[3.25]g00fy_goober's EleBuzzsaw Deadeye (Easily Clear All Content) *REVAMPED AGAIN*
" Oh the irony :) I plan on rolling with a frost blades build this league myself :) Lot of nerfs/changes were announced last night, along with the new harbinger league. I am not the greatest theory crafter but not very happy about some of the changes/nerfs at all. Power charges are made almost useless now, I am pretty sure that running curse on hit setup with ele weakness will be better for sure. |
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ignore this
Kmanchine#7745 님이 2017. 7. 28. 오후 1:37:55에 마지막으로 편집
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" Hah! Were you going to follow someone else's guide or build the tree yourself? I can't decide which gameplay looks more fun. |
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What to you think about the new innervate gem ? Would you get it for light pen ?
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" ST will always be my favorite and my baby, which is why I put all the time/effort into testing and making my own guide and polishing it to make it a perfect fit for me. Frost blades I never used before and tried out like 8 builds or so in beta. Its a pretty awesome skill and has a "similar" tree/playstyle. Its very fast paced, but seems to be lacking in single target (especially since the double hp on bosses). I only played for a few days in "mapping" with it since I did not want to burn myself out with the build since it will be what I at least start off with in 3.0. I have 1 frostblade guide that I took a good chunk from but will tweak things here and there as I see fit. Its not fully updated and the guy is not the greatest at responding on there to questions and such. Its very fun to map clear with frostblades but the single target worrys me, especially for guardians and shaper. Also I only made it to like level 80 or something and was in no way "END game geared" but my life was only at like 4k.... Which ya I cant see getting another 2k life with slightly better gear and a few more life nodes on tree. Will be a struggle, but ofc, choice is up to you. As I see it now though, I really think ST will be the better choice by far, especially with swapping out GMP for Slower Projectiles on single target. Will be used much more for map bosses now. " Its hard to say, I was taking a look at both the new innervate and the new icebite which both look like much better gems now. Innervate by the looks of it gives a flat shock chance to supported skills + flat lightning dmg THEN it gives an extra bonus to flat lightning dmg if you have killed a shocked enemy and it lasts for 4 seconds. If both these flat damages scale well I can see it being one of the best gems for build... My first thought is that I would replace added lightning with it, however added lightning (and added cold) received a pretty big buff in beta. Penetration gems are usually one of the best damage wise even though it does not show in tooltip. So my thoughts right now would either be to get rid of the increased crit strike (with nerfs to multiplier, powercharges and other shit they are obviously killing crit builds pretty decently). Another option might be to swap out WED gem... It was nerfed by like 5% at all levels in beta already. These are just my INITIAL thoughts on the matter. They will have to be thoroughly tested once 3.0 comes out. |
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Until release on 3.0 im gonna play in the beta your build because of the potential that i didn't see in other builds i like. I have alot of currency so if you want anything tested let me know :)
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any reason you're using inc crit stikes instead of crit damage?
i made the build in PoB (both 3.0 and 2.6) and crit damage support comes out to way more dps than crit strikes (even though my effective crit chance went down to 76% from 92% obviously i used optimal items in all slots (30% crit claws, double diamond ring, etc) but still shaunika90#5422 님이 2017. 7. 29. 오전 9:46:11에 마지막으로 편집
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Tried this. It's a glass cannon, even with 6L Belly and Vinktar's. Deleted @ 70. Not recommended.
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" Mostly the changes will be just using claws instead of dagger (which will work same way essentially) and the new/different changes to gems. I would like to test innervate for sure and see what it looks like at level 20 compared to WED and added lightning and such. Im sure more "testing" will be done once the 97 pages of patchnotes are actually released. Another thing to "test" will be to see if they keep charge changes the way they are (which is horrible IMO). If so then will definitely test with ele weakness over assassins mark and possible curse on hit with orb of storms to apply ele weakness instead of PCOC, will have to see. Maybe a 4 link with Orb > PCOC > Curse on Hit > Ele Weakness. Will have to see " Will have to test things out, no idea if anything has changed to multi gem since nerfs previously, but it was never that great of a gem to run with. Usually most gems beat it out by a good bit. No idea what will happen in 3.0 though so I guess subject to change. " Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but build is not glass cannon at all. My guess is that you didn't have enough leech and/or vaal pact and were in no way close to end game geared running around with like 4k hp or so. Coming from an OP 15k ES/CI build to something like this then ya im sure it felt pretty glass cannon to you. Hitting level 70 is like starting low tier maps though, so definitely looks like you were pretty premature on your judgment. Still, build may not be for everyone, wish you the best of luck. |
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I was thinking .. why is that we use lycosidae instead of The Tempestuous Steel for opening big crit increace and muchg much more . Any reasoning behind it ? Also for rider new icebite is kinda insane .. need to try to test it around lvl 19-20 tho. Innervate + icebite seems op for me
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