Scion Ascendant 3.0 Changes Thoughts/Theory Craft

I'm thinking ele/slayer wander and a golemancer.

Not sure if I will need a lame totem tosser to get started though :/

I think ill try some pure physical build. Slayer bonus begs for some kind of such build.

EQ+less durartion+brutality+maim+more psychical+fortify.
Asheren 님이 2017. 6. 9. 오전 7:54:19에 마지막으로 편집
I want to try and build slayer+assassin using hegemony's era
laralice 님이 2017. 6. 19. 오전 9:08:01에 마지막으로 편집
I'm looking at an elementalist/raider glacial cascade build with MoM.
Penetration and reflect protection from elementalist (conflux won't offer much as probably ele focus, golems a bit of a boost), move speed, frenzies and onslaught from raider.

Raider isn't a huge help, but allows easy pathing to bit more life, mana/flask nodes and cold conversion for 100%.

Possible starter build, haven't played either scion or GC in ages, and actually have a reason to now.
Eventually will probably be pledge and CoD - if not too expensive.
But can use anything for levelling - The Princess sword is a decent option for up to 30% more cold damage, could even dual wield.

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