[3.0] [STARTER] [MINER] FROSTBolt KING - ATZ/uLAB /Guardians/Vaal Temple # CI/LIFE-MOM #

I bought it for like 50c.
Yes because Chimera and Minotaur are hitting really hard and you need more ES. For Hydra and Phoenix you need more movement speed. For double beyond T15 you need that ES too. And to cap your resists.
To run Tremor Rod and Devoto's is only possible if you have good gear or you sacrafice Clarity for Resist Aura.
Just got that amulett for 40c to cap my fire res.
what do u think about skill CI and play shavronnes isnt it better to unskill CI that u have a bit amount of Life?

and the 1440armour on incandescend Heart brings big benefit for this build?

i got a decend amount of chaos and i am not sure what 6linked i should buy..

Hi there,

i'm sort of following this build (mixed with others) and i have some questions. I'm still pretty new to this game, so forgive me for stupid questions :).

This is my basic skilltree which leaves me with some options:

- I might need to pick up the +30 str / dex nodes
- Arcane Potency (6 point investment)
- Deep Wisdom / Deep Thpughts / Soul Siphon (each 2 point investment)
- I've seen a build with Elemental Equilibrium, but I'm not sure I want that (4 Points + 1 for another jewel slot)
- Discipline and Training + Retribution (6 points with additional life node)

What should i go for?


- I will be using Tabula Rasa for leveling, but probably will have to use a 5L once i reach maps. Which gem should i cut? Crit or Cold Penetration?

- I've seen a guide using Temporal Chains / Blasphemy as defensive concept. This would mean a second curse slot, probably doedre's. Another choice would be Enfeeble. Is this an option?

- Can i swap tempest shield for immortal call, or would that not work?
How do you approach single target? The clear is great, but single target takes some effort. I find the only way to kill a boss is to come to melee range and spam mines right next to him with a detonating totem.
In this respect glacial cascade seems much better, i'm testing it right now.
akavangop 님이 작성:
How do you approach single target? The clear is great, but single target takes some effort. I find the only way to kill a boss is to come to melee range and spam mines right next to him with a detonating totem.
In this respect glacial cascade seems much better, i'm testing it right now.

Damiano_POL 님이 작성:
For Hard Rares & Bosses:
Curse on Hit + Frostbite + Orb of Storms + Enchance / Empower etc.
+ Vaal Lightning Trap

Check my [3.0] [STARTER] [MINER] FROSTBolt KING - ATZ/uLAB /Guardians/Vaal Temple # CI/LIFE-MOM # ### pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1903979
Influx 님이 작성:
Hi there,

i'm sort of following this build (mixed with others) and i have some questions. I'm still pretty new to this game, so forgive me for stupid questions :).

This is my basic skilltree which leaves me with some options:

- I might need to pick up the +30 str / dex nodes
- Arcane Potency (6 point investment)
- Deep Wisdom / Deep Thpughts / Soul Siphon (each 2 point investment)
- I've seen a build with Elemental Equilibrium, but I'm not sure I want that (4 Points + 1 for another jewel slot)
- Discipline and Training + Retribution (6 points with additional life node)

What should i go for?


- I will be using Tabula Rasa for leveling, but probably will have to use a 5L once i reach maps. Which gem should i cut? Crit or Cold Penetration?

- I've seen a guide using Temporal Chains / Blasphemy as defensive concept. This would mean a second curse slot, probably doedre's. Another choice would be Enfeeble. Is this an option?

- Can i swap tempest shield for immortal call, or would that not work?

Arcane Potency = more dmg
Deep Wisdom = no (u can invest that 2points in life), Deep Thoughts & Soul Siphon = moar mana for mana issues
Elemental Equilibrium = just reducing your damage.
Discipline and Training + Retribution = moar life, that would be my choice!
All defends from your gear, if u have lack of life then go for life, more survi, if u dont care about survi go for dmg :)

1. better option is Cold Penetration
2. If u got free slots and u dont want use def setups like:
a) CWDT + Immortall Call + Phase Run + Tempest Shield
b) CWDT + Detonate Mines + _____ others

then go for Temporal Chains + Blasphemy but:remember about mana issue. This build eats a lof of mana

3. Yes u can swap tempest shield for immortall call + CWDT + INC Dur. + ____ -but then remember about strenght requirements for red gems (CWDT + INC Dur + Imm.Call) - just level them to 4/5 lvl, Inc Dur. level to 20 or even 21 ;)
Check my [3.0] [STARTER] [MINER] FROSTBolt KING - ATZ/uLAB /Guardians/Vaal Temple # CI/LIFE-MOM # ### pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1903979
Arcane Potency = more dmg
Deep Wisdom = no (u can invest that 2points in life), Deep Thoughts & Soul Siphon = moar mana for mana issues
Elemental Equilibrium = just reducing your damage.
Discipline and Training + Retribution = moar life, that would be my choice!
All defends from your gear, if u have lack of life then go for life, more survi, if u dont care about survi go for dmg :)

1. better option is Cold Penetration
2. If u got free slots and u dont want use def setups like:
a) CWDT + Immortall Call + Phase Run + Tempest Shield
b) CWDT + Detonate Mines + _____ others

then go for Temporal Chains + Blasphemy but:remember about mana issue. This build eats a lof of mana

3. Yes u can swap tempest shield for immortall call + CWDT + INC Dur. + ____ -but then remember about strenght requirements for red gems (CWDT + INC Dur + Imm.Call) - just level them to 4/5 lvl, Inc Dur. level to 20 or even 21 ;)

Thanks for the reply, appreciate it. Slowly I begin to understand this game, there is just so much to know :).

This is the gem setup i have laid out for me:

- Frostbolt, Remote Mine, Mine and Trap Damage, Minefield, Cold Penetration (+ Crit if I get a 6L)
- Orb of Storms, Chain Support, Curse on Hit, Frostbite
- Detonate Mines, Spell Totem, Faster Casting, Ice Golem

Defense / Utility:
- Cwdt, Immortal Call, Detonate Mine, Inc Duration
- Temporal Chains, Blasphemy, Discipline
- Whirling Blades, Fortify, Faster Attacks

Is this ok? I would have liked to get Phase Run in there, but i dont have any slots for it. Same with a golem mod like culling strikes. I'm playing SC btw, so it's not a huge deal should i die once in a while. But it would be nice not to :).
buyed moonstone ring with 41% increased elemental damage with attack skills.
but i doesnt affect my dps...or is just not shown but affect my damage?
Thanks :)
TomStar22 님이 작성:
buyed moonstone ring with 41% increased elemental damage with attack skills.
but i doesnt affect my dps...or is just not shown but affect my damage?
Thanks :)

Frostbolt is not an attack skill, its a spell. You need to buy an Opal Ring and craft Essences to boost your damage. It can get really expensive.
Any idea how power charges are generated for this build?

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