[3.4 Update!] Thor's Little Sister; Mjolner Build (ELE + SLA) (PoB included)
" I never mentioned video anywhere in my post, but I'll look into making some when I find a decent screen-cap program (currently looking for one). If you have any suggestions for something that is quick and easy to use, I'd appreciate the tip. [Update/Edit] Found some suitable programs for videos, recorded and uploaded a video for demonstration purposes, will add more stuff later. Ravvynfall#4259 님이 2017. 6. 17. 오후 6:42:40에 마지막으로 편집
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I was trying to have a look at the skill tree links but they do not seem to be compatible with the latest version of Path of Building for some reason. Can you please upload the links again? as I am having to view your character profile instead. I am unsure as to why you are using two separate spells when the changes to Mjölner previously now only make you cast one spell at a time. We could just focus on one spell here.
Other than this I would like to point out if you were to use the x2 Wildfire jewels with Molten Strike you would be able to drop GMP for something else or just keep it for 8 projectiles altogether. G3nobee56#6797 님이 2017. 7. 1. 오후 6:06:02에 마지막으로 편집
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" Hey, I'll take a look at the PoB links for you and try to get that fixed. As for why the 2 spells and GMP on molten strike, I figured that the build does "enough" damage to be acceptable for my needs and playstyle through the discharge and arc combination to not worry about trying to support molten strike, for further clarification, when I chose to go with MS as a trigger effect, I chose it specifically to be a trigger effect rather than a damage source itself, and needed to ignore the jewels to support it for stat jewels instead since getting certain stats (resists) covered within the build was a bit of a challenge for me. As for the spells in the weapon, with MS supporting it "per hit" it causes a bit of an avalanche effect with the spells fired and causes a fair balance of single target AND pack clear due to having both spells even if they fire one at a time via alternating the casts. I found the alternation casting to be perfectly acceptable in the application of maintaining both single and multi-clear potential. I could be a bit lazy or biased regarding the execution, but for my needs, I felt it reasonable to handle it like that. I hope that clarifies everything for you on how and why I wanted to handle things the way I did. Again, I'll look at those links for you and try to get them sorted out :) Cheers! [EDIT/UPDATE] I updated my PoB to V1.4.40 and generated new import codes for 2.6 and 3.0 versions of the tree and tested the code links, they should be working for copy/paste now. Cheers! Ravvynfall#4259 님이 2017. 7. 2. 오전 10:25:48에 마지막으로 편집
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Foolsbane#3403 님이 2017. 8. 16. 오후 7:30:42에 마지막으로 편집
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Is there a way you would suggest getting endurance charges without the necklace? Also I am having problems having any mana to use shield charge and leap during battles, is this normal? By the way im having a blast with this build, just beat Act 10 and starting to map. Absolutely love it, thank you so much
Foolsbane#3403 님이 2017. 8. 19. 오후 9:17:04에 마지막으로 편집
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The link to the build seems broken it is missing areas that link so i can't build it my self D:
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Hey, loving this build so far but the single target seems a bit lack luster, I have all the items suggested for the build, but one target seems to take forever to burn down, I also see no real need for running purity of lightning over herald of thunder if over capped? Is there a reason for running it all the time or is it just if your undercapped? Here is a list of my items, only level 70 at the moment but climbing. Trying to figure out a way of squeezing more damage out.
Yuzanaki#0114 님이 2017. 8. 22. 오후 3:05:04에 마지막으로 편집
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for more dmg its rather EZ use
the CD reduction let u get 1 extra discharge per sec A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
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" How so? Does it make discharge cast faster by reducing it's cast time from 1 sec? Wondering how the CDR helps that's all. (Not a veteran of the game, only played a prior season) Also is there no alternative to Arctic armour? Seems like a wasted slot as I find I never really need it, nothing at all else that would benefit the build better? Yuzanaki#0114 님이 2017. 8. 22. 오후 4:19:04에 마지막으로 편집
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its reduce the PROC CD on mjolner from .25 sec to .21sec
A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
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