[3.25]g00fy_goober's EleBuzzsaw Deadeye (Easily Clear All Content) *REVAMPED AGAIN*

Sitting at 127k dps at full

Only issues atm is the posion/choas dmg and ele reflect from lvl 13+ maps
so still in ssf and was doing ok until i met a major pain in the ass rogue exile with torment spirit, could not for the life of me kill him and ended up dying loads to him, but im still going, currently
lvl 70 and as i havent found any decent daggers im using claw instead as i found a unique claw, dps is pretty good too, and have taken the claw crit nodes instead, when i can get a dagger i'll respec into daggers. gear below.

IGN: The_Nutcase
Satsuki09 님이 작성:
Do you have any weapon recommendations for levelling?

Anything with the most ele damage on weapon. At this rate the base type does not matter at all. Dagger/sword/claw, w/e.

Rares I find are best but there is 1-2 uniques that are "ok" fidelitas spike is ok.

Redvexer 님이 작성:

Sitting at 127k dps at full

Only issues atm is the posion/choas dmg and ele reflect from lvl 13+ maps

Ya poison/chaos dmg is always a small issue with life builds. Even desecrated ground I was always adverse too. However build leeches so high and moves so fast that it doesn't matter a huge deal with this build. Ele Reflect has never been an issue for me. I will not run it on maps obviously but the random ele reflect mob doesn't bother me since the new WED wheel with reduced ele dmg reflection. Between that, the added leech, and the more life now I have not killed myself yet and all that is without even using vinktars.

ToxicXfi 님이 작성:
so still in ssf and was doing ok until i met a major pain in the ass rogue exile with torment spirit, could not for the life of me kill him and ended up dying loads to him, but im still going, currently
lvl 70 and as i havent found any decent daggers im using claw instead as i found a unique claw, dps is pretty good too, and have taken the claw crit nodes instead, when i can get a dagger i'll respec into daggers. gear below.


Your claw has 0 ele dmg on it. To be honest im surprised your able to kill anything. All the gems, gear, and passives on the tree are build around the stacking of ele damage. For example your running weapon elemental damage gem in your belly. You do 0 ele dmg so the gem does nothing lol. I would highly recommend finding something or anything with ele damage on it and it would be better.

Don't think this build was made really for SSF but I guess its possible. Just won't be able to do end END game content like shaper/guardians/uber atziri.
Hey all

Can someone go have a look on my gear + tree.

This is my first char, and i need some help concerning upgrades. Got around 5ex gathered to use.

im on 4,7k hp - i know its too low..

Is it better for me to get a new dagger OR upgrade some gear to get more health?

Thanks in advance
g00fy_goober 님이 작성:
Jadran 님이 작성:
Does the claw version of the tree take Soul Raker?

Also, since we're dropping the 2nd herald, don't we want to drop HoI and keep HoT, as HoT generates power charges with Assassin's Mark?

- There is no claw version of the tree

- Your question about heralds is answered in the original post. Please in future read through and make sure you not asking a question that is already answered. Also you can view my character, gear, gems, links, and tree in my profile.

You can use wrath + one of the heralds. Personally I put herald of ice in with assassin's mark and curse on hit because I like it better and it shatters the whole screen. Use w/e you like best.

Sorry mate, I didn't know that HoI also allows the spread of the curse, I thought only HoT allows that, by bad :(

For the claws, I might have jumped the gun here, I thought you wrote earlier that you are going to do a lot of experimentation later in the league and that would probably include swords and claws, and I wrongly assumed that maybe you have a tree already. Apologies :)
Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots.
"You want my sockets?"
Please update build, thanks! especially the tree
Jadran 님이 작성:
g00fy_goober 님이 작성:
Jadran 님이 작성:
Does the claw version of the tree take Soul Raker?

Also, since we're dropping the 2nd herald, don't we want to drop HoI and keep HoT, as HoT generates power charges with Assassin's Mark?

- There is no claw version of the tree

- Your question about heralds is answered in the original post. Please in future read through and make sure you not asking a question that is already answered. Also you can view my character, gear, gems, links, and tree in my profile.

You can use wrath + one of the heralds. Personally I put herald of ice in with assassin's mark and curse on hit because I like it better and it shatters the whole screen. Use w/e you like best.

Sorry mate, I didn't know that HoI also allows the spread of the curse, I thought only HoT allows that, by bad :(

For the claws, I might have jumped the gun here, I thought you wrote earlier that you are going to do a lot of experimentation later in the league and that would probably include swords and claws, and I wrongly assumed that maybe you have a tree already. Apologies :)

You can look my Char, i'm playing with Claw. (My bad, i was thinking it was possible, but it wasen't before. Option changed)

Basically you can keep Revenge of the Hunted and Forces of Nature. You need yo switch from Adder's touch to Soul Raker (witch provide you LL and ML) So you should be able to droop Vitality Void and do whatever you need with remaining points.

For Sword, you would go for Fatal Blade.
Sorry for my quite bad english. Try to do my best <3
KouboMog 님이 2017. 3. 21. 오전 10:25:59에 마지막으로 편집
what do i need to change to make it work on HC?
Dunark 님이 작성:
Hey all

Can someone go have a look on my gear + tree.

This is my first char, and i need some help concerning upgrades. Got around 5ex gathered to use.

im on 4,7k hp - i know its too low..

Is it better for me to get a new dagger OR upgrade some gear to get more health?

Thanks in advance

Your dagger would be absolutely solid if you had cold dmg as well. As it is its high lightning/fire dmg with good crit/attack speed. For now I would upgrade your worse slots first. Gloves, Rings, Belt. Then I would upgrade your weapon and go from there.

Jadran 님이 작성:
g00fy_goober 님이 작성:
Jadran 님이 작성:
Does the claw version of the tree take Soul Raker?

Also, since we're dropping the 2nd herald, don't we want to drop HoI and keep HoT, as HoT generates power charges with Assassin's Mark?

- There is no claw version of the tree

- Your question about heralds is answered in the original post. Please in future read through and make sure you not asking a question that is already answered. Also you can view my character, gear, gems, links, and tree in my profile.

You can use wrath + one of the heralds. Personally I put herald of ice in with assassin's mark and curse on hit because I like it better and it shatters the whole screen. Use w/e you like best.

Sorry mate, I didn't know that HoI also allows the spread of the curse, I thought only HoT allows that, by bad :(

For the claws, I might have jumped the gun here, I thought you wrote earlier that you are going to do a lot of experimentation later in the league and that would probably include swords and claws, and I wrongly assumed that maybe you have a tree already. Apologies :)

Np. And yes HoI also spreads the curse, and more effectively I feel then HoT. As for the swords vs claws vs daggers, that is deff my intention later in league to thoroughly test them all. I will check pros/cons of each and check the damage, attack speed, crit and other mechanics of each. Haven't even begun to look into it yet or made any trees aside from the first one in OP.

ShadowSpadeSA 님이 작성:
Please update build, thanks! especially the tree

Sure thing, soon as you send me money to pay all my bills...

Will do things as soon as I am able.

Malbec 님이 작성:
what do i need to change to make it work on HC?

Idk. Im not a HC player and I don't think its a great option with this build.
Please please please update the tree for the legacy league, you said you made some changes and im not quite sure i follow and would like to follow the build guide by the book like skill point for skill point please

*NOTE* None of the changes listed here have been changed in the guide yet

You said once challenges are done and you are sitting at 38 :D

sorry to bother about this

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