[2.6] The Roadrunner -- Lab Speedrunner and BossKiller [w/ Videos]

judas1377 님이 작성:
I think, the problem is that u don't try to evade his slam/wave attacks. U have 10sec duration on BV it allows u to STACK 20 times and then just RUN during 6-7 sec. So u don't have to CAST and STAY on the same place during the fight. As u have 400+ ms with flasks just EVADE his attacks running around.
Btw. Blathemy curse will "eat" almost ALL of ur mana because of the Worm Ring.
U can just use normal sulphur flask to increase ur evasion and cast enfeeble URSELF. Try it.
aslo u can use STONE golem. His slam can tount Izaro
Also Temp Chains 20q is VERY usefull. Izaro's attacks r slow and with TC they will be MUCH slower. That will give u a bit time to evade his attack.

Well, i try to evade attacks, but pretty often my character is too fast for me lol, i'm running around like a headless chicken and it's not that easy to stay in range to deal dmg >.<

About blasphemy i don't use it anymore, was just asking if it would help, but i think it would be overwritten by the vulnerability from the flask anyway, so it doesnt make too much sense. i wills till try it this evening with self cast TC and enfeeble just to test it :)

itsMartini 님이 작성:
vidicii 님이 작성:
Not sure what im doing wrong, butevery 2nd or 3rd run izaro oneshots me at the last stage.

I' have done some succesfull runs, but also many failed.

Could u maybe take a minute to check my character? It's Accelerati_Incredibilus, maybe u have some tips to improve my char.

some stats:
DPS(no stacks,no golem)=1066
DPS(20 stacks + golem)=7.900
Evasion(no Flasks)=28.000
Evasion(with Flasks)=75.000
Resists=capped at 75

Is it worth to use Enfeeble+Blasphemy? i just see the problem that vulnerability will replace it (and the other way around) since i have no double curse setup.

This type of question has been answered multiple times in the thread already, but I'll give it another go. I have done around 500 runs on this toon and have never died to Izaro. Get more life, more levels, more mana, and life on all your jewels (if you want to face tank him). At your current level, if you're getting one shot by his large attacks (slam, reave, etc.), you need to move out of the way. You are fast.

On a side note, for you and others who keep posting evasion numbers:
*** Evasion does not prevent getting one shot. It gives you a higher chance to evade an attack.

Thanks martini for the reply. i read your answer before and also know that evasion doesn't mitigate the incoming dmg but give u a chance to just avoid it. i just felt that u can facetank izaro in your videos. I don't want to facetank, but since the caracter is not that easy controlable for me with that speed i often run in izaros hard hits while running around while trying to stay in range for the damage (i'm getting too old ;)). also in your videos izaro dies in like 3 sec while my dmg just sucks. i have to stay in range like 10-15 seconds which is much more dangerous especially when he is full buffed. my gems are lvl 19 yet, do u think it does such a big difference to get them to lvl 20 or even 21 to? ofc i will get them to lvl 20 and hopefully 21, but just wondering if it would cut the kill time from like 15sec to 5-8sec.

btw i took the vinktars (flat dmg) from my howa main char and didn't notice any improvement, life leech is not existant and dmg is not much higehr too, just want to mention that vinktars (at least for my feelings) doesn't do much on this build. i think i will switch back to atziris flask instead.

judas1377 님이 작성:
During more 30-35 runs i've used enfeeble casted myself and rumi's flask. I was able to tank all attacks and never loose even a half of HP. Yeah, the DMG without Brew flask is lower, but u can tank this guy with 4k hp.
Phys dam. red. with Rumi's 42% + enfeeble causes to deal 27% less dmg (-accuracy etc).
Pretty good setup to tank this fat guy.
I still have lvl 81 4k hp and 1800mp. So, guys, if u are scared of ONE shot u can try this setup.

i will try the armor flask, was alrdy thinking about it but thought it wouldn't be such a big difference, also not sure which flask to take out for this. but i will test it later :)

thanks for the replys guys :)
vidicii 님이 작성:

Thanks martini for the reply. i read your answer before and also know that evasion doesn't mitigate the incoming dmg but give u a chance to just avoid it. i just felt that u can facetank izaro in your videos. I don't want to facetank, but since the caracter is not that easy controlable for me with that speed i often run in izaros hard hits while running around while trying to stay in range for the damage (i'm getting too old ;)). also in your videos izaro dies in like 3 sec while my dmg just sucks. i have to stay in range like 10-15 seconds which is much more dangerous especially when he is full buffed. my gems are lvl 19 yet, do u think it does such a big difference to get them to lvl 20 or even 21 to? ofc i will get them to lvl 20 and hopefully 21, but just wondering if it would cut the kill time from like 15sec to 5-8sec.

btw i took the vinktars (flat dmg) from my howa main char and didn't notice any improvement, life leech is not existant and dmg is not much higehr too, just want to mention that vinktars (at least for my feelings) doesn't do much on this build. i think i will switch back to atziris flask instead.

I'm glad you're trying out the build. For reference, my gems were 19 when I started running the end game labyrinth with this character, and at that time, I still did way too much damage. He has always died in just a few seconds for me.

Btw, vinktars adds WAY more damage than atziri's promise (50% more damage[double dip]) instead of 37.5 of phys added as chaos). Since almost half your damage is chaos to begin with, atziri flask is only about a 20% more damage on hit, which also translates to 20% more damage on poison (no double dip). The 50% from vinktars equates to 50% more hit damage and 125% more poison damage.

Also, make sure you properly place wither totem for maximum damage (somewhere it will target the boss, not ads, and in a location where it won't die).
Thanks again for your clarification, so i will stay with vinktars.

