017. 1. 24. 오전 7:28:53에 마지막으로 편집
Wow, that jewel this build is based upon is really expensive!
tainium 님이 작성:
Icaros 님이 작성:
Bandits: Oak, Oak, Oak or Kraityn
Can you please explain the rationale on the third bandit choice?

Depends if you want to be more tanky, or faster/ do more damage.
Probably recommend the endurance for higher tier content. Helps mitigate the big hits that do get through block.

Wow, that jewel this build is based upon is really expensive!

Yeah, I got mine for a couple exalts worth of chaos, they've been going up as less and less people are running chayula.
Possible to run this without the jewel, but tree will be less efficient, and you'll want a way to keep endurance charges up.

one this comes to standard (shield and jewel on breach), there is going to be an overflow of those items in a few weeks, so the price will luckily go down.

never tryed using anvil? with a corrupt anvil ( with either +1 curse or extra block), you could remove almost every %block on the tree and use it somewhere else, stil having max block ratio.
NNF4E 님이 2017. 1. 25. 오전 6:23:47에 마지막으로 편집

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