[3.24]g00fy_goober's EleBuzzsaw Deadeye (Easily Clear All Content) *REVAMPED AGAIN*


So far this build is great, very fast clearspeed and due to whirling blades I've died maybe once so far. But I've got question, my dps isn't doing that good. I tried improving what I can but I have no idea why you have one attack per second more. My lightning damage sits at 191-3390 while yours is twice as much. Can't find any reasons, upgrading single gems gives me slightly more damage but still it's laughable value. My DPS lacks when it comes to highest tier maps and some bosses, even with slower projectiles it's nowhere as good as yours. I would appreciate any help because as I said, I don't really know where the problem lies (I'm lvl 87)

Here's my gear for reference:

(28k dps in h/o, 55k with charges/golem)

As I said before, other than that this is great build and I enjoy it so far. Hopefully I will be finally able to kill shaper in legacy !
_R4v_ 님이 2017. 6. 12. 오후 12:44:58에 마지막으로 편집
_R4v_ 님이 작성:

So far this build is great, very fast clearspeed and due to whirling blades I've died maybe once so far. But I've got question, my dps isn't doing that good. I tried improving what I can but I have no idea why you have one attack per second more. My lightning damage sits at 191-3390 while yours is twice as much. Can't find any reasons, upgrading single gems gives me slightly more damage but still it's laughable value. My DPS lacks when it comes to highest tier maps and some bosses, even with slower projectiles it's nowhere as good as yours. I would appreciate any help because as I said, I don't really know where the problem lies (I'm lvl 87)

Here's my gear for reference:

(28k dps in h/o, 55k with charges/golem)

As I said before, other than that this is great build and I enjoy it so far. Hopefully I will be finally able to kill shaper in legacy !

Everything adds up so let me go through some stuff for you

- Gem levels + quality are huge. Most of your gems are level 18 or 19, and have 0% quality on them. All this will add a huge amount of dps. Especially if you can get 21/20's.

- While your dagger is not considered bad by any means, it still only has dual elements on it. Aps is prty good, crit is prty solid but no cold damage what so ever

- helm has no enchant

- gloves have no attack speed on it, and you ROLLED over the projectile mod. 18% projectile dmg is a huge chunk of dps, and it was enchanted over by either you or who you bought it from

- no crit multi/lightning dmg on ammy

- Level 87, so need 5-8 more levels as well

Your doing fine for sure, but the screenshots and everything on my build are at the very end game. For now I would just keep going and work on upgrades as you go.
Thanks for quick reply!

Tbh I knew that I'm missing few significant bonuses, was just wondering if they can makesuch a huge change in flat DPS. I'm not too lucky with lab enchants and I don't really want to spend 20ex on Rat's or even Starkonja, but I can run lab quickly and there are other extras at the end. Yes,I already bought enchanted gloves (I guess that's why they were at funny price) and realized my mistake quickly, but apparently those small dmg bonuses are beter than projectile damage. I guess I'll stick to T12/13 maps as I feel most comfortable here, bosses are tough but exp goes fast.

Thanks again for awesome build, too bad I discovered it so late because she can do every content my templar couldn't handle :P
Still cruising along at lvl 52, only one death and that was due do my own stupidity.

One question- in the lvl 65 tree you use 4 nodes for frenzy duration and + frenzy charges... somehow I'm missing on your gear/gems where you are getting frenzy charges from though?
saxisa 님이 작성:
Still cruising along at lvl 52, only one death and that was due do my own stupidity.

One question- in the lvl 65 tree you use 4 nodes for frenzy duration and + frenzy charges... somehow I'm missing on your gear/gems where you are getting frenzy charges from though?

The ascendancy class raider +)
g00fy_goober 님이 작성:
saxisa 님이 작성:
Still cruising along at lvl 52, only one death and that was due do my own stupidity.

One question- in the lvl 65 tree you use 4 nodes for frenzy duration and + frenzy charges... somehow I'm missing on your gear/gems where you are getting frenzy charges from though?

