[2.5]Gladiator RT Bleed block DW Lacerate

As the title says (Complicated it may be) We are a Gladiator using 2 weapons, block, lacerate, and bleed. When I created this build, I wanted to try out a rangish melee build (That wasn't earthquake since I don't like it's mechanics). We're life based and we get armor and block to do a ton of mitigation. I haven't died on this character since I switched to the main build and I feel relatively safe, but I don't know if it's hardcore viable.

I'd recommend rushing the block nodes then rushing to RT. After that, it's up to you. I rushed the AoE in templar and then the bleed nodes but it's what you feel you need.

Ascendancy choices and explanation:
Gratuitious violence: Great, 25% chance to bleed, 30% inc damage against bleeding enemies, and enemies explode for phys damage on kill? Awesome
Blood in the eyes: Another 25% chance to bleed, another 30% increased damage against bleeding enemies, maim, and 6% reduced damage taken from bleeding enemies. Great defensively and offensively.
Painforged: 8% additional block chance when hit puts us up to 38% block chance, and 40% damage when you haven't been hit recently is great against bosses that hit slow or you avoid a lot of hits from (Such as atziri, voll, ETC)
Now the last point is up to preference. You can go for Violent Retaliation for damage and to build on your block, or you can go for outmatch and outlast for more clear speed.

The main links I'd recommend always having are:
Increased A.o.E/Concentrated effect
(Conc for boss)/Physical to lightning (For phys reflect maps)
Melee physical damage/Weapon elemental damage
(If using phys to light)
Added fire
(Six link can be a lot of things) Weapon elemental damage/Fortify/Faster attacks/ETC

The Defense comes from armor and block but I'd always recommend a Cast when Damage Taken setup:
Cast when damage taken
Immortal call
Increased duration
Flame golem/Molten shell
(Personal preference)

The aura's I'd recommend is whatever you feel you need. Since I use soultaker, I can switch mine out however I need:
Warlords mark

You can switch out for determination, grace, haste, Herald of ash, ETC.

And the last one I'd recommend is a Leap Slam setup to move quickly:
Leap Slam
Faster attacks

Optional I put in my weapon is:
Ancestral Warchief
Concentrated effect
(So I can switch with my lacerate AoE quickly)

My character:
My weapon is pretty good for the price, I think I paid 4c or so

This is Kind of mandatory for the build since you have such a high mana cost, and it's not a bad weapon in general

My armor is okay, I'm mainly using it for the 5 link, +111 life and 36% lightning res

+350 armor is a decent belt, +130 total life, and nice cold res. All around, decent on a budget

Perfect helm for this build, 1k armor after I pick up iron reflexes, 16% attack speed, 20% movement speed, just a great helm. And none of us can forget, the cool footprint effects that REALLY make this build.

It's a voidheart, do I really have to explain?

This rings just bad, but I needed resistances.

I don't know how to grade armor peices but I think the gloves are semi-decent

Needed intelligence, got life and res's

Decent boots for my budget

All together, the only mandatory unique is probably the Soul Taker, but devoto's is very nice to have as well as voidheart

My character stats:
I can't get a way to post images so I'mma just tell you:
5433 armor or 43% mitigation
162.5 Life regeneration
All Res's capped
38% block chance before Rumi's

Damage on lacerate stats:
14110 DPS
100% chance to hit
5.73 APS
Bunch of other stats I don't want to type out :D

Oak in normal
Kraityn or skill point in cruel (I chose point)
Oak, kraityn, or point in Merciless

Any questions or advice, please put in the comments, I'm looking for help wherever possible :D
Alexthefake 님이 2017. 1. 20. 오전 10:19:18에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2017. 1. 19. 오후 11:18:45

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