[2.6] HC Cleave - Cheap, super tanky, good clearspeed. Perfect Leaguestarter

What'd be the bandit choice in 3.0?
Would it be a viable Option to use other Flasks also?
Instead of the Resist once.
- Granite Flask (Iron Skin)
- Jade Flask (Reflexes)

That would boost our deffense also, no?
In a kinda different way i guess?

Also instead of using the Basalt Flask is it possible to use
- Sulphur Flask

That would provide another burst against lets say heavy bosses or rares, no?

Would like to hear your opinions on this thoughts.
Loving your Build so far!
Yenthu#1301 님이 2017. 8. 8. 오전 9:38:15에 마지막으로 편집
Would two soul takers work well on this build? Or would it be pointless?
Thnaks for the post mate. I do use it in 3.0 without knowing if its the best, until now (46 lvl) all good. Can you give us a breakdown form the optimal lvls of Gems?
It looks OK in 3.0. I reset the tree and did not notice any changes. Im level 90 at the moment
Im level 76 and can't solo merc lab... Die pretty often in T5-t6 maps. I've basically mirrored your build tho I haven't been able to find very good rings/ammy or a good second hand axe. What am I doing wrong?
Since the author of this topic has not been active recently, maybe I can help. Show me your gear and I will check it. Also, can you post your stats here?
Marek_Kumitsu#2281 님이 2017. 8. 25. 오전 2:56:54에 마지막으로 편집
Any tipps on pantheon choices?
Need help with skill tree after retribution can't see where u went after

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