[3.0] WanderFinder Under 1ex Guardians/Shaper no problem.

CptQaoz 님이 작성:
Top 10 beta right now, so i have some mapping experience in 3.0.

Leveling is super fast with ele bow like usual (except the first ~30 lvl) once you get a high AS bow with some flat dmg or crit chance. HoI + HoT + WED are an important spike in act 2, aswell as wrath in act 3. Be sure to use LA for aoe and barrage for single, worked rly nicely, switch the 4L setup around for bosses if you only have one 4L.

I switched to wand once i had a piscators, but an imbued wand with around 1-130 light dmg and open suffix for crit chance is as good tooltip wise, just missing the 5% ele pen from the piscators. The accuracy on piscators is useless btw if you use the Lycosidae shield.

Low maps were a breeze too, just be sure to spec life nodes asap.
I was using some uniques like rats nest, tabula, thunderfist, shield and wand ofc. So not much space for resis and life. But a high resis jewel and the new alira reward of 15% all res fix that.

Higher maps, like T8-10 can be sketchy with only the 3.6-3.8k life i had. Once i switched to a 5L belly (taking out crit chance gem) i felt way safer (new life 4.4-4.5k life).
And the clear speed doesnt drop much if at all with only a 5L cuz you can play more aggressive and facetank the more life you have.
Also switched from a basalt flask to atziri flask, which helps making up for losing the sixth gem. Also gives a good amount of extra leech and chaos res which both is awesome for a life build with small hp pool.

Hope to sustain red maps today to see how it feels there.

BETA changes:
They increased boss hp by a ton for some bosses, and you can feel it in maps.
So you might wanna skip some scary ones or level up in low level maps in which you still make tons of exp because of the high clear speed.

Hope that helped someone.

Please keep me updated! I'm playing Beta, but I'm waiting until the first initial wipe to try this build. I'm having a toss up of using this build for 3.0 start or a Slayer Ngamahu Cyclone build. If they nerf Barrage, then I'll probably go Cyclone.
omgMajk 님이 작성:
I'm playing my first wander and I was going through act II in 3.0, any ideas on which bandit to help to get the most out of the build? Doesn't look like I can get all the options in the OP in 3.0.

Alira is the best for new league start. The 15% all res is 45% res for free, which helps gearing a lot with how many uniques you use in this build.

Kraityn might be better late game but i dont think so. Youll have enough movespeed as Pathfinder and the attack speed isnt much either.

Alira is the best for new league start. The 15% all res is 45% res for free, which helps gearing a lot with how many uniques you use in this build.

Kraityn might be better late game but i dont think so. Youll have enough movespeed as Pathfinder and the attack speed isnt much either.

My thoughts exactly. Especially in a SSFHC setting, or SC/HC league start. Alira will allow you to snag a cheap 6l chest piece with no/low resists.
og3r 님이 2017. 6. 13. 오후 4:27:14에 마지막으로 편집
og3r 님이 작성:

Alira is the best for new league start. The 15% all res is 45% res for free, which helps gearing a lot with how many uniques you use in this build.

Kraityn might be better late game but i dont think so. Youll have enough movespeed as Pathfinder and the attack speed isnt much either.

My thoughts exactly. Especially in a SSFHC setting, or SC/HC league start. Alira will allow you to snag a cheap 6l chest piece with no/low resists.

Thanks, I was leaning towards her but now it's cemented. Cheers dudes.
edit:nvm sry
YouGotCrabs 님이 2017. 6. 14. 오후 10:31:57에 마지막으로 편집
I've spent few days of beta leveling up different charters, but now i got to test wander, i went up to red map pretty easly, new bosses are annoying only till you get above level 70
AceofSpadesqt 님이 작성:
I've spent few days of beta leveling up different charters, but now i got to test wander, i went up to red map pretty easly, new bosses are annoying only till you get above level 70

Keep us posted AceofSpadesqt! I'd test your build in Beta if I had more time. I'm hoping that the Boss HP buff doesn't hurt your builds viability that much.
how do you deal with reflect ?
Nemesis IGN: [Removed by Admin]
hellzer 님이 작성:
how do you deal with reflect ?

The few maps I did with ele reflect went OK..

each KB hits many small times, not enough to one hit kill you, and you leech a lot of life back, but still very risky, especially once you get very high upfront DMG
what do u guys think about the changes coming for Pathfinder? will we be running raider now for the Frenzys move speed etc ?

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