The double dipping part from vinktars comes only from the shocking part right? so that izaro gains more dmg from bladevortex itself and also from the poison. Cuz i missed that part of the flask before and just thought "how does the lightning dmg does double dip".

I will watch some more of your recorded labruns, maybe i can learn some new things :)

Thanks so far, i think that will help me to improve my future runs :)
First of all: very nice build. I respecced to this labrunner for my 100 challenge and did like 200 runs.

At a certain point I tried to min-max the build as much as possible. And I want to share this here.
I started with life/mana jewels and tried to get a decent life/mana pool. I ended up with like 5.5k life and like 3k mana.
This build is super-tanky. I died like 3times in 200 runs by charge disrupter crit smashes which had to hit.

In my current setup I focused more on evasion. I got more eva/life/allres jewels and respecced into more evasion in the tree. Fully buffed I reach 584ms.
With this setup I have like 4.7k life and 2.3 mana which is more than enough for izaro.

My tree is here: www.poeurl.com/bgd3

Buffed Ms and Gemsetup:

I took the resist jewel at scion which compared to a normal jewel node costs 1 more point but gives 36resists.
I also took "Reflexes" which is just great and some other evasion nodes.
One could even get rid of the phys/chaos nodes for more movement speed.

Here is my gear and my gemsetup:

My weapon switch is the following:

Things to note:
Ishimoji gives u more ms at a certain point. I started with a life/eva shield and decided that you want as much eva as possible and dropped the life. The +1 atziris steps also give me 5ms like the 5ms corruption.
With the time i disliked the mine laying time of smoke mine. And there is nothing to do about it- faster casting wont change mine laying speed. For large areas smoke mine is great. But for small areas you are faster whithout casting it. So the helm enchant is nice but i would prefer phase run duration here.
I corrupted like 15 the scourge and got the culling strike. Before I used culling strike in a gem setup.

Now to the interesting point: the movement speed.
With my current setup I reach 584ms with my flasks:

I also tried a setup with The retch which gave me 627ms, where i used:

I didnt like the retch setup. Maybe with reduced flask charges used or a better way to insta kill white mobs.

Gem setup:
Boots: phase run, inc duration, faster casting, enhance lvl3 -----faster casting is in my opinion very important.

Helmet: Cwdt, immortal call, inc duration, blind

Weapon main: faster casting, flame dash , stone golem ----with stone golem i have like 250 life regen which is very nice vs traps

shield: smoke mine, increased duration - haste ---- i use haste for the extra ms.

gloves: abyssal cry, void man, increased area, increased duration
at a certain point I realized that i rarely use abyssal cry. One good setup is also:

gloves: orb of storms, curse on hit, vuln, culling strike --- is liked the more flask charges of the normal stibnite flask

Chest: Its not easy to get the colors in general. I replaced inc duration with controlled destruction.

Shield swap: wither faster casting spell totem
Weapon swap: fire golem culling strike --- or shield charge faster attack fire golem


Overall you can achieve 500-600ms and get full key izaro runs in under 5min.
I was consistently top5 of the "ladder". But there are people who can actually speedrun :)

There is still stuff to improve - like the ring - no movement speed on belt...

IGN: TheShiiieeeld
RainingTears 님이 2017. 4. 11. 오전 9:41:19에 마지막으로 편집
vidicii 님이 작성:
Thanks again for your clarification, so i will stay with vinktars.

The double dipping part from vinktars comes only from the shocking part right? so that izaro gains more dmg from bladevortex itself and also from the poison. Cuz i missed that part of the flask before and just thought "how does the lightning dmg does double dip".

I will watch some more of your recorded labruns, maybe i can learn some new things :)

Thanks so far, i think that will help me to improve my future runs :)

If you need more QoL for lab runs and you already have witchfire brew, I'd recommend using a 3L Orb of storms>culling strike>blind setup. Helps down izaro slightly faster and the blind is really nice to increase your chance to evade.

And yes, VoV's shock double dips (first on initial, then poison which is increased by the initial shock is increased again because the enemy's shocked.
Shroudless 님이 작성:

If you need more QoL for lab runs and you already have witchfire brew, I'd recommend using a 3L Orb of storms>culling strike>blind setup. Helps down izaro slightly faster and the blind is really nice to increase your chance to evade.

Nice suggestion on the orb of storms setup!
I'm about to start this character, and I have maybe a noob question. I happen to have a sin's rebirth sitting around. What flask should I swap out? Swapping out witchfire kinda makes sense, but then I'll have to curse manually?
EntropyMu 님이 작성:
I'm about to start this character, and I have maybe a noob question. I happen to have a sin's rebirth sitting around. What flask should I swap out? Swapping out witchfire kinda makes sense, but then I'll have to curse manually?

You could cast vuln manually, or you could swap jade flask out for maximum damage. It all depends on what content you're doing. For the lab, it doesn't really matter about damage.
Anyone have recommendations for way less MS but more tanky ? even at 265ms thats insane and hard to control, id be perfectly happy around 150ms but more tank/dmg if anyone has any tweeks id appreciate it
nevermind just gonna swap out move speed flask with a expiramenters Quartz flask of reflexes and take more life/acrobatics type nodes instead of dmg! should be great with less move speed but way more hp and dodge / spell dodge chance! To be completely honest my pc and myself cant even keep up with movespeed over 250 im not going for record uber lab speed runs lol, just want to enjoy the game and do most of the content....on a side note anyone think the queen of the forest chest will be nerfed? this 400+MS% is ridiculous and almost game breaking

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