The ascendancy class raider +)

Ah sweet! Hadn't ascended yet. Thanks!
First, thanks for the guide, was a big point of orientation for me, even if there were a few things I did not agree with, like the Dagger over Foil thing. But maybe that is just because good ele. Daggers are pretty much impossible to get at this point of the league. But also because at a certain point the crit multi implicit of foils easily beats the crit. chance implicit of 30% crit implicit daggers. That point is surely reached if you can do 80%+ crit chance with Diamond Flask up, which should be easily possible with this build. Anyway, thanks and here is a question/suggestion:

So, I came back to the league after a month off and started a build very close to this one. I was wondering why you didnt mention the admittedly very expensive option to go +1 curse amulet with ele weakness on gloves. I know, it is very hard to get both, good gloves and a good amulet with those corruptions, but if you get them your DPS would pretty much double. So even if far away from a requirement, it maybe should be mentioned as the ultimate goal?

What also should be mentioned is the Wise Oak flask. Even if you only go for lightning penetration from the flask. It should be much more useful than a second life flask on a vaal pact build... And if you go for broke and try to equal out fire, cold and lightning resist, the resulting 20% all elements penetration would easily outperform an atziris flask. My flask setup will be: Bubbling/Seething life flask Staunching, Experimenter's Diamond Flask of Grounding, Atziris Promise, Wise Oak, Vessel of Vinktar (maybe with lightning damage because of the lightning penetration I get from Wise Oak, needs to be tested).

The other thing, as the league is almost dead, anybody around here that wants to sell some of their gear? I am so fuckin tired of people being afk or not responding while their items show up on poe.trade... If you have something (like a good ele dagger, so I can test the suggested weapon choice), throw me a whisper @EleBanana

EDIT: I just realized my post might come off a bit arrogant. I really just wanted to point out the really high end options this build has to even get more damage. Without anything I mentioned and just following the posted build you will be able to very easily do all endgame content.
Mecielle 님이 2017. 6. 14. 오전 6:07:26에 마지막으로 편집
Mecielle 님이 작성:
First, thanks for the guide, was a big point of orientation for me, even if there were a few things I did not agree with, like the Dagger over Foil thing. But maybe that is just because good ele. Daggers are pretty much impossible to get at this point of the league. But also because at a certain point the crit multi implicit of foils easily beats the crit. chance implicit of 30% crit implicit daggers. That point is surely reached if you can do 80%+ crit chance with Diamond Flask up, which should be easily possible with this build. Anyway, thanks and here is a question/suggestion:

So, I came back to the league after a month off and started a build very close to this one. I was wondering why you didnt mention the admittedly very expensive option to go +1 curse amulet with ele weakness on gloves. I know, it is very hard to get both, good gloves and a good amulet with those corruptions, but if you get them your DPS would pretty much double. So even if far away from a requirement, it maybe should be mentioned as the ultimate goal?

What also should be mentioned is the Wise Oak flask. Even if you only go for lightning penetration from the flask. It should be much more useful than a second life flask on a vaal pact build... And if you go for broke and try to equal out fire, cold and lightning resist, the resulting 20% all elements penetration would easily outperform an atziris flask. My flask setup will be: Bubbling/Seething life flask Staunching, Experimenter's Diamond Flask of Grounding, Atziris Promise, Wise Oak, Vessel of Vinktar (maybe with lightning damage because of the lightning penetration I get from Wise Oak, needs to be tested).

The other thing, as the league is almost dead, anybody around here that wants to sell some of their gear? I am so fuckin tired of people being afk or not responding while their items show up on poe.trade... If you have something (like a good ele dagger, so I can test the suggested weapon choice), throw me a whisper @EleBanana

EDIT: I just realized my post might come off a bit arrogant. I really just wanted to point out the really high end options this build has to even get more damage. Without anything I mentioned and just following the posted build you will be able to very easily do all endgame content.

No worries man, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

- Foils work very well too, again I just prefer daggers as personal preference. They have higher base crit which I like better than more multi. 90-95% chance to crit for me with daggers and 30% less crit multi to me is way better than 80% chance to crit with 30 more multi. However as I said before if foils is your thing, knock yourself out!

