[3.24]g00fy_goober's EleBuzzsaw Deadeye (Easily Clear All Content) *REVAMPED AGAIN*

60k spoon(tm)...

*That damage is with a random belt with 42% Ele, I could get to 60k with a few divines, but I'll just wait a bit and get a Spectral Throw 21/20 and I'll get there (no luck corrupting it so far). With headhunter, I get 52.8k.
MrReynolds 님이 2017. 10. 12. 오후 2:44:46에 마지막으로 편집
What are some alternatives to flat lightning dmg Vessel of Vinktar? It's going for 350c right now and I can't afford it. Should I just get the lightning pen version or is there another option?

Also, best base for a belt?
Why do we take the jewel socket above Blood Drinker over the jewel socket above Acrobatics? Is the Intelligence necessary in the build?
pacotacobell 님이 작성:
What are some alternatives to flat lightning dmg Vessel of Vinktar? It's going for 350c right now and I can't afford it. Should I just get the lightning pen version or is there another option?

Also, best base for a belt?

Might wanna consider wise oak, make light res highest for it.

Leather belt for life. Heavy belt if you can't get the strength anywhere else.
DisRuptive1 님이 작성:
Why do we take the jewel socket above Blood Drinker over the jewel socket above Acrobatics? Is the Intelligence necessary in the build?

Gems and claws puts your INT requirement over 150. Unless you have really nice gear (accessories, boots, or jewel) that give the necessary stats plus the INT needed, 20 INT > 8% projectile.

You won't need the INT early game as you can easily get the INT on leveling gear. But you will want it late game when you start optimizing gear.

pacotacobell 님이 작성:
What are some alternatives to flat lightning dmg Vessel of Vinktar? It's going for 350c right now and I can't afford it. Should I just get the lightning pen version or is there another option?

Light pen is a decent stepping stone until you can afford flat damage. If you only want 3 offensive flasks, then your set-up is fine. If you want a 4th offensive flask, add Wise Oak. Plus, Wise Oak is handy if you don't overcap your resists and get EW cursed.
blackdeath101 님이 2017. 10. 13. 오전 8:41:05에 마지막으로 편집
I really want to see the Dagger variation of this build this league. I'm kinda broke but I have a sweet Ambush dagger with Tri-Ele, Attack Speed and a free suffix to craft Crit lying in my stash. I tried messing with the tree a bit but I'm a bit concerned with Crit chance.

Maybe someone can help me with the dagger-variation of the tree? :/
Stius14 님이 작성:
I really want to see the Dagger variation of this build this league. I'm kinda broke but I have a sweet Ambush dagger with Tri-Ele, Attack Speed and a free suffix to craft Crit lying in my stash. I tried messing with the tree a bit but I'm a bit concerned with Crit chance.

Maybe someone can help me with the dagger-variation of the tree? :/

For dagger variation you just drop the claw nodes and pick up the dagger nodes + leech nodes. However daggers implicit was nerfed, then the dagger nodes were nerfed pretty hard (biggest being adders touch that was cut in half), then the crit + multi nodes were nerfed so daggers just are not even close to the best way to go now.
Am I right in that the max INT and Strength you need for this build are 159 and 114 respectively?
pacotacobell 님이 작성:
Am I right in that the max INT and Strength you need for this build are 159 and 114 respectively?

Yes 159 is for your intel gems like wrath. 114 is for things like fortify + reduced mana supports. Also note that these are for level 21 gems. So highest you will have to go is 159 and 114.
Spectral Throw does less damage coming back with Point Blank. Is it worth considering not taking Point Blank at all, so that your return hits and high distance mob clear is better?

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