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ryugaminemikado89 님이 작성:
AVtime1 님이 작성:
Really leveled smooth with the build.started using RF around lvl 20. it is fairly doable literally facerolled from late act 2 to kitava.

items i used were as follows:

must haves are bolded.

Kikazaru x2 - 1 life regen per level. nice.

Aurumvorax - 150 total resist is good. really good stuff.

Springleaf - 3% life regen. cant beat that.

Coral Amulet - just get one from vendor. just need the base regen. mod regen is a bonus.

SATURATED life flask - you need the saturated one. 50% increased Amount Recovered
33% reduced Recovery Speed saves you a lot.

INSTANT/50% instant life flask - panic button.

Another life flask - of your choosing, for extra safety.

luxury :

Cloak of flame - fire resist. nice.

Shaper's seed - another life regen.

Basically, get as much life regen and fire resistance in your tree as early as possible, juggle with the 3 life flask if needed. IMO the only needed to keep up was the saturated life flask and off you go. really easy faceroll.

eventually you will get the GOLEM, by that time you wont be really needing to keep an eye on your life. just life flask from here and there.

PS. dont put this down without trying it. really works for me.

exaclty what I was waiting for ... too bad I don't have currency xD right now
thanks a bunch

the only a little expensive stuff here is the kikazaru which has been going for 1c since the start of the league still not are like 1 alch. welp. goodluck glad i could help.
Hello! I'm currently at level 85 with this build, doing great at the moment. But I have a question about passive skilltree, why do we level the Dual curse passive if we only use one curse (flammability)? Is there a curse i did not notice?
Sorry if i'm being silly. Great build
misterpetter 님이 작성:
Hello! I'm currently at level 85 with this build, doing great at the moment. But I have a question about passive skilltree, why do we level the Dual curse passive if we only use one curse (flammability)? Is there a curse i did not notice?
Sorry if i'm being silly. Great build

Hey there, no problem, the Witchfire Brew Flask does not only provide increased Damage over Time it does also cast a Level 21 Vulnerability Curse and due that both curses are on us and following and not like manually casted bound to the location, really lovely :))
Have you tried Ralakesh power instead of Abberath?
I managed to get these

Kikazaru x2
Cloak of flame
Shaper's seed

comparing the clearspeed to the one before it feels like

Varskar 님이 작성:
Have you tried Ralakesh power instead of Abberath?

Isn´t physical damage over time only applied by puncture?

I mean yeah bleeding damage can be painful if you do not watch out, but everything else seems to be not worthy at all, except I am missing something.
Having a great time with the build and its nice to not have a huge warrior yelling tukohama at everything.
Added a new Video at the video section (who would have guessed ^^)

T13 3.0 Dual Curse Fully stacked Atoll run: Klick
I thought I will load up a new Video with the Dual Curse setup which we are running in 3.0
I Intentionally rolled a map where monsters are buffed and which does not only consist out of skeletons or seawitches as you often see.
Degeneration came from Vulnerability.
Movementspeed "perma" 120%.
Twinks#7280 님이 2017. 8. 17. 오전 11:07:26에 마지막으로 편집
Hey Twinks,

I am really enjoying the build so far. I love reading about builds and especially enjoy the theories behind the build. You have really put a lot of effort in on this and have explained in great detail on why you chose things. I applaud you! I am almost 70th and I have only died recently doing a lab run. Stupid spike traps!

I have a question for you. I recently bought a new set of gloves that has the "adds cold damage to attacks". I was using the Pyre ring and noticed on POB that the Shield Bash attack had fire damage since the Pyre ring converts cold to fire. My question is does this screw up EE?

Thanks again for the build!
jsjack2002 님이 작성:
Hey Twinks,

I am really enjoying the build so far. I love reading about builds and especially enjoy the theories behind the build. You have really put a lot of effort in on this and have explained in great detail on why you chose things. I applaud you! I am almost 70th and I have only died recently doing a lab run. Stupid spike traps!

I have a question for you. I recently bought a new set of gloves that has the "adds cold damage to attacks". I was using the Pyre ring and noticed on POB that the Shield Bash attack had fire damage since the Pyre ring converts cold to fire. My question is does this screw up EE?

Thanks again for the build!

Thanks for the nice words and yes it does work contra productive with EE.
If you wanna stick to the Pyre Ring then you need to get added lightning damage in order to make EE work properly.

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