- Wise oak is GG. Absolutely after it came out and I read description 23x until I finally understood it lol. I would most definitely replace atziri flask with it as I still love to run 2 health flasks. Im sorry one is just not enough for me. I don't have wise oak in guide because I never tested it myself. I know logically it is extremely awesome, I just never got around to using it. Maybe ill test soon next beta wipe.

- +1 curse gear + gloves. I thought of just the gloves in general before. Elemental weakness should be a great addition to damage as well! However as you stated yourself... 1.) You would need a +1 curse amulet which would be extremely expensive, then you would need to get the corrupt on your gloves and still have good res/life/attack speed which would almost be near impossible and so expensive for the both. Now if you could somehow manage to pull it off it would be great. HOWEVER the amount of time/currency involved even if you got it wouldn't be worth it tbh. This build allows you to farm all of the content, and is a great league starter, but its not that great of an end game build. I mean it works end game fine. But if your going to invest that many exalts into +1 curse ammy + ele weakness gloves there are better builds for cheaper. For example... HOWA. Until beta releases that is.

Still, I wouldn't tell anyone not to go for something like that if they had a ton of currency they wanted to sink into it. I just won't put in guide because its so unrealistic and unreasonable to do currently.
So i've been playing around with the beta/pathofbuilding to test if Hyaon's Fury would be a nice option in 3.0 (i doubt it will compete with a GG tri ele dagger in the end) However i can't for the life of me figure out if pathofbuilding actually includes the 12% lightning dmg per frenzy charge. so i figured i would ask here if someone with more knowledge knows how it works!
Jungla_ 님이 2017. 6. 14. 오전 8:23:13에 마지막으로 편집
g00fy_goober 님이 작성:
No worries man, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

- Foils work very well too, again I just prefer daggers as personal preference. They have higher base crit which I like better than more multi. 90-95% chance to crit for me with daggers and 30% less crit multi to me is way better than 80% chance to crit with 30 more multi. However as I said before if foils is your thing, knock yourself out!

- Wise oak is GG. Absolutely after it came out and I read description 23x until I finally understood it lol. I would most definitely replace atziri flask with it as I still love to run 2 health flasks. Im sorry one is just not enough for me. I don't have wise oak in guide because I never tested it myself. I know logically it is extremely awesome, I just never got around to using it. Maybe ill test soon next beta wipe.

- +1 curse gear + gloves. I thought of just the gloves in general before. Elemental weakness should be a great addition to damage as well! However as you stated yourself... 1.) You would need a +1 curse amulet which would be extremely expensive, then you would need to get the corrupt on your gloves and still have good res/life/attack speed which would almost be near impossible and so expensive for the both. Now if you could somehow manage to pull it off it would be great. HOWEVER the amount of time/currency involved even if you got it wouldn't be worth it tbh. This build allows you to farm all of the content, and is a great league starter, but its not that great of an end game build. I mean it works end game fine. But if your going to invest that many exalts into +1 curse ammy + ele weakness gloves there are better builds for cheaper. For example... HOWA. Until beta releases that is.

Still, I wouldn't tell anyone not to go for something like that if they had a ton of currency they wanted to sink into it. I just won't put in guide because its so unrealistic and unreasonable to do currently.

I was thinking about the future of the build of course. I know that I would be much better off doing HOWA ST or Motem Morsu ST. Both of those are MUCH better at the moment if you consider investment/return. All my points were made under the thought of a league starter for 3.0. I should have mentioned that I only came back to the league to test starter builds for 3.0.

But anyway, I still think any build, even if it is a low cost build at the core, like this one, should always mention all the endgame GG options. It just adds to the understanding of the build. Most people looking for a league starter want a build that can evolve into a powerhouse. Mentioning something like the glove enchant or the amulet corruption (even if it is only +1 frenzy charge, which is also a HUGE DPS boost) might be a good idea.

And on the topic of Dagger vs Foil, I just got this thing for 3ex:

There is no dagger even remotely close to this available at the moment. From time to time one player comes online with a Dagger that is almost on the same level, for 25ex. Just to make it understandable how hard/impossible it is to get a good ele. dagger at the moment :D

Mecielle 님이 2017. 6. 14. 오전 8:40:22에 마지막으로 편집

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