Newbie looking for build advice

Good day all,

I'm new to the Duelist and fairly new to the game overall and am seeking suggestions for a build/builds to fulfill a character concept. I started this guy to be the swashbuckler type depicted in the class image, but soon realized they're more of an armor class than I'd thought; so he's now headed toward Gladiator. Yes, I do RP in my head while playing. :D

I've looked over a ton of builds here and to be frank, I need more game experience to be able to decipher all of it. Some guidance would be appreciated.

Is there a good build, are there good builds that are focused around dual wielding swords and are more in your face combat rather than "casting spells" like ground slam or blade flurry? Right now I'm focusing on Cleave and Molten Strike. Are there any other viable melee builds? If so, could you please point me in the right direction?

Kind regards,

ConquerorDromtar 님이 2017. 4. 19. 오전 7:58:26에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2017. 4. 19. 오전 7:56:48

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