[3.2] Budget Deadeye Shrapnel Shot - subtle killer
Is there a skill tree posted. I can't find it.
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I am currently using Cospri's Will to have an additional curse (Poachers Mark/Projectile weakness) aura, instead of Herald of Ash but I am not sure if this is a good idea. I will be getting the 12% mana reserved reduction near the ranger to get Herald of ash as well by level 80. What do you think? At level 75 I currently feel a little squishy and I am not sure if I should be looking to get endurance or frenzy charges. Also, Would using Carcass Jack chest armor for extra AOE size and damage be useful on this build? Or is that overkill. |
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well.. ofc if the Cospri's work for you, then it is 'a ok' choice
extra curse is stronger than 5Link -> 6Link for most builds. offensively but more importantly - defensively. Enfeeble/Temp Chains - for a squishy archer - is INVALUABLE so I can understand picking Cospri's for +1 curse only if you use defensive curse. Lightning Coil or a strong AR chest is IMO needed for phys threats. youll face many of these. remember that this build DOES NOT benefit from poison. youll get some extra damage out of it but it is not worth talking about EXCEPT for the rather non-standard play with these new Pale Council gloves with 'element can poison'. even if - poison requires separate scaling that this build is not about. it can be explored and Chin Sol probably is a good weapon for that BUT - and this is a big BUT - this is the wrong guide for that Carcass? forget about it, the +area is miniscule and damage you do not really need. pick the chest for defence this time |
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I tried enfeeble last night and it made a huge difference! Thank you.
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How do you feel about phys to lighning support to get more value out of elemental nodes?
I'm also going to go the cold damage route as raider with hypothermia/herald of ice. I switched out slower proj for hypothermia and with only 3 frenzies the damage was far superior (also makes ele damage gem more valuable). Just gonna have to use a diamond flask then but i feel like the survivability will be much better. Chimmy81#7163 님이 2017. 9. 7. 오전 3:07:56에 마지막으로 편집
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Thanks for the build, I'm a new PoE, and this will probably be my third build and main character I'll be playing.
I just checked Poe.trade and sadly the Jewel alone is more than the entirety of my currency thus far. In your passives tree, you mentioned if you don't have the Lionseye Jewel, to use an alternate skill tree. I was just wondering if you could post up the alternate version of that passive tree? EDIT: Ah nevermind. I managed to figure out what the Duelists Leech nodes were heh, Vitality Void and Spirit Void. publiq#3665 님이 2017. 9. 7. 오전 5:05:03에 마지막으로 편집
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Phys to Lightning has some advantages and is a very strong option (requiring some different gearing etc). Im not using it - because Signal Fire has 50% phys to fire conversion and i DO WANT at least 1 phys damage (to cause bleeding that enables the HUUGE damage from Deadeye's crit/crit multi vs bleeding enemies)
If i was to use other quiver id go for phys to lightning and select a bit different tree/items. It is possible and viable option but Signal Fire is simply too cheap to ignore Your other points - cold damage and flat cold damage scaling is a 100% different build. I cannot offer any help, have no experience with this type of scaling Lioneye's Fall price is a bit of surprise for me. It had to go waaay up in rarity tiers this league because it used to be 1-2c for years. Mathil (popular streamer/youtuber) recently described exactly this scenario in one of his guides: https://youtu.be/Myr1kb3tIQ0?t=185 btw his build is pretty damn good one. so you can try that one too if you like. im not a fan of ice shot but it is all matter of taste |
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Why no powerful precision?
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because Rupture is flat out better (20% crit chance < 40% crit multi). not to mention that 2 out of 3 properties from Powerful Precision are useless on Shrapnel shot and Rupture gives us Bleed protection
Powerful Precision was and kinda still is a VERY niche node. so niche that i cannot see myself ever using it in its current state sidtherat#1310 님이 2017. 9. 9. 오전 11:50:42에 마지막으로 편